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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Shh!! Don't tell anyone, it is supposed to be a secret.🙂
  2. Given my lack of being systematic, almost everything I presume is true is really just anecdata!
  3. @Irene the 'Girl Talks Fish' just posted a good video about centerpiece fish for the nano aquarium.
  4. I have a colony of cherry in an outdoor pool behind the house. I have broken through the ice to net some shrimp, walked in to the house and released the shrimp into a 75 F indoor aquarium with different water chemistry and didn't have mortality or noticeable ill effects. I am not recommending this, just reporting what I have seen first hand.
  5. I am pretty much where @MJV Aquatics is at for the same reasons. When I get fish (from any source), they go straight the aquarium plop and drop. That is I cut open the bag immediately and pour fish, water and all into their new aquarium. I don't acclimate for temperature, chemistry, pH, etc. because my theory is that the best possible environment for the new fish is the clean water in the new home. I don't know how this compares to others methods, but I have had experienced almost no mortality with this method over the last 50 years.
  6. I like this list. I just used it to look a couple of acronyms up.
  7. I do. Plant themselves are steady consumers of nitrates and as a bonus provide wonderful substrate for beneficial bacteria and additional carbohydrates and oxygen that beneficial bacteria need. It is hard to go wrong with plants.
  8. As you mentioned, it is hard to keep a tank full of live plants and also a have a nitrate problem. Hornwort has good reputation for gobbling up nitrates. But if you like Vallisneria, I would give that a try first.
  9. Probably not. If you have a normal bioload the aerobic bacteria in the gravel above your undergravel filter that metabolize nitrogen-bearing compounds beginning with ammonia and then into nitrite, and finally nitrite into nitrate are more than sufficient to take care of your biological filtration needs. Do you have a specific application in mind?
  10. And based on @Brandy comments above, there could be room for one more product in this line of fertilizers:
  11. From my terrestrial gardening experience I remember rabbit pellets as being mild and therefore very good in my garden beds. In the past small amounts of sheep manure were used like root tabs. Maybe there could be a future Co-Op product called 'Rabbit Tabs'!🙂 I like @TheDukeAnumber1 idea of 'composting' them first.
  12. I definitely think it is worth a try. I recently had some of the adult male and female pygmy sunfish in a 40 breeder with guppies, swordtails, and sparkling gouramis. There were a lot of floating plants but not that much on the lower level but the pygmy sunfish did great anyway. All the activity helped them overcome their shyness.
  13. I only had enough goodwill with my son to commission 1 piece of original music, so whether it fit the mood or not by golly I was going to use it!🙂
  14. I voted for White Clouds but I meant to vote for Ricefish because rice fish are better able to handle the heat and just as able to handle the cold.
  15. I have kept both sparkling gouramis and scarlet badis and the sparkling gouramis have more personality hands down.
  16. Yes, Here is a tank with BDBS and no soil underneath that @Mmiller2001 posted earlier: The label reads '2 Dirt 1 Nov 2021', meaning it is tank number 2, it is the dirted tank in a 3 tank experiment I am running, and it was setup on 1 Nov 2021. Here are the 3 experimental aquariums on Nov 1: December 1: I need to update their thread to show what they look like now.
  17. Okay, there is one good thing about testing twice a day at least when it comes to pH. pH is radically different in the morning than in the evening in a planted aquarium because of photosynthesis.
  18. Many people on this forum use Black Diamond Blasting Sand (which really is just coal slag, but don't worry it is safe and inert). Here is a tank of mine with BDBS over garden soil.
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