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Celly Rasbora

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Everything posted by Celly Rasbora

  1. I had the same issue when I planted it, but the last little bit I allowed to float and that thing has taken off like a rocket. If you have some left, try letting it float. It's now a favorite hang-out for several fish.
  2. I was able to get a shot of my two favorites today. Fish photography is not my forte, but here's a squee moment for me. The Boraras merah is one of the first into the tank, coming over from my previous tank and is very possessive of his turf. The little dude held his ground, though, and is determined to explore. I've seen him far too close to some dominant males today. This could be his last day on earth[ish], but it is going to be a glorious one.
  3. I've wondered about this, too. I read an article that said boil the eggs first to decontaminate them, remove the membrane, roast them, and then grind them up. I don't need another hobby. 😁 I get the decontamination part, but the rest seems like overkill. ETA: The answer is in a KH test, perhaps. Do they make a test for calcium?
  4. Welcome Biotope Biologist! We’ll happily pick your brain. @MartinI’ve been known to talk out of it, but never breathe. 😁
  5. @Brandy, I was just fresh from seeing Cory’s video and was just using new knowledge. I get it. And your glitter analogy is [chef’s kiss].
  6. I work on large image files at work, so I will read the forum when my WFH VPN-linked computer struggles to load. It keeps me from losing it. And as Brandy said, it’s better than facebooks.
  7. Those of you who say it is impossible to get rid of clearly are not watching @Coryget rid of his with the help of goldfish. Edit to add yootoobles link
  8. Thanks, y'all! I'll let you know how it goes. @ererer that is a very detailed plan. 🙂
  9. Hearing crickets on this thread told me what I already knew, that this is going to be a major undertaking. I have been cogitating on my plan of attack and have decided to take a slow approach. Since I've also been wanting to set up a quarantine tank, I am going to do that first. I will allow the QT to cycle and then I will put my fish and my planted driftwoods in it. Then I'll drain the tank, move it and let it recharge itself and move the fish back into the tank. I don't have much gravel in the 15 gallon, so I think I will be able to leave it and just enough water to keep the plants planted as well. I hope I don't rue that decision, but I don't think I have the emotional wherewithal to empty it completely. It will be a challenge, but I'm afraid my biggest challenge will be to keep from putting permanent residents in the quarantine tank.
  10. He's a beauty! But he needs a couple of females for company.
  11. @Jungle Fan that's a bittersweet memory, for sure. I lost my dad when I was a bit older than you. Tough to lose a father so young. Did your family keep the fish tank?
  12. I once had a betta fish in a one gallon jar. The fish store called them beta fish back then. I would catch insects and throw them still alive onto the surface of the water to feed him. His name was Mr. Beta. I have earlier memories, catching minnows and tadpoles to have as pets, but my adult brain passes judgment on my child behaviors and the memories are now tinged with the shame of torturing critters through ignorance.
  13. I ❤️ tannins, and so do my fish. I know it colors the water, but it's good for the fish, so it makes me happy.
  14. I know, but maybe it didn't come through in my posts, my reaction to the gunk is an emotional one. I'm sold on the filtration system, but the worry that I get from it ("Am I doing this right?") just doesn't seem worth it to me. Also, the Fish Doctor in Providence (my fish guru before yootoobles) taught me to use a lot of gravel with the UG and very little substrate without. Currently, I have barely an inch of substrate in my current tank, and I like it. It does make for a challenge to get plants to stay planted though.
  15. Cory holds up the packaging of the Lee's filter in the video Anita embedded above. Your answer is in the rant at the end of the video.
  16. I've made the gunk from under the filter come up into the tank by putting the air stone too far down. It doesn't take long to resettle, but I think that speaks to my unease with the system. I never know exactly where the sweet spot is for the air stone.
  17. I've used under gravel filter systems, as my LFS back in the day swore by them. When I set up my 5 gallon a few years ago, that was my initial filtration system, but I wound up with a HOB to supplement, as I like the mechanical filtration and water flow it provides. I recently discovered the Aquarium Co-Op sponge filter, though, and that is what I have in my tank right now. Honestly, I don't love the idea of all that gunk under the gravel and the sponge filter is super easy.
  18. Hey, I've wondered how you made out with your power outage. I hope all went OK and power is restored. Edited to add, I could have just read your post from Feb. 16. I missed it. 🙃
  19. I made a huge error in judgment in the placement of my 15 gallon aquarium. It is sinking into the surface of the table and I'm afraid it will eventually cause too much stress on the tank and shatter it. I actually did make sure the table was able to handle the weight, but the surface is too soft to handle it, which was not something I reckoned on. So, I bought a tank stand which should arrive today. I searched online for the protocol for moving fish tanks and the consensus is I need to take everything out beforehand. I had envisioned the necessity of removing about half the water only, so I am reeling a bit from this blow. The Prime Time Aquatics dude says that 10 gallons is the limit on this, which I tend to trust, as he knows his stuff. I just don't want to have to. My tank is a Metaframe, so it's framed with steel, but it was refurbished at some point. It doesn't have the slate bottom, but rather glass, so the fact that it was rejiggered is also a worry for me. Any advice is appreciated, but I already have the "What are you, stoopid?" covered, as it has been going in an endless loop in my noodle since noticing the sinkage.
  20. Your locally-sourced hardscape is super cool. Well done.
  21. My new snails have gotten all the algae off the glass and the anubias. The ramshorn snails are so pretty and the Malaysian snails are allowing me to plant the Cryptocoryne parva over and over and over again. 😁 Also, my one baby Ember tetra abides. Maybe I should name him the Dude.
  22. It really is. Dean is so talented; they all are! And I am so appreciative of all the ways in which Cory builds community. After this past year of [a series of unfortunate events not necessary to list] his videos and this forum truly have been a balm for the spirit. We need to redefine our online spaces to reflect our shared humanity and this is very good start.
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