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Everything posted by Minanora

  1. Lol. I don't need it now, following the thread. 😁 🎉 But that's a great idea.
  2. I made a snail trap.... I've caught more shrimp than anything. Oh, and a guppy. 🤦‍♀️
  3. Have you lifted the rocks at all yet? I just got the last one off of my biggest piece in my son's new tank. Took over a month to sink. Looking great so far btw!
  4. Yup. I want these as well! I've seen lots of plecos, thought about investing in them, but have only ever pulled the trigger on clown plecos. Time will tell. Next year I'll be on the hunt! Great job @Shadow_Arbor. Looking fantastic.
  5. I may let a head of my garlic go to seed to see this interesting flower you shared. Does this happen in the second year, like onions? I assumed they'd be just like onions... I never let them get to seed because we use soooooo much garlic in our house. Between eating it roasted, in almost every food dish we make and then using it in canning.... 😂 I have to remember to set cloves aside to plant or else I use it all. We even still have to buy garlic. I'm making more garden beds specifically because I need more room for more garlic and more beans. Lol Also, I didn't see the part where you said "...garlic flower go to seed..." Durp.
  6. You mean to tell me that there's tiny garlic "cloves" under my seed pods? That's so neat! I've only ever let my chive garlic go to seed and I didn't disassemble the flowers last year. I haven't trimmed the stalks this year yet. I have some purple hardeneck garlic growing in my garden that I grow every year, and California white soft neck. I plant my cloves in October for earlier summer harvests so I can set late bush beans. We don't get below 20° here for more than two hours at a time and only once or twice in the season. Zone 9b, but in a weird micro climate. However it's been significantly colder this season. My beds are currently covered, I turn them into hoop houses over the winter and fold the plastic down to the side during storms. But they still get frost and light freezes even when I close them up. I grow carrots, brassicas, radishes, beets, spinach and lettuces in the late fall, winter and early spring. I have volunteer cilantro, chamomile and basil that I let spread like weeds all over the place, even outside the garden. I'm trying to crowd out weeds with eatable "weeds" for pollinators. My cilantro and chamomile are very productive into the summer and then the basil takes over until the first freeze then the cycle starts over again. Not that you asked. 🤣 Having a fish pharmacy is not a bad thing. I have a whole two shelves dedicated to meds in my hanging closet organizer. The whole closet organizer is pretty much all aquarium related items... Foods, tools, fertilizers, meds, backup parts, breeding supplies, and dog treats of course. See, I ramble. 😁🫣
  7. Yeah. I'm paranoid about stuff like that these days. After infecting the plaza with mts I'm being super careful. I need to keep my snails under control. Happy to say that nobody else that came from my son's 20g into the plaza had issues. However, I didn't plop and drop them. I actually acclimated them like a considerate fish mom. I'm pretty sure you could move him though. Did he go though the last course of meds you did?
  8. Because you're moving the male that was in with the females into the male tank.... That's a good question.
  9. What about some of the large leaf crypts? Ones with the ruffle leaves. I can think of a few, Cryptocoryne Balansae but that is a more narrow leaf, maybe Cryptocoryne Usteriana Green or Cryptocoryne Retrospiralis.... hmmm, or there's this super cool java fern, "Java Fern Sunrise". It's leaves are ruffled(ish). >.> There are so many plants... Lol Nothing that replaces that super cool look there though
  10. I apologize, my wording should be more direct and to the point. I get lost in my own head a lot. That is the most interesting garlic I've ever seen.... It looks like a flower, on a stalk. I grow a lot of garlic and mine does not look like that. What garlic variety is that? All of mine has the cloves come together at the top and a knot at the bottom where the cloves connect together at the root. My garlic chives went to seed, but I haven't pulled the bulbs yet. I'm not certain that they have finished their lifecycle. They did this last year and grew back, but flowered the same, like onions do in their second year... Confusing plant this chive plant is... making seeds two years in a row. I'm happy you got her to eat, at least. Keep at it!
  11. Other plans, or planTs? What's there now.... a clump of dwarf sag rosettes, S repens... crypt parva and lucens, towards the inner hairgrass is crypt petchii. I'm not sure what else I'm going to add yet. Going to get the CO2 running and see what perks up, and what fails to thrive. Eventually I'll be adding another light, but for now I think the plan is to add another small piece of driftwood to the right, one that runs long ways with the front, and is about the same size as the piece in the shrimp sanctuary. Buried so it's like a root exposed in the sand. We'll see. I'm also waiting to see how much that tiger lotus explodes. It's habits will dictate the carpeting plant I use for the foreground. Same with the dwarf lily. I'm thinking I'll try gloss again.... maybe. I want a nice small round texture I think. We'll see!
  12. Search for egg crate light diffuser.
  13. The 75 today after the water change and a little trim. The cats in the Plaza waiting for dinner. Even the otos wait for dinner now. 😂
  14. @anewbie That's a beautiful pleco. What one is that? That dark water tank looks fantastic in that last photo! You can't the the same effect but there are some smaller amazon swords that look nice. I have an amazon sword that is huge in my sons tank, the other varieties I have, I'll have to look up the names. They're all staying much smaller, but they aren't super well established yet. Only been in their tank for 5-6 months. I'm not sure how big they are actually going to get, or what the adult leaves look like so I guess I'm not much help there. But they don't go dormant, which is nice. I feel like the plants below yours are doing well. The anubias likes less direct light and it may be curbing algae blooming on the lower plants.
  15. Ord. Looking good! If the timing works out that would be sweet.
  16. I got rid of all of my duckweed except the duckweed I'm keeping in the random totes of plant cuttings in. One on the windowsill in the kitchen, one next the the shrimp sanctuary right now.... I should move that one before it gets knocked over. >.> OH and there's duckweed in the Chili Ruins. It is pretty in that tank so it gets to stay. Plus it protects my anubius from getting too much light.
  17. 200% The motion passes. 😛 Mine as well actually, including kanaplex now that I think about it! I forgot about that incident in the 75G last year. I didn't have the Orange neos in there yet though, so not sure about those.
  18. Ord. Look at those cories*! Lol! That's a cute photobomb. I hope the badis make some babies! That would be super awesome. Seems like they're trying...eggs are much harder than livebearers....
  19. So! I did a 30% water change on the 75 this evening. No big deal right? WELL, I saw a cory egg... then another, and two more on a leaf, so I decided that it's time to try to hatch some out. I pulled 7 eggs from the 75 and put them into a cup with a drop of methylene blue. Same method I did with the eggs I pulled from the back of the boat. However I'll be putting an air stone in with these and changing the water every two days and keeping them warm by keeping the cup inside the 75. There's at least 3 eggs that are viable. SO, I'm officially trying to hatch three stripe cories! I'll keep pulling eggs as I see them. It's raining so.... yeah, all the cories are doing the dance. Huzzah! In other news, Mr Swimmy.... he's being a butt. My poor guppies can't get away fast enough when he's in a bad mood. I think it may be because I'm not feeding as much right now, but I think I'm going to make him a new home soon. Either that or rehome him if my husband doesn't like the idea of another 5.5G or something similar. I love the little guy, but I can't have him tearing up the boys tails like he is. I watched him do it several times today.... bummer. I turned up the flow yesterday to see if he'd hang out further away from the boys, it's helping, but he still gets them when they go to take a break as well.
  20. AHHHH! This is fantastic! They look incredible! Great tank setup and I love that they're in the heart of the home. Just awesome.
  21. @Fish Folk Thank you! I looked for through @Patrick_G's activity and couldn't find it today. Lol. Huzzah! Off to read the adventures!
  22. I feel you. I have a ups account so my rates are slightly lower. I don't have an account with FedEx. This time is super rough for shipping. I don't ship things this week. Even for work stuff. I tell my clients 4 weeks before Thanksgiving that I won't be shipping materials the week of Thanksgiving or the week after. That way equipment doesn't get lost and the construction crews know that they don't need to worry about receiving during this week. I resume regular shipping activities for the next two weeks, then have another hold until the new year.
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