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Everything posted by FriendlyLoach

  1. Wow looks good. Is that a betta sorority or a community tank with a betta? Love bettas.
  2. I feed my betta mosquito larvae and he loves it!!! The only bad thing that could happen is if your fish gets overfed. 🙂
  3. Humm, that is weird. Well I think that uv lights are supposed to be in enclosed filters because the light can hurt their eyes. When I used a uv light it was in a case that did not let light out. It also I heard is bad for our eyes. I am not sure though.
  4. The black on the honey gourami is the males coloration. Mine look just like that. I think it means he is ready to breed, but mine have never bread even with the marks. So I think it just means he is a male. I know the marks get darker when breeding.
  5. Hey everyone, I would say my weirdest thing was when a baby fish just showed up. I had not recently added any plants that could have had fish eggs on in, and it looked nothing like any of the fish in the tank. As it grew up I started to hang out with my neon tetras like it wanted to be one of them. 🙂 Soon it was about an inch long and it was then I identified it as a female bluefin killifish. Then I had to cover my tank for a week and when I removed the cover I saw that my killifish had a ulcer that almost was half way through the fish. It passed away as quickly as it appeared. 😞 My only guess of how it got in my tank was it jumped off a plant I was putting in a tank above the main tank and landed in there. I am not sure though. Feel free to tell your crazy stories. Here is a picture of what a bluefin killifish looks like.
  6. I am not sure if brine shrimp has lots of protein, but if it does then that may be too much protein. I would maybe look into a staple food like a pellet. I am not sure though.
  7. Then I doubt it is dropsy. It is probably something else, it could be fish tb. Fish tb shows up different in different fish. Does anyone how fish tb shows up in medaka rice fish? I would keep the infected ones separate. And not touch the water as much as possible, especially with any cuts. However there are so many diseases so it could be hard to figure it out without a lab or microscope. I would try the trio maybe. Another thing that comes to mind is Neon tetra disease, I am not sure if rice fish can get that.
  8. Okay, I got some new and better pics. I attached some new growth of my hydrocotyle tripartita carpet, it is growing lots of new leaves as you can see! 🙂
  9. I saw my loaches doing something funny so I thought I would make a meme out of it. When fluval starts trippin and they will not talk to each other.
  10. Yeah I think I heard or girl talks fish that honeys don't really get dwarf gourami disease. Wait to be clear, those things in the front are old blood worms right?
  11. I recently had a situation like this. My hillstream loaches starting breeding. Then I realized that there are hundreds of pond and ramshorn snails. I woke up at like 1 am and made a sort of mesh net to put over the nest but then in the morning realized that I trapped snails in with the eggs. 😞 I know that a net would not work with GBRs because they care for their babies. I would recommend making a snail trap and putting them in a different tank or something so that it will not be a problem next time. I know that this is a very sad but I cant´t think of anything else. I am so sorry! I know how hard it can be to remove hundreds of snails but I have managed to do it by picking them off the glass when I see them. That is how I got through some long boring zoom calls, lol! I hope it works out for you!
  12. Yeah, an auto feeder would be good. Also for the light you could maybe get a light timer. Also you ask a friend to come over and do whatever maintenance that is needed. I really hope your mom gets better soon. Sending love!
  13. Welcome!!! I love your tank! I love honey gouramis, mine are so cute and funny!
  14. I am not sure, I know other fish can get it but am not sure about your mollies/platies/variatus. I think you could research that pretty easily or I am sure people here know.
  15. Definitely you want to get the right sex. You want a good ratio.
  16. I definitely think so. I would recommend making sure it has a bits of plants. I would be more worried about getting the dwarf gourami disease. I would say it would be best to get locally bread gouramis. But that may be hard so yeah. I prefer honey gourami to dwarf gouramis, because they are more calm and don´t carry the disease.
  17. Well, if they look like he cant close them. Or if they seem really puffy. But when a betta flares you can naturally see the inside of the gills and they will look red. I would be more concerned if they were not red. lol. It is always a good idea to treat him with the med trio but I am 99% sure nothing is wrong with his gills. If you have never treated him with the trio I would recommend it! Just in case he has some internal parasites or something. If you are still worried maybe you could try to add some pics of him flaring.
  18. I don't think anything is wrong. I mean gills are naturally red, but if they look inflamed then maybe something could be a problem but I doubt it. Also bettas have an organ that makes them able to breath air. So I think it is all fine. My betta does this all the time. I don't think you have to worry!
  19. Yeah, I think a large school of tetras, maybe rummy nose could add more action, and will act as dither fish.
  20. It is not exactly in the news, but I just watched a video that said that people have found that arapaimas give their young with a sort of milk. It comes out of holes in their head from both the male and female. It is not a food, and scientist still have no idea what this milk is or does, but it has lots of hormones and chemicals in it. All they have found is that baby arapaimas that are exposed to this get bigger and stronger compared to those that don't. Pretty cool right?
  21. Yeah I think they are both great, (cardinals school better though). What is most important is getting them nice and healthy from a local person.
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