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  1. I had this happen to an adult Pseudomugil luminatus while using an ACO sponge. Definitely not a too much suction issue in my case. The fish got spooked at some point over night and found it stuck the next morning.
  2. Depending on how you disconnected the regulator the diaphragm may have been damaged. However, I am not totally clear on your order of operations. Did you shut the gas off at the cylinder before doing any disconnecting or adjusting?
  3. I started with 1:3 all green/wild type coloration. I’m hoping that they only throw the black/yellow and the green/wild type, but I’m waiting for the fryto grow out a bit more. The yellow/ black present in the first batch seems to have come from fish that were from the breeder/wholesaler. The next time I was in the LFS I saw this male in the same tank. When I originally picked up my four, it was only green/wild.
  4. Love the color variations you are getting. I am getting some mottled black and yellows out of mine. Reading this, I have the same fear when trying to sort and isolate desired variations.
  5. A piece of tile works well too. My thought on the wood is drilling holes will make it lighter allowing the buoyancy to have greater effect. In theory, it makes sense, but I would hate for you to have a holy piece of wood intent on walking on water for another three months.
  6. Somehow I keep reading “gizmochina” as “ex-machina”. Maybe “tank-machina” in this case. “The cylinder body of the MIJIA smart fish tank consists of Jinjing ultra-clear UHA-grade five-wire glass.” A bit suspect being that it looks like the tank is a rectangle.
  7. When your garden becomes almost indistinguishable from a lush aqua scape. Had to do a double-take.
  8. 1.) group of Mikrogeophagus altispinosus 2.) Neritina natalensis 3.) Nymphaea stellata 4.) 75 gallon 5.) paver sand 6.) manzanita driftwood 7.) LED shoplight 8.) sump; I’ll hide all my other fish and plants down here 9.) python 10.) Prime
  9. Searching through the archives for past photos, I found the information for the light I was using at the time. As I stated in the last post, I am now using a different light and will be comparing the growth to that of before. The plants are already responding to this new light with more rapid growth than I saw previously. The fish have also adjusted nicely. After this setup had been running a couple months, I removed the sponge filter and ran minimal airflow via rigid airline tubing. Mostly due to one of my Pseudomugils becoming trapped in the sponge overnight and losing it. I also did this due to such a small bio-load. The potted plants had the gravel removed and were repotted with potting soil capped with sand. A year later, I have moved the tank into a new orientation. I usually prefer peninsula style in order to expand the viewing area available, but I wanted to give the fish a bit more seclusion. The leaf litter has since disappeared, and riparian planters have been added. The planters were constructed simply by folding cross-stitch mesh in half and filling with hydroton. I originally intended for three Amano shrimp and three Nerites, but the shrimp were incredibly small when I picked them up, and I do not believe they are Amanos. The growth rate of the two that have remained transparent have been much slower than this one that is about 1.5” at this point. Some photos from the setup after a year.
  10. Thanks. The papyrus does pretty well. I frequently trim it back and root the cuttings. @Patrick_G it was suspended from the ceiling. I have since switched to a smaller, warmer LED mounted in a reflector.
  11. It has been quite some time since I have posted a journal on an aquarium, maybe 10 years. I recently shared some photos of my past projects in my re-introduction to the forum. Posting photos has become so much easier from when I was heavily involved on the forums. I may post some older projects/journals that I have catalogued at some point, but for now, I would like to share the evolution of a 40 gallon I have had running since around October of 2021. earliest records… original setup consisted of: tank: 40 gallon breeder stand: scrap wood(had just enough) lighting: full spectrum LED grow light heater: Eheim Jager 150W filtration: ACO sponge filter; Fusion Quiet Power 700 air pump substrate: paver sand hardscape: lace rock, magnolia leaves flora: -Cyperus alternifolius -Hygrophila corymbosa -Nymphaea sp. -Nymphaea zenkeri -Vallisneria americana fauna: 7x Pseudomugil luminatus 3x mystery shrimp I will post more updated pictures soon, but for now, thanks for looking!
  12. I can’t remember if the shelves of these stands are made from angle or square tubing, but I wouldn’t worry about the legs resting on the cinderblocks. Just support the long runs of the lower shelf with cinderblock in the correct orientation and let the legs wrap around the sides. Hard to explain without a picture, maybe. @gardenman has a point by going under the legs with solid blocks. That could also maximize space under the stand for storage, etc.
  13. If you decide on going through a fabrication shop, make sure they are aware of how much weight will be on the stand and that it must be level. A few cinderblocks though would be much cheaper than typical hourly at a fab shop, if you value function over form and are on a budget.
  14. Pseudomugil luminatus here. Kept a group of gertrudae before that. Glad to see a rainbowfish appreciation thread.
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