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Celly Rasbora

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Everything posted by Celly Rasbora

  1. Thanks, I have found that the phrase ‘you get what you pay for’ to be true most of the time.
  2. If you have plants, know it will stress them. I managed to get through the level 2 dosing without killing anything, but level 3 would have done them in. Which is why a quarantine tank is on my list of things to do. Edited to add, the anubias and java ferns seemed unfazed, though.
  3. I've always wanted to do that, but I'm not handy and it seems too complicated to me. Is there a guide for someone like me with zero understanding of what you even said just now?
  4. I have a yard full of oak seedlings, thanks to the squirrels. I collect the small leaves as they turn brown, wash, then boil them. Because it's my yard, I know they don't have poisons on them. I use the "tea" it makes, and then I save the leaves to use them as leaf litter, as my Rasboras live in those types of waters. I also buy the almond leaves from Aquarium Co-Op. It's probably time for an order.
  5. Nice. Letting it float should grow some roots. I can't seem to grow it myself.
  6. Ludwigia was my first reaction, but I'm no expert.
  7. Which lifetime? I could have chosen the 70s, but really, the goldfish tank that I have just the faintest of memories of might have been in the 60s. I remember brightly-colored marbles in the tank. Or maybe I dreamed it. Certainly, I wasn't in charge of it. I also had wild-caught minnows, turtles, tadpoles, but I had no idea what I was doing. Ugh. So I ruled that decade out. In the 80s, I had a few iterations of being in the hobby, but mostly, it was my ex's and my hobby together, so I skipped ahead. Movin' out, movin' on. So, I chose the 2010s. It's just me in the hobby and I love it.
  8. Maybe you need to get them off you! 😁 Seriously, though, I just learned about this plant. It's so pretty. I have binged on watching Foo the Flowerhorn on yootoobles, and that person has it growing. Common name is mosquito fern, right? The shrimp ate all of it, leaving only duckweed, that mysteriously showed up uninvited.
  9. My water sprite is beautiful, so I would have to go with that. I have bits of monte carlo floating around as well, and that is nice too. I did just get other floating plants, water lettuce, red roots and some salvinia, so I chose salvinia in the poll.
  10. What a fun thread. Loved that you sourced your plants and shrimp from a ditch.
  11. I've been in a pretty dark place myself, completely unrelated to keeping fish, so I just want to say that I hear you. The pain, the frustration, the personal upheaval. It's been a tough year. I've been more fortunate than most, but still have the blues. But as you say, we persevere. Gotta slog through the rain to get flowers and fruit. Go easy.
  12. One of my female strawberry rasboras has developed a taste for snail eggs. I am hoping others follow her example.
  13. *Whew* I got mine in January. It's doing well, but my new baby snail explosion has discovered it. Hopefully I don't get a zebra mussel explosion, too. I water plants with my water; it never goes down the drain, so hopefully I won't be spreading snails or mussels willy-nilly.
  14. This is so great! He says he demands excellence from his employees and understands the return on his investment. I really thought this business philosophy had become extinct. Congratulations on being excellent. 🙂
  15. I am listening to Cory's live stream from a couple of days ago and heard him announce the minimum wage of $20/hr for all employees. I am so proud to support a business that supports its employees. Well done!
  16. A long time ago, I got a bad taste in my mouth buying a single bleeding heart tetra that acted very aggressively. That's how I got started on rasboras. But I decided to buy some Ember tetras recently, because I thought they were so beautiful. At first, I was like, why did I buy these mini-piranhas? But they have grown on me. I like that the females are as bright as the males. I have enjoyed watching Cory's rummy nose tetras and even Aquarium Co-Op's display tank of neons. Impressive when there are so many in a tank. The Congo tetra is breath-taking.
  17. My tank is a melting pot, much like the United States, so I would have to say, American.
  18. I like doing it. My rasboras dance in the fresh water and it makes me happy.
  19. I didn't have delays, but had excellent customer service when I bought from them. Aquarium Co-Op wouldn't hitch their star to their wagon if they didn't.
  20. On the twitters, I follow a dude who tweets curated Iowa City police logs and today, I found someone who draws cartoons based on the tweets. These are actual calls to the police. 😁 This made me laugh out loud: "Calling to police to request help with fish tank … what now?" https://twitter.com/keithpille/status/1295801526695399425?s=20
  21. My ex had a butterfly fish. We came back from a weekend trip and it was dead on the floor. We were very young at the time and we didn’t know that was even possible for them to jump. I was horrified. I still shudder to think about it.
  22. According to videos I've seen, the planters are designed to fit the type of container the tiger lotus comes in, so it's possible that it would work. That said, it is a bulb and it might have special care instructions. The plants in containers I've seen go in the easy planters were crypts. My experience with asking questions of Aquarium Co-Op customer service has been fabulous, though. Why not reach out to the experts?
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