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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. Thanks, @OceanTruth. I grew up in the woods with a nearby river, and spent a lot of time on the lake, so I feel pretty connected to nature. I like all the messy parts, including decomposition. We had a deep well, and a septic system, and heated mostly with wood harvested from trees downed by storms. I think this all setup my hobby approach. I'm also a network administrator at work, so stable systems allow me to relax. I ran my tubs outdoors last summer (back in those woods, in fact), and didn't use any technology, until they were moved indoors for winter. I pulled all the tech from my 2.5 gallon window shrimp tanks a little while ago. Without lights, I can't photograph them at the same time as my others, so here are a couple from this morning.
  2. I moved my 20 gallon tubs indoors last fall, and it was awkward getting them inside. I want to do outdoor stuff on a yearly basis, and I don't want to move tubs twice a year. From now on, I am going to use buckets, commercial food containers, or small tanks, which I can carry without draining water.
  3. I don't feel creative when reposting, but this is for @Daniel:
  4. Cory asked a similar question as a survey on YouTube recently. For me, if I have too many snails, it means that I am feeding too much. The snails are not the problem; they are nature's solution for too much food.
  5. It looks cool and interesting. I would leave it, and see what happens. Please let us know!
  6. This question felt familiar, and then I remembered when Bilbo met Smaug, and they exchanged titles and superlatives. The movie scene is great, especially with two Sherlock and Marvel actors together in a third franchise. The book quote is fun too: “I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led. And through the air, I am he that walks unseen. I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly. I was chosen for the lucky number. I am he that buries his friends alive and drowns them and draws them alive again from the water. I came from the end of a bag, but no bag went over me. I am the friend of bears and the guest of eagles. I am Ringwinner and Luckwearer; and I am Barrel-rider.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, or There and Back Again
  7. I finally cleaned the glass on my Askoll 20, and topped off some water. I still don't know what I will do with that tiny 1.25 gallon tank. The 7.5 needs the glass cleaned too, from when I left my drapes open to too much sunlight. It has been a long time since any water changes, but I love plants, and they reciprocate. Edit: I stirred up my substrate in my oldest tank, and added a plant.
  8. @quirkylemon103, I was thinking of this clip:
  9. Somehow I only recently learned about the Export to gif function in Photos, even though it has been around for several years. I have enjoyed the evolution of my tanks, but I sometimes wish that I would have kept old configurations, and just setup new tanks to expand my knowledge. This loop represents learning plants from the box stores, and the first or second stage of my organic substrate progress. Two of those plants are still in the current version of this aquarium.
  10. The advantage of getting Co-Op plants now is that you can stock up on the insulated Co-Op bags, which have so much utility beyond delivering your plants.
  11. @MickS77, that looks great! I only trim when it starts to wrap other plants.
  12. Someone needs to make a Ralph Wiggum meme from this thread, or more than one.
  13. On that note, I was reading that thread about the inch per gallon concept, and was trying to come up with a poop per plant ratio. I guess I’m a dirty botanist with a small fish problem.
  14. I was going back in time to look for something, and found these old 2.5 photos.
  15. I haven’t had a chance to go skiing yet this year, so I asked my buddy Jack for some photos. These are from the top of Bolton Valley today. You can see Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks in the first photo, and the view might extend to Quebec in the second. I feel lucky to live in Vermont.
  16. Apparently, all living things are bioluminescent: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2002/nov/14/science.research Most are quite boring, including humans: https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2009/jul/17/human-bioluminescence
  17. The commercial brand is GloFish®, with no 'w'. They seem to specialize in color variants of common, resilient fish. I would be surprised if they expanded to anything temperamental, or which could be eaten by anything in the existing product line. I hope that hobbyists are not confused by the names. The glowlight tetra, Hemigrammus erythrozonus, is a fish from the wild. If hobbyists could rename a fish, I would suggest redline tetra. There may be other species with 'glow' in their common name.
  18. Since you mention cilantro, I have to ask if you have ever heard of the concept of a supertaster. I know a couple of people for whom cilantro tastes like soap.
  19. The Xs is IP68 rated. I have a Speck case which is not waterproof. I should have filmed without a case, so that all those bubbles would not be part of the audio. It was still cool to see the fish this way.
  20. I made a little test recording with my iPhone Xs last summer. I should have removed the case, because the bubble sounds are quite loud. I didn't really know what I got until I reviewed the footage.
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