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Everything posted by Aubrey

  1. @kammaroon That's normal looking to me. Sometimes when they lay more it looks like a big cluster of eggs. When they brush them off on something they will trail off like that on a string. Anyone know what that string is or what it's called?
  2. "Only ever hardshell tacos. Only ever softshell turtles." -Cory McElroy 2020
  3. Putting it as simply as possible - I investigate, validate, and deny requests for updating charges on bills for a shipping company.
  4. Are the new sticker designs going to make their way to the Teespring store?
  5. Technically I did this last night, but I turned a cheap bamboo windchime into a fountain. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done.
  6. This scene is in a drainage ditch. It reminds me of a wabi kusa ball.
  7. @Mikey Walnuts it's a clip on style with a fixed lens. I got it at Hobby Lobby. Not sure if it is worth 19.99 though.
  8. I was playing around with a phone camera "microscope" and got some okay pics of a copepod.
  9. I would imagine that you could grow all sorts of plants out of your aquarium. Water propagation is a common method for a lot of house plants. Not my image, but you can see here many succulents being propagated in water. Again not my image, but here are several other plants growing in water. Okay, this one is mine. It's a spider plant that for a short while was held in place by having its roots intertwined with some java moss. It eventually got too large to stay there. I'm currently testing out an offshoot of sansevieria in my HOB. I propagated it from a cutting that I kept in a cup on my window sill. It's as easy as cutting the leaf and letting the cut dry and then placing it in water. Soon roots and new plants grow.
  10. Looks like the common skimmer or the darner.
  11. @quirkylemon103 stem plants? They will break the surface of the water and continue to grow towards the light. They will convert their leaves to an emersed form as they grow and generally any submerged form leaves above the surface will die back. Some plants look completely different above water than below water. This is pogostemon stellatus octopus growing emersed. This is bacopa emersed.
  12. @Kasper stem plants are plants that grow vertically on a stem and are propagated and maintained through and by cuttings. They usually are fast growing. Plants like ammannia gracilis, bacopa caroliniana, moneywort, and scarlet temple are some stem plants available at Aquarium Co-Op.com. There are many more than that available in the hobby though. I'd imagine that you could grow stem plants in the easy planter, it would just require you to remove the plant pot, trim the plant, remove the old rooted bottom part of the plant from the pot and rock wool, and then replant the top trimming in the wool in the pot and put it back in the planter. Not quite as easy as plop, drop, and let it grow.
  13. Kind of looks like a limpet, they're harmless snail like critters.
  14. It could be damage. I know when I got a banana plant a few weeks ago that two of the three leaves had been damaged in shipping and plants usually don't heal like animals do. They often put resources into growing a new leaf instead of any kind of repair. So as long as it still has other leaves you should be fine trimming the damaged one.
  15. I was into making coin rings for a while. I like making things in general. Keeping house plants, which I feel is a natural complementary hobby to fish keeping. Fishing, thanks to YouTube suggesting fishing videos alongside fish keeping videos. Video games, although I only really have interest in a few and hardly find time to play them.
  16. Are any of the new sticker designs going to be coming to the teespring store?
  17. Same here. The Co-Op effect strikes again.
  18. Yes, those look like snail eggs.
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