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Everything posted by Colu

  1. It could be swim bladder infection but the spinning could be a parasitic infection treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and API general cure to cover all bases
  2. Their differently a species of metynnis it difficult tell what species it is
  3. I have a juwel aquarium 3D back ground it looks like rocks
  4. Tiger barb only get aggressive when keeped in small groups the bigger group will stop them picking on one individual and spread aggression among the group
  5. I don't think you have any thing to worry about ramshorn snails prefer to eat dead plant material
  6. Bristlenose you can feed soilent green super green or morning wood
  7. I prefer frozen because with live food you could be introducing parasites in to your aquarium
  8. If your still getting high reading it has not finished cycling yet adding a small amount of fish food will help with cycling the tank add Daly till you get reading of zero for ammonia and nitrite
  9. I put a small amount of fish food in Daly to feed beneficial bacteria when I do a fish less cycle if you have pest snail they will be providing nutrients to feed your bacterial I would not add fish till you get a reading of zero on ammonia and nitrites
  10. It looks like a bacterial infection treat with the kanaplex and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons do no more then 3couse of kanaplex it can harm your fishs organ if over used if kanaplex does not work try maracy or maracyn2 one treats gram positive and one treats gram negative bacterial infection it my take more than one Couse
  11. It sounds like swim bladder Qt and don't feed for a of couple days then offer crushed pea treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for 5 days if salt does not work use maracyn some swim bladder infections are caused by a bacterial infection
  12. It could have been caused be injury or stress there a lot of factors to take in to account if non of other fish are showing symptoms i would just monitor
  13. Assassin snail only lay one egg at a time so it will take some time build up your population
  14. Nerite snails are found in mangrove swamps and estuary spend time out of water with coming and going of tide as long they are keep damp they will be fine
  15. They are great fish if the lighting right otherwise they just look pale and washed out
  16. It look like a prolapse treat with Epsom salt baths 1 table for 1 gallons for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help your fish reabsorb the prolapse
  17. Methylene blue can be use with aquarium salt to help salt can work but it could take up 3/4weeks just need to persevere
  18. I would treat for columnaris looking at pictures use aquarium salt 1table spoon for 2 gallons and maracyn2 columnaris is highly infectious bacterial infection
  19. I would just clean air line tubing and see if it comes back
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