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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. My guys (or ladies) seem to be fine too. I hope eggs are all it is, and those poor eggs will be eaten up straight away so I may never know! Thanks!
  2. Hello @KentFishFanUK! I was wondering how this is going? I have a black neon tetra who is quite bloated but otherwise seems fine. I have withheld food for the past day and am planning to get it into a quarantine tank today. So, a similar situation to yours and was hoping you had some pointers. TIA 😃
  3. I am a similar problem with a panda Cory. I have him isolated and treated with the above recommendation and he is eating and behaving normally. The rest of the group seem to be fine. How long can I expect it to take his tail fin to grow back? Should I keep him isolated I’ll til it does? Thanks!
  4. My most frequent fish nightmare is that my children, 4 and 5 y.o., have done something to the tank, eg: turned up the heater, turned off the filters, added Matchbox cars or play doh... Might have something to do with them dumping of ALL the different foods into my 20 gal last summer..... 🤔😜
  5. Does anyone in the mid Atlantic area keep year round outdoor tubs? I am itching to try an outdoor tub/pond this year, but I do not have the capacity to bring it indoors in the winter. Here in SW VA our weather has been ranging from daytime highs of 30's - 40's with the occasional deep freeze into the teens, from around mid-November through February. . In college I lived in a house that had an inground pond with goldfish and they wintered very well, but I don't have that capacity in my current house.
  6. I had the same thing happen with my betta two days ago and this was the exact question I came to the Forum with today! She jumped out of a new tank I had moved her to because I hadn't covered the HOB gap in the cover properly (I have a sponge filter instead) Luckily she was only out for a short time but I noticed that her fins looked kinda "puffy" and as though she'd lost a scale or two, and she had what looked like algae on her face (probably dust from behind the tank/) I added the Dark Water additive I had and another catappa leaf and increased the temp a degree to 80. She seems to have recovered pretty well but gave me a good scare!
  7. Tonik

    Bump on swordtail

    So I did nothing but keep an eye on it, because life got super busy, and the bump is gone! He’s still harassing his ladies so all is well! 😁
  8. My female betta, Bluey, has been very mellow and has tolerated shrimp and snails as tank mates very well. She doesn't even flare at the mirror like my male betta does. So, I needed to get my male endlers out of the guppy tank because holy millions of fry(!), so I added three to her 10 gal planted tank thinking there were lots of places to hide and that they were fast enough. Even though she has always ignored the shrimp, she has chased the endlers and forced them to hide. It's only been a day, but should I go ahead and separate them right away? I don't want to stress any of them if there is no possibility of cohabitation. I do have a 5 gallon that I could make into a betta tank.
  9. Tonik

    Bump on swordtail

    I am not sure what kind he is. His ladies are a regular swordtail, and a lyretail with black and orange. The fry are really pretty. If it gets worse I will quarantine him and do the salt. I’ll post pics of the fry and the ladies soon!
  10. Tonik

    Bump on swordtail

    Here is a better pic. He seems fine but I’d like to know if it’s something I should treat and how to do that.
  11. Tonik

    Bump on swordtail

    I’ll try to get a better pic but he’s super fast.
  12. Can anyone tell me what this is? My male swordtail has developed a bump on his back. He is eating, swimming normally and chasing the females as usual. I have had him for 5 months in my well established planted community tank. He is a prolific breeder lol. 29 gal 0 ammonia 0 nitrites 40 nitrates 8.0 pH
  13. IDK why it didn't occur to me that she would eat them... maybe because she was so tiny to begin with. Oh darn... guess I have to get another tank for her or them. 😀 Thanks guys!
  14. It might have to be a forum specific event.. the questions seem to scroll by pretty quickly in the regular livestream. And I agree that it might be a double edged sword... I do not want to deny the knowledge of the forum to anyone, but I value the community as it is now, if that makes sense.
  15. My Panda Corys show spawning behavior all the time, but I have only had one fry grow up, probably because they are in a community tank with sword tails and tetras. One thing I do, which may help, is to use a pipette to put the bloodworms into the sand so they can burrow around and get them. That way they are not mostly eaten by everyone else. I also have a heavily planted tank and they seem to like dropping eggs in a patch of java/Christmas moss which is about 2 1/2 inches tall. This means I can't get to the eggs but in a species specific tank, it might help? Good luck!
  16. I was watching the Thanksgiving livestream last night and got ridiculously and childishly excited when @Cory showed the forum posts on this thread and paused on one of my comments! Eeek! 🙂 It really is the little things! I love the progress pics and am so envious of all of that gorgeous wood paneling!
  17. Hello! This may be a dumb question, but will bettas eat full grown cherry shrimp? About a month ago I bought a really tiny female betta who was in the back of a Petsmart shelf. She was about 1 inch long and I put her in my tank with mystery snails and cherry shrimp. All was well, and she has about doubled in size. But, I have noticed that I don't see my shrimp anymore.... they were elusive before, but I would always catch a glimpse of them. I think her mouth is too small to eat a full size shrimp? What are your experiences with shrimp and bettas?
  18. @Aubrey Wow! Thanks for sharing that catalogue! It is interesting that most of the equipment look so similar to what we use today. I noticed that they were selling Bettas in pairs; did i miss an explanation of how to house them? This was a fascinating read, and I laughed at my own surprise when I got to the end and saw the envelope and order form... so used to ordering things online lol!
  19. @Cory This looks fantastic! I am obsessed with all the wood on the walls and the butcher block tables. With the aquariums installed, I imagine this will look so much like a lovely bit of nature indoors! Can't wait to see more!
  20. I do not have an "official" answer, but my pandas seem to spawn weekly. I have 4 females and one male, and they like to drop the eggs in a tall patch of moss, of course where I cannot get to them. I see them doing this at least once a week, but I have only had one fry make it to the juvenile stage. Mine are in a community tank with tetras, shrimp and swordtails, so I am sure the eggs are being eaten.
  21. "Pest" snails are really cool! I was concerned when I found my first hitchhikers and even moreso when they started to reproduce exponentially, but they have leveled off, and they are interesting to watch as they glide along the surface of the water as if they are walking across the ceiling. They are also pretty... I have ramshorn which are shades of orange and bladder snails which seem like a solid gray at first but as they get bigger, you can see patterns in the shells. I have a few in each of my three tanks, and a colony in the QT tank keeping it cycled. Best of all, they were free!
  22. I had some crazy hair algae for a few weeks. I bought a new light and was playing around with the settings and the algae exploded. I have Amanos and swordtails who seem to enjoy eating it, but they couldn't keep up. I ended up reducing the light intensity and duration (to 5 hours), and within a week it was much more manageable and now almost gone. The plants also seem healthier, so I think the light was way too intense for a while. And I will agree with other commenters that my tank has never seemed healthier... the extra unplanned organisms do help!
  23. Here’s the little guy, 14 days later! He’s big enough now that he can swim freely with the big ones! So adorable!
  24. @Ken Burke Well, after almost a week of spying on that patch of moss, I am sad to say that I have still only seen 1 little cat. However... I spotted 3 swordtail fry in there too. I guess it is baby season in that tank! 🕵️‍♀️
  25. When I was 3 or 4, my dad and his bestie built me an aquarium. It was the 70's and we were living in Guyana in South America, so they went into the woods, to the creek and caught fish. My dad's friend was much more into the hobby so he may have been breeding fish too, I don't know. Anyway... I remember lots of plants, tetras, guppies, some suicidal hatchetfish, and one particularly nasty cichlid who was rehomed to the wild after it killed most of the tank. From my mom's reports, I spent hours watching that tank. I also remember my mom putting the fish in a bucket and taking the tank to the shower where she scrubbed it out and rinsed the gravel, replaced the water and put the fish back in. It makes me shudder to think of doing that now! My dad had an old book that had pictures of all the fish and that was a prized possession until we had to emigrate to the US. We (the kids) were growing up and we were all busy navigating life in a new country, and the fish hobby went onto the back burner. When we did get a tank a few years later, it was difficult to keep the fish alive and so different from the easy hobby back in Guyana, so eventually, after the last death, we put it away. Fast forward to this summer, and the epic tadpole rescue that my sons undertook, catching 20 odd tadpoles after summer storms. I thought.... ok, tadpoles... tank, water, some rocks to climb out on... easy peasy. Nope... those darn things died in droves. It was maddening... I mean, they live in dirty puddles! It was the midst of the stay home order here in VA, so i had plenty of time to research and deep dive into youtube. We eventually got a tank, a filter, airstones, etc., and finally three tadpoles made it to frog-dom. And I had a tank and a basic understanding of why our fish had died so much all those years ago. I got plants and used the dirty stuff from the tadpoles to start the cycle. 5 months later and we are 4 tanks in! And I still love watching them for hours after my boys are in bed!
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