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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. Colu, which species have you treated during your time as a fish keeper?
  2. If this turtle was not already named Sam, I would name him Loki. I think his favorite activity is knocking down the internal HOB I setup for him. He has done this three times just today.
  3. It was a safe combo in outdoor tubs. Combined in one tank, I'm not as sure, but we shall see. They are together in a tank for my folks to enjoy. I would say Ember Tetras are even safer with shrimp indoors.
  4. This article is a little introduction to causes of algae and Cyanobacteria in lakes. We struggle on Lake Champlain with the effects of agricultural runoff, not to mention aging municipal sewer systems when combined with massive rainfall events. Phosphorus - Clean Lakes Alliance WWW.CLEANLAKESALLIANCE.ORG Phosphorus is the main culprit of algae and cyanobacteria blooms in our lakes. Just one pound of...
  5. I like temperature-based pairings. White Clouds and Neocaridina Shrimp indoors and outdoors.
  6. Most of my nightmares involve escaping from parties that I was not invited to, while trying to find my shoes. It usually means that I need to visit the facilities. Sometimes those dreams involve tanks that are not level, or at the worst, water damage to my work laptop. The sooner I wake up, the better.
  7. I prefer to avoid gatekeeping definitions, so I would say any tank with live plants is a planted tank. A planted aquatic ecosystem might be one where the plants, substrate, light, inhabitants, and nutrients are in balance. See STT: Seasoned Tank Time.
  8. I have only kept accidental hitchhikers: Ramshorn snails, and bladder snails. The orange Ramshorn snails are cool and flashy, but I love the humble bladder snails the most. They just look so natural on my wood, and don’t overshadow the fish and shrimp.
  9. I read a recent article about spiders building webs in space. The Orb Weavers would normally build an asymmetrical web on Earth, but in microgravity, they built symmetrical webs. The introduction of a stable light source gave them an orientation, and they were able to make their asymmetrical webs again. I have no idea how this might relate to an aquarium. http://link.springer.com//oscar-static/images/favicons/springerlink/app-icon-iphone@3x-f259d46347.png Spiders in space—orb-web-related behaviour in zero gravity | SpringerLink LINK.SPRINGER.COM Gravity is very important for many organisms, including web-building spiders. Probably the best...
  10. I had to go research the Burmese Zebra Eel, and the Centipede Knife. They are both very interesting! Are they mentioned in any Co-Op videos?
  11. Sometimes it can be hard to find an empty spot on the substrate, which is a great problem to have! I keep buckets and utility tanks with light and air, for spare plants and cuttings. I order plants that I love, and then wait for the right moments of inspiration to plant more.
  12. All the Co-Op sponge filters are great and can handle a lot. I'm not sure how much filtration those frogs require. My primary filtration is Co-Op plants.
  13. The Nanos are the lowest profile, and my favorite size. I often run them in pairs. They are slightly taller than the Small, but not as wide. I choose the Small when height is my biggest limiting factor. I use the Medium in tubs. I do not always use the lift tubes, depending on splashing, and substrate height. My advice is for 20 gallons and under.
  14. I have had so much fun with my symmetrical windowsill tanks. The tech and substrate are symmetrical, but the hardscape, plants, and livestock are just similar. They bookend my home workspace, which is so relaxing. I really recommend this configuration.
  15. @kammaroon, this is one of my all-time favorite aquarium photographs. Someday I will try backlighting through a leaf, and this will be the reason why. Much respect!
  16. 88 mph converts to 141.622 kph, if you are looking for another magical meme number on one of those digital displays. 😉
  17. @Colu, do you have a Green Spotted Puffer journal? I have thought about keeping them in the future, since I enjoyed a Porcupine Puffer in my marine days.
  18. Symmetrical me sees enough space for another unit!
  19. This substrate should keep everything alive!
  20. Your tank looks terrific! Surprises are pretty fun in aquariums. You could consider adding one more piece of Mopani Wood, which might provide more hiding places, so you could watch everything grow.
  21. This is a bit of a meme, and some Enjoy Nature Daily: (Found on Reddit)
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