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Everything posted by Colu

  1. If it was bacterial you can disinfectant the tank before adding any more fish with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution just leave your filter running it turn into H20 and oxygen after 24hrs
  2. It might reduce on it own if not will require stitches to put back in place that what my vet book says
  3. You can leave your filtery just remove actived carbon
  4. Neon green tetra like a muture tank with no nitrites or ammonia a great beginner fish is X ray tetra
  5. Have x-ray tetra as dither fish for my bristlenose
  6. Epsom salt bath 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days
  7. Epsom salt is used to swim bladder as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to relieve pressure on the swim bladder
  8. As long as you have plants 20ppm of nitrate is fine I would just monitor if eating ok some barbs and tetra like to hover in one part of the tank
  9. You fish in picture have red patch were scales have been rub it looks like injury and not columnaris
  10. My lfs told me pangasius catfish only get 3in long and are ok in 20gallon I like to ask stupid question to see how much they no
  11. LFS sould stop selling fish that need a hugh tank you will get someone coming in and buying 3in baby red Catfish for a 20gallons not realizeing how big they get they should not sell larger fish to people unless that have tank big enough
  12. Columnaris usely cause mass die in 24 fish hang at surface or bottom of tank suffering breathing difficulty
  13. I have read a bout columnaris infection often originates at the tail or dorsal fin and extends as pale white patchs over body I have looked it up from what I can see l don't think you have columnaris but if you unsure treat for bacterial infection
  14. Leave carbon pad out of filter till finished full Couse of treatment or treatment won't work
  15. It's fins will just take a week or two fully grow back
  16. Use API fungus cure and aquarium salt 1table spoon for 2gallons
  17. I would put him back in the tank treat with aquarium salt 1table spoon for 3gallons if you have live plants it will affect them
  18. Start treatment for ich and use melafix to help heal wound on head you can get plastic heater guards so it won't injury it self again
  19. It looks like it has Swim into something and rubbed off some scales
  20. The red mark on face look like an injury it could be heater burn the white on body look like the start of ich loach are a bit more sensitive to treatment I would start at half dose
  21. All oyster shell substrate would put your pH really high I have a small filter bag of oyster shell in my tank and Keeps my pH at 7.5 but using that much might put your pH up 9plus
  22. Its difficult to tell sometimes unexpected deaths can be bacterial disease
  23. It looks like it could be parasites
  24. It could be a swin bladder problem
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