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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. What he said. 😂 Survival rate tend to depend on the breathing organ development (and other things). Make sure that you have a lid on the tank so that the fry can breathe warm air instead of cold air that kills them. Hence @Fish Folks “mysterious crash”.
  2. Congrats! I had to look them up to see how they looked 🙃:
  3. @Cory has stacked sponge filters for his mini musk turtle tank.
  4. I’m betting on fry before the end of the month. 😜 Nice species! I saw a couple of them along with some Elizabethae in my LFS and they look great when they’re fired up.
  5. I’d do another one after that just to be safe. If you have love plants they’ll also help to make the salt disappear.
  6. I’ve learnt that a large school of one species of tetra is visually nicer than 6 of every species you can find in a big box store. Lesson learned!
  7. I’m having to chop & change the tanks a bit before going on holiday. The hundreds of danio fry aren’t exactly helping, and I’ve realized that the few tetra fry I have probably wouldn’t survive my absence. 🤦‍♂️ This dark cloud does have a silver lining though: glowlight tetra fry take 5 days to develop, and my vacation lasts exactly 5 days as well. With a bit of luck, I can spawn the tetras the morning I leave, and come back to some free-swimming fry. I know it’s a long shot, but I’m optimistic that BBS induced romance can conquer all. 😂 Also went to a friend of mines ski-jumping competition (acrobatic). It’s super surprising that they don’t twist an ankle when they land on the airbag at the bottom.
  8. Maybe some of those tree bark sheets they sell in reptile stores?
  9. Luminatus are my favorite rainbows hands down! They’re fun to breed and the colors are pretty sick, and I’ve used them as dither fish for bettas. In answer to one of your questions, rainbowfish can crossbreed within genera (Pseudomugil, Melanotenaea, etc) but not between genera (hopefully that makes sense!). You can start a colony with just 3 fish (1M 2F) which is what I did, because my 14yo couldn’t afford any more 😅. Keeping that ratio is probably a good idea. They’ll lay eggs wherever, but spawning mops and Java moss work fine. @Lennie are you a psychic? Did you see me admire the Luminatus in my LFS yesterday?? 😂 You should do a thing with your chums @beastie and @Guppysnail: you each get a different species of Pseudomugil (or a different locale of the same species) and who ever breeds them first wins the undying respect of the others 😜😂.
  10. Mountainttoppufferkeeper feeds his with crayfish (dead). Maybe it would take shrimp?
  11. Hornbach Switzerland has the same thing going on. I’d replace the royal tetra with maybe some emperor tetras, or at least something a bit smaller. What sort of plants are you going to put in?
  12. The co-op sponge filter is totally shrimp safe. @Cory runs most of his tanks on them and has a gazillion of shrimp.
  13. Shrimp are a pretty good choice for a newbies tank. My dad has a little shrimp tank on his desk in his office and he says that he spends most of his phone calls staring at it. 😏
  14. One day maybe…I’ll need to get myself a rack of tanks like yours first! The remaining glowlight fry seem about a day away from being free swimming. So far I’ve spotted a grand total of 2. 😅
  15. We have around 20 wrigglers! They’re to tiny that my cameras having trouble picking them up.
  16. Added 3 shrimp to the little tank. Baby Cory juvies: The majority of the tetras hatched today. I probably made a mistake in leaving the parents in for another day, there only seem to be 20 wrigglers.
  17. Blake’s Aquatics on YouTube did a great video on how to culture them: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N01sW1ki1oM&pp=ygURYmxhY2t3b3JtIGN1bHR1cmU%3D
  18. Looks as good as @mountaintoppufferkeepers!
  19. I could totally did that 12 gal for my desk. WCMM all the way!
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