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Everything posted by Minanora

  1. I think that's totally up to you. I am a crazy fish lady and would put them in a container to try to hatch them. 🤣 It's awesome that you have fry! They are adorable.
  2. It is very slow growing though. I love it, I have it in my 75. It likes a decent flow and a bit more light than the usual moss in my experience.
  3. I apologize to everyone who is "following" this thread. I've done a ton of updates recently. I know I've been updating my journal a lot the last few weeks. This time of year is kinda rough for me so I do distract myself with the things that bring me joy. Well, I try to anyway. Regardless, the point of this post is.... I pulled a bunch more Cory eggs! I have 26 total now. I've been watching them all weekend, making babies, putting eggs all over the place. I've noticed that one of the female three stripes prefers to lay her eggs on the chirstmas moss, another prefers the crypts, anubius, and java ferns. Then there's another that lays on the hairgrass and stargrass. There's another that doesn't really care and just lays wherever she feels like, including on the substrate. The otos in the plaza are breeding! I managed to get one female and three males. They were too small for me to tell when I got them. But now they're big enough. The female went gravid on the last water change and now the biggest of the males is chasing the female and they are playing all over the place. That tanks parameters have dialed in over the last few weeks. PH 7.6, GH 17 degrees, KH 8 degrees, and nitrate is at 5ppm even with dosing easy green every other day. I stuck root tabs under the sword and crypts two weeks ago. I'm seeing that lovely algae where the light hits the sides of the glass and on the top of the drift wood. All a great sign imo. I'll have 30 more shrimp coming this week, so they should clean a lot of that up. I'm also going to get 4 more otos for the plaza to try to balance out the pack. At that point the tank will be fully stocked. I'll be splitting the yellow colony into two once the fish room is done. Photos of that project very soon! I spent a bit of time reading over the first page of my journal. In just a year, so much has changed with how I keep my aquariums. All thanks to our community and the co-op "brand". Over 20 years of keeping aquariums and I'd never had live plants until last year. I'd never bred anything but guppies on purpose. I've enjoyed the last year of keeping fish more than I ever have in my life. It's been a whole new experience for me. Much more involved yet somehow less. Just all around joy. ^_^
  4. My little 5.5 has the rotalas and they love cleaning and hiding in them. Pearl weed is great floating. Hard to get shrimp out of it when you need to though. I like rotala because I can pick a strand and shake it out easily. Same with PSO.
  5. I boil mine because it makes it easy to remove algae from the rocks The rocks I get I usually pick up from the Kern river in the summer. So they're extra slimy and the algae is super hard to get off. The ones I get from the mountains, I don't usually boil unless they get oil on them from the back of the RZR or something. Which has happened since the chainsaw is back there a lot.
  6. I look forward to seeing what you find! I've boiled plenty of rocks. I use canning rings to elevate larger, sharp rocks off of the bottom of my pots so they don't ding or scratch up the bottoms of my pans.
  7. Welcome back to the hobby! Your prior projects are really cool! I look forward to reading about your adventures! Swordtails are one of my favorites, what variety are you working with?
  8. Agreed. Often I do not even rinse mine, unless they're looking super mulmy. I take the whole tray and just shake out it in a bucket of the water I dumped out of the canister filter. There's usually shrimp living in mine so I always use tank water. Lol.
  9. It's crazy how much difference these changes make to the rest of the tank ecosystems. I got rid of the small amount of duckweed in the shrimp sanctuary and got a very interesting result on the rest of the plants. But I got some BB algae and some angry staghorn as well. *Shrug* worth it. Your experiment is super valuable though. I really appreciate it! Especially the one with the overstocked Guppy tank.
  10. Welcome to the community! How long have you had your Betta? You can help the cycle by adding the mulm from your betta tank when you vacuum the substrate. Congrats on the epic tank gift! Sponge filters are great. I run one in every tank I have, even if it has other filtration. In a 50G tank you can do a lot! Have you thought about how you want to decorate the tank? Maybe do live plants and such? Depending on how you plan to set up the tank, you can cycle it different ways. Also. there are some substrates that you should let cycle before you add fish. So depending on the route you want to go with your decorations you may have a while before you add fish to get it all cycled and healthy. When you do add guppies, I would say you can easily add 5 at a time, every three weeks, up to 30 of them, depending on how often you want to change water. I also highly recommend adding some diversity since they tend to hang out near the top of the tank unless it's feeding time. A schooling fish is always fun and there are so many options that get along with guppies! Then you can have a few corydoras in the bottom as well. Guppies do tend to come in with issues from pet stores, so I recommend quarantining them before you put them in the big tank. They are notorious for columnaris, ich, and fungal issues. Setting them up in a plastic tote that holds 5 gallons of water with an air stone and heater is always a good idea. Treating a small volume of water with medications is much easier than treating a big display tank. I hope you stick around! We're all happy to give advice and answer questions. There's no such thing as a dumb question around here! This is the best group of fish keepers around. I tell ya!
  11. I currently have a bag of carbon in my 40B "Plaza" but the only reason it was in there was to curb some of the tannins from the peat I'm running in the canister. now the carbon is just surface for beneficial bacteria. Once I clean it enough times and it gets a hole torn in the bag I'll empty it into the compost bin and stop running carbon. Every now and again I'll get carbon as a promo or it comes with a filter, but I don't buy it on purpose. The one I have now came with the canister. I have one spare that I hold onto thinking that "I may use this at some point".
  12. I've gotten those emails as well. Last one even had my own reply as a potential "solution" 😂 Mine was in the plants subforum, and another from the diseases subforum. They've all been topics I've started.
  13. I feel really good about the fact that I consider the exact same lineup of meds the essentials. 🤣 You're a good teacher! 😊
  14. Well deserved. Congratulations! I love all of your gifs of the babies. ❤️
  15. My shrimp love all plants.... How much trimming are you wanting to do, water parameters you have, textures you're interested in? What size is that tank again? My shrimp love all plants that are growing across the surface, so I get lazy with my trimming. I also like to have light getting all the way to the substrate though, so I can enjoy the color of the shrimp at the bottom.
  16. I have: Kanaplex* Jungle fungus fizz tabs* Paracleanse* Maracyn Expel P* CyroPro ParaziPro IchX* Erythromycin flake food Oxytetracycline flake food Nitrofurazone flake food Aquarium Salt* Methylene Blue No Planaria However over the last year I was actively breeding and selling lots of fish. I use the meds with the "*" most and will always keep these items on hand.
  17. I pulled more Cory eggs from the 75. I'm up to 16 in the cup. 💚 So, I was so upset about that snail that I had to go outside tonight to find more of them. I'm soaked to the bone but it was worth it. My son loved looking for them with me. It was a great learning experience for him. I found 4! A baby, one big adult and two in-between. Crazy lady out in the rain looking for snails with a flashlight. 😂 My boy had me bring the baby snail to show Dad. Snails! Behold!!! Helminthoglypta Walkeriana!!
  18. I saw 4 yellow shrimp all at once in the Plaza! Wooo! Here's two, and then photos of the bulbs that are really starting to perk up. Oh, and two happy otos. I'm going to put the power head in the plaza today. I'm seeing a few dead spaces in the back right, even with the full length spray bar. Kinda wish I had just bought a 307 or 407 for this tank. Oh well.
  19. Hmm, I tried to find that air stone. Not readily available in the u.s. So, an hour later, now I have an air pump I don't "need" in my Amazon cart and Christmas gifts. 🤣 I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for more snails. I still feel awful. I don't even bait for slugs so I can protect the snails. Even my beer traps are only big enough for earwigs to get into.
  20. @nabokovfan87 Thank you. The eggs are in a plastic cup that I have clipped on the inside of the 75 so they're at the same temperature, but not at risk of being eaten. I swirl them around a bit and change a bit of their water every day. I tried running an airstone but it was a pain to deal with so I took it out. I'M SO UPSET RIGHT NOW! T^T I picked up a snail outside so my son didn't smoosh him.... I DROPPED HIM! T.T NOOOOO! I'm so upset.... it's an endangered species.... our local Morro Shoulderband Snail, Helminthoglypta Walkeriana. Guys.... I feel awful. He slipped right out of my fingers because I was carrying the laundry basket. U.U Rest in piece little guy. I'm going to go feed the leaf pile outside some cabbage as an offering to any others that may be out there. I've only seen two of these guys in the last year.
  21. There's now 11 threestripe Cory eggs in the cup. 😁🎉 Though they are hard to see in the photos. Most have little black spots in them. 💚
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