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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Hillstream loach are sensitive to salt
  2. I do no how much salt they need to breed may be just a small amount was enough
  3. I would take it out and have a look to if it dead
  4. It could have died and is starting to rot
  5. You should do at least one 25%water change aweek and add sponge filter for extra aerate
  6. Salt will affect your plant can you Qt and treat with salt or treat main tank with melafix to help heal the fishs body
  7. You shouldn't use ich x with seachem prime it sulfonate based it
  8. They do better in small groups of 5or6 but will be ok on there own
  9. I would do 1table spoon to 2gallons for a week
  10. Colu

    Panda cory sick

    Can take a picture of sick cory
  11. I would quarantine and only medicate if they are wild court
  12. Increase water change reduce light levels what are your water parameters
  13. Corydoras can't tolerate a lot of salt because of how bad the injury is I would use maracyn incase of bacterial and melafix to help heal the wound
  14. You could add floating plants they roots provide cover for fry
  15. It you want them to breed have 3or4 different size cave a round the tank and feed a mixture of vegetables such as cucumber green beans lettuce and algae wafers and frozen blood worms
  16. Colu

    Red gill on Danio

    If meds have not worked and it eating and behaviouring normally it could be a deformation of the gill cover I would monitor it and it does not got worse I would leave it alone
  17. Do you quarantine newfish before adding to main tank
  18. Colu

    Red gill on Danio

    Is it eating ok and behaviouring normally
  19. Are there any other symptoms what are ammonia and nitrite levels
  20. SAE will eat some black bead algae but will not get rid of it all together
  21. Could be looking another cave to hid in
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