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Everything posted by Colu

  1. dilute3% seachem flourish excel leave your plants in it for 24 that should most of the algae
  2. I three cave in my tank I have one at the back behind wood one in the corner in my plants and one at front of my tank
  3. The male are bigger and have more bristles on head female only get them around the edge of face
  4. You can use pots or cave in my experience they will breed in both just need to offer a couple of different cave or pots and they will choose the one they like
  5. BN would be fine you could keep a pair in a 29 as long as you have plenty of cave and hiding spots
  6. Most common is gram positive I would treat for that maracyn or API erythromycin treat gram postive bacterial infection
  7. Siamese algae eater like to be in small groups of 5/6 I have had never had just one it might be ok
  8. You need maracyn not maracyn2 different antibiotic one treats gram positive bacterial infections and one treats gram negative if you cannot get maracyn try API erythromycin it the same antibiotic that in maracyn
  9. Easy plants to grow and Javan fern anubis and vallisneria got well in low tech tank
  10. It looks like a nasty bacterial infection have you tried maracyn and salt sometimes it turns them round when really sick
  11. Books are great as a teaching aid I have about 100 books on fish care breeding disease habitat really enjoy reading them
  12. Put one bristles nose pleco in to help with algae problem
  13. I would stop adding in discus buffer now you have taken rocks out and see if kH drop on it own
  14. Blue gourami's Molly and paradise fish eat hydra
  15. Colu

    Oscar HITH

    Can you remove carbon pad form your filter and replace with different filter pad
  16. Colu

    Oscar HITH

    Hole in the head disease can be caused by poor water conditions and nutrition I have read there is a link between active carbon and hole in head disease
  17. Colu

    Oscar HITH

    What I would do is treat with aquarium salt at 1table spoon for 2gallons and redose the paracleanse it could be hole in the head disease
  18. I like to use natural methfords bristlenose pleco nerits snails siamese algae eaters
  19. Colu

    Oscar HITH

    Is it just the one hole on left side of head
  20. Colu

    Oscar HITH

    Can take a picture of Oscar and what are your water parameters
  21. Some local fish store will test your water for a couple dollars but I would recommend investing in some test kits ick X might cause some discoloration I would try API super ich cure and salt at 1table spoon for 2gallons
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