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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. My barbs would always get that way. I thought they had bloat and all kinds of issues from the food I was feeding. It's likely just meaning it's a female. Keep an eye on behavior (especially breeding aggression and nipping) and have some erythromycin handy if the herd decides to tear her up and they cause damage. Barbs are known to get open sores with leads to secondary fungal issues, bacterial infections. So Aquarium Salt + Erythromycin will cover a lot of that. This is a really cool look into the process.
  2. Add aquarium salt to the treatment if you can. Feel better @Cinnebuns
  3. It's definitely concerning given the shape of the poop and other issues. I would treat what you can with paracleanse for 2-3 weeks at minimum. I think it's 5 days on, 2 days rest, but whatever the directions are on the box. You could have them in the substrate and all that, but I am unfamiliar with if that is meaningful at all for this situation. Is there a high risk of contamination from tank to tank with equipment or hands?
  4. On one of green aquas videos they said a single pot should be able to cover an area the size of your hand. Probably slightly bigger but that gives you an idea. For carpeting I would recommend trying to start from one side or one section and then use root tabs to lead it across the spots that you want it to spread to. Depending what you're trying to use I would recommend ACO plants over Petco. Especially locally for me they usually cost more and are much worse condition. (Moss, epiphytes, etc.) Anubias, ferns, buce, hygro pinnatifida. If you have the scape for it I'd start with moss. The part I was mentioning is about 6:30 in
  5. That's fantastic. Nicely done! Your anubias behind it. Do you have something to clean the black algae on the edges? If not, I'd probably pull 2-3 of those leaves and see if it perks up.
  6. I would lean towards other loaches, depending on temp, that don't get gigantic in the end. If you have a place for them, cool. But something like yo-yo or zebra loaches would be where I start. Ah I see. Very cool. I would base the choice on long term care (lifespan) and on your temp needs.
  7. Eeesh, that's unfortunate. Thankfully you know the reason for it now.
  8. Nope! Just repashy powders. There is very likely shrimp/krill but I don't have any live foods for them yet 🙂 The last time I got them to spawn the tank was new and just planted, they had eggs and a few fry made it, but all I have is one of the fry on black substrate all colored up. It's funny, having little fry in there and not even seeing them for weeks at a time. Once you do you just spend all day there. That red /yellow belly is in the adults too. It's like a burnt orange type of red and then their underside is a yellowish grey color. They look like have a tan or something, 😂.
  9. Oh man. This is just.... Perfection. @Guppysnail From what we were discussing in the other thread, I give you this masterpiece.
  10. Very likely, he does have a video on it. 🙂 That's awesome. It's one of those things. I want to stick my head on the sides and see all the little hidden interesting bits 🙂
  11. I have a book you might be interested in. When I finish it I will have to reach out and figure out if that's something you'd enjoy being sent your way. Honestly, it's a very good start to answering this question, partially, and it's relation to conservation efforts (not just sharks, but a variety of species). Book is called "why sharks matter" and I'm glad I stumbled upon it for the sake of nothing more than I just get the opportunity to learn a lot more than I have about sharks. It's very interesting when you have someone elaborate on a different perspective and you see something in a different light. It's sort of like a "snarky" philosophy textbook of sorts centered on animal conservation of ocean species.
  12. Yeah, I can't really rule out any sort of disease at this point. If you can, post a full tank shot so we can see what the surroundings looks like and let us know the parameters and everything going on with this fish. It definitely looks like missing scales, but sometimes that just the pattern on fish where they have what looks like a stripe/flat spot on their head as part of the pattern. @Colu what do you see?
  13. The side that is facing the back in this shot. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL face of mopani. It's a big wide flat piece and it has such a great aesthetic to it. I really think so many can underestimate how pleasing mopani can be in a tank. Especially if you get a few pieces with such nice grain and texture to it. It'll be very awesome to see this tank progress. I'll try to grab a shot of my mopani tank. I had an old piece that was about the size of the one you have, plastered some moss on it and called it a day. it was like a little hobbit hill by the time all the plants crashed on me. The moss was the first thing I lost, but that big face full of moss was just perfect for shrimp and fish eggs.
  14. This rock is awesome, lava rock? JUST 10!? hahaha.... I say you can fit 50 in there easy. I kind of like the idea of the S. Repens in the left corner and just seeing how it does up front. There was this one plant I found and it might be PERFECT for a background in this tank. It's a version of hairgrass but it gets 18" long. I would love to see it in a dutch style aquascape, but I've only ever seen it in a tank like this as a river type of setup. Eleocharis vivipara (Tall / Umbrella Hairgrass) This may or may not be it, but very similar behavior and plant appearance.
  15. Weird @Beardedbillygoat1975 it's not letting me click the link in your signature. I'll get there, but not sure if it's just me and this browser or if something broke on ya.
  16. Hey everyone, So I keep a variety of species in two tanks, the focus being corydoras and amano shrimp. Pretty much everything does well with "whatever" but I have tried a few methods and just really haven't found what I am comfortable with. I have some time before I need to buy more food and I feel like I really want to find something better. First, I do have one very specific consideration that I would like to add: I would opt to not use anything that has the term "fish meal" as it's first ingredient. I wouldn't like it at all, but I kind of understand it's just going to be there because fish eat fish. I tend to lean pretty hard on a few food right now, specifically things with fly larvae, spirulina, shrimp, or frozen foods. My "treat" is when I get to feed repashy and using better ingredients is just generally easier and second nature. I can control things a lot better using repashy and it's nearly a perfect food for the tanks I keep. They don't overeat, it's always there for them, easy to get at, etc. Here's my dilemma. I was looking at food and I just sort of threw my hands up in frustration. This is from a common brand of algae wafers and I know this is one of the few wafers my fish always enjoy. First, that asterisk means it's basically "whatever" and the ingredients don't matter. Very weird to add that without having some sort of clarifying statement about how much can change in the ingredients list. We also have fish meal as the first ingredient on an algae wafer..... and then we have stuff like "dried bakery product". I have also seen the most bizarre statement ever on a food label of: "grain products" "animal protein products of marine origins" "plant protein products" "processed grain by-products" I guess I am just frustrated with the very non-specific words used to explain what's going in things. It's kind of like flipping over a TV dinner and seeing it say "green things" or something. I don't need to have some crazy expensive foods, but I just really, really want to find something quality and that's clear as to what's going on in the food recipe. This leads me down a few paths.... something like bug bites might be useful. krill flakes as opposed to something else that is a flake food and "fish meal" based. krill pellets, if they exist, I would imagine so. and I am assuming there is other options I am just not thinking about. My parameters for use are: -something with krill/shrimp -something small for small mouth fish (repashy is fine, but a flake or micropellet works) -something that is fully sinking, not semi-floating -something with spirulina as a main ingredient Any ideas? Anything you use that would work for me that you can share!!!??? Edit: Hm, I am thinking maybe this works for some of what I need? https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/fish-food/products/hikari-discus-bio-gold Bug bites looks like a decent option too and I just went through all of the repashy versions.
  17. I guess I'm thankful I don't understand. 🙂 That's unfortunate. Hopefully all is well now?
  18. @Odd Duck any chance yours were crossbreeding and that explains the pattern discrepancy? One you have is lineage 9 the other is lineage 7. So no chance, right?
  19. You can kind of see it here marked with the red arrow. Some of the leaves look tattered/worn because of the pruning, algae is there and I try to keep it off and pick those leaves. I haven't ever since I got fry because I assume they'll use it to hide out in. I siphon out algae and bits of food and moss from the S. Repens specifically. New growth looks fine, but I would say it always looks pale in photos. The black spots is often food, substrate bits, or just general junk on the surface. The glass has spots of the black algae, so part of that speckling on the leaves is misleading. The plant in the background (through the red arrow) is in good shape and I've been trying to propogate the plant "north" in the tank up towards the hygro area. I want the S/R to carpet, the hygro to get tall, and the moss to just overtake everything. I have some stems in the back right of the tank that no one ever sees, but they are there trying to take hold and it's a 50/50 show whether they are bacopa or S/R.
  20. what do you mean? I have the light basically tuned JUST for that plant. it's not doing great, not doing badly. I need to pop in more root tabs around the border, but it's one of those "what lies beneath" type of things. It does well because of the CO2, because it's lean dosing (I think it helps), but it definitely has algae all over it because everything uses it as cover right now. It's basically where the gigantic corydoras think they can hide and not be seen.
  21. Really weird. Hopefully all you see is continued improvement!
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