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Scott P.

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Everything posted by Scott P.

  1. In general I don't like rare or hard to find fish, but I love that one. Very cool. My favorite simple easy to find is the Panda Cory. I love the Cory cats of just about any size or color.
  2. You get my business by having the best prices, services and product line. That is all I will say about that.
  3. @ Pattie you said you lost your tetras. Maybe the same thing that got them is getting to Buddy. Most tetras are fairly easy to keep alive.
  4. @laritheloud the thing I found shocking was how fast he got back to it. He went straight to it taking the shortest route possible. I think they are smarter than we may think. I will take your advice and see what happens. Thanks to you and @Odd Duck for chiming in.
  5. @Odd Duck I only have one in there at this time but he seems quite determined. Smart too.
  6. He is eating the fine hair roots. You don't think that will bother the plants? I just checked on him and he has stripped all the fine hairs from a long root in a matter of minutes.
  7. I have this one bladder snail ( I think it's a bladder ) in my tank. It hitched a ride on one of the plants that I put in my tank. Now up until a few minutes ago I was ok with him staying there. Then I caught him eating the fine hair roots on my frogbit. I took my long tweezers and knocked him off. Well he was not to be denied. It literally took him about five minutes to get back up there. Now keep in mind he had to cross the bottom, climb up the back wall and find the suction cup that has my frogbit corral hooked in place. This makes me this these guys are smarter than I gave them credit for. I have to corral my frogbit to keep it out of the faster moving water. Un-corraled it just get pushed into one corner and he would have an easier time getting to it. My question for you guys is this. Is he just going to eat the roots till my frogbit dies? Should I be concerned or should I just go ahead and remove him? I don't mind the snail but I want my frogbit more than I need a snail. What would you do?
  8. Welcome Pattie, you came to the right place. Good luck with your new tank.
  9. Nice set. So far I have a 10 inch curved pair of scissors and a 10 inch pair of tweezers.
  10. @Diving AquaristI follow Dr Novak on youtube. He makes a lot of sense. Plenums are a good system if set up right.
  11. Back in the late 70's the EPA started banning phosphates in laundry detergent because it was making its way into the waterways and causing major problems with algae and fish die off. I think phosphates were used to make the detergent work better.
  12. Greetings and good luck with your tank. It sounds like fun.
  13. Just went out window shopping for fish this morning. Talk about slim pickings. The only place that had any kind of stock had sick signs all over the tanks. I know a few weeks ago they were battling a major Ick outbreak. They did have some beautiful Rams in there though. Petsmart didn't have much stock at all and what they did have had some crazy prices. It's looking more like AquaHuna every day.
  14. @Odd Duck the corral thingy is what I did for mine. Mine is about six inches across as all I am corralling at the moment is about 7 small plants, did the suction cup thing also. Thanks for the reply as I was a bit concerned about the lighting.
  15. Right now they are directly under my light. Do you think that will be too much? I tried letting them roam but they get caught up in the right front corner. Not much light going on there. The light is a Fluval Aquasky which isn't an overly strong light to start with.
  16. My plan is a small group of Harlequin Rasboras 6 or so. Maybe 4-5 Panda Cory cats and a pair of Bolivian Rams. I am open to suggestions though. As far as the plants go, I really want them to dominate the tank.
  17. Strange how dormant genes just pop up when they get ready.
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