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Scott P.

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Everything posted by Scott P.

  1. Warren what art of Georgia are you moving to? Only reason I ask is I live in Central Ga. I hope you don't mind a little humidity. LOL
  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one that sniffs the tank. Mine also reminds me of an earthy smell. I don't know what would cause a rotten egg smell but it would alarm me for sure.
  3. You will probably get at least a brown diatom algae outbreak. It is fairly normal on a new tank. Looks terrible but usually goes away fairly quickly. Also as far as fertilizers go, I dose a small amount daily. I don't believe in large weekly doses. The plants can't use it all in one setting so the algae grabs it. I give mine a few drops daily during the middle of the photo period.
  4. I run my Aquasky at around 5-6 on blue. Mid 50s on red, mid 60s on green and about 75 white. If I go any higher I get almost instant algae.
  5. I use a laser temp gun. Comes in real handy in the kitchen also. Those little $! glass thermometers are junk and impossible to read.
  6. You're off to a great start. Looks good so far. I really like the driftwood.
  7. Greetings Texan. I don't live in Texas but my daughter and her family does.
  8. I have only purchased online one time. That was last week. Ordered from Aquahuna. Fish came in well packaged and alive. So far so good. I live in Mid Georgia, we don't have much to choose from here either. Good luck.
  9. @GideyonI did that same thing with my lift tube. Removed it and put a plug that I drilled out in it. Looks much better and only cost $1 for the plug.
  10. If they are grown or close to it, I feed one time per day, skipping one day a week. Smaller fish that are still growing get fed twice per day.
  11. Well my tank now has inhabitants. Ten Harlequin Rasbora. Ordered from AquaHuna. First time I ever even considered ordering fish online. Went very smooth and no dead fish. They were funny when I put them in the tank. They all hid behind the Amazon Sword, all except for one. He never hid. He just went straight into explore mode. The rest came out one at a time to join him. He may be a leader in the making. They are super little but I like that. I get to watch them grow up.
  12. I've been searching around for the same info. So far I've seen where some of the Cryptocorynes do well in higher temps. That's all I can remember. I need to take notes.
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