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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Very enjoyable watch, and you have definitely set me on a course down the rainbow shiners rabbit hole! I also really love how you send a little fish newsletter with each shipment.😅
  2. Thanks. Sorry to @Jeff for hijacking the thread!
  3. I have finally set up the Cory breeding box with todays leftover water change water…fish shall be added tomorrow. Temperature is at about 21 Celsius.
  4. This say anything to you @Aiden Carter?
  5. Lucky! I was rooting for 'An Aquarists Journey' or some other fish book, but instead I got my C.A.R.E. package!
  6. After all you've done...😔 what is your next plan? Move in some guppy fry predators?
  7. Taken off seriouslyfish.com : Behaviour and Compatibility While often recommended as a community fish this is not always so. Some individuals can become very spiteful as they mature, while others remain peaceful. Males are territorial and will squabble amongst themselves, becoming very aggressive when breeding. It is best kept with robust fish such as barbs, larger characins, loricariids, loaches and other medium/large gouramis. And how to sex the males: Sexual Dimorphism The male is larger and develops a pointed dorsal fin. The female is smaller and rounder in the belly. Those should be good Would they count as a 'larger characin'? Could work; I would recommend C.Hastatus or C. Habrosus, since they mostly keep themselves to themselves and I've done them with bettas before.
  8. How do you oxygenate the tank? Do you have a sponge filter? Are there any tank mates ?
  9. Just read through all of this; quite funny! 😆
  10. Could be interesting, but have you ever experienced glitches with HA?
  11. Alright, I’ll join in: Transition from plastic decorations to good ol’ rocks!
  12. It depends on how big the breeder box is, but since there’s 15 of them a repurposed QT tank sounds best.
  13. Looks like a fun pet 😍! Do you have any idea about his adult size?
  14. They live in different parts of the tank, but I have seen some go down to the bottom before… @Zenzo Nice tank btw!
  15. Any pics of the bettas?? Quite an interesting setup!😁
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