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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I've really been digging the harlequin rasboras as of lately. I would do some of those with the betta.
  2. Yes, 1 Tablespoon of salt per gallon. AQUARIUM SALT NOT MARINE SALT! I use paper and put that on the lid to limit the light, its really bright. When I first set it up I had lots of algae problems. Algae EVERYWHERE!! My Betta did that too with the intake, so I did exactly what you did, put a sponge over it. The flow is WAYY too much for a betta, but you can also turn down the flow manually on the water pump by flipping a switch, still was a bit too strong. I also have floating plants that help with the light. I get a lot of algae on the black filter box, but I dont do much with it as it doesn't bug me.
  3. I would capture the betta by tricking him into thinking your finger is food and then swoop him up right away. I would then drain the tank, remove the snails and put them in with the betta as well as the filter media and perhaps any plants. Start distructing the tank and start setting up the new one. You may wanna put a airstone in the bucket for the snails. The betta and snails will be fine in the bucket for a few days. Good luck with the move!
  4. I'm wondering if its old age. I know you've only had him for a year and a bit, but theres a good chance he was a few years old at the petstore. Your water parameters are in check. I would lay off feeding completley, the fish is better off not to eat and to cause that amonia that will come. I would try a salt treatment at 1T a gallon, see if that helps do it daily for 5 days. Lets hope that will kill off the bacteria and then the rest will heal on its own. After a week or two you can start introducing food again, I might even try dipping them in garlic to make it more attractive for the fish. Sharing you this thread: Thats my betta! He overcame some serious finrot because of people like @Hobbit @Anita @OceanTruth @Lifeisgood and so many more people! I know its two different diseases but they are both bacterial infections. This was my betta a few weeks ago: And this was him today:
  5. Hello fellow my canadian! What province do you live in? I check kijiji before making any purchase aquarium related, I have found steals! Were talking saving 200-300$!! Beutiful betta! Love how red it is!
  6. What are your updated water parameters? When did you get this betta?
  7. Today was moving day! Hugo is down stairs in the basement where my brother will be QTing for the next two weeks, so I thought I would move him upstairs. Because theres no way I'm gonna have two weeks without seeing hugo. Because of Hugos fins, I wasnt going to catch him with a net. So instead I got a cup, and picked him up with it. This will be way better for him fins. It was really easy catching him, all I did was act like my finger was food, and then caught him: I then drained the tank and put the filter media into the bucket I then brought the tank upstairs, and boy was that tank heavier then what I thought it was going to be. I forgot about the weight of the substrate. But... When moving the tank upstaird and the water going splish, splosh the plants got uprooted. And I found a Baby Hygrophillia! How awesome is that! I then filled it back up, and planted the plants again. Heres a an update on Hugos fins, much approvement in just a week! I'm also considering moving the neon tetras in my community tank to Hugos Tank, temporarily. The angels in the community tank have been taking a snack on them every so often. I started with 10, now I have 4. I'll take the cardinals down to the LFS sometimes soon, but in the meantime Hugo might make some freinds. I'm mostly excited about the hygrophillia runner! I haven't much luck with plants in the past, so to see this finally happend is AWESOME! Hugo was in my office space, so I would hangout with him when I was on the forum, etc. He's now in my bedroom, so we'll see how much attention he gets.
  8. I would personally do a colony of guppies and some shrimp. You'll get babies from both of them and then later sell them to your lfs for some money. As long as your water parameters are in check: 0 ppm Amonia and Nitrite 20 ppm of Nitrate You should be fine. Live Plants will help you increase your stocking options because they consume those nutrients @CorydorasEthan has recemended a decent website, but keep in mind its going to depend on your filtration also. If someone had a 300 Gallon Sump on there 20 gallon they stock way more fish then someone who only has a sponge filter. You seem to have a decent filtration system a Hang on back and a sponge filter.
  9. My angel does this all the time. He gets fairly stressed out over the little things. When something like this happends I just do a waterchange. It usually puts him back into his "GIVE ME FOOD" mood. I can see some pink showing on his pectoral fin, my angel also has that when he doesnt like the water. Nitrate is a bit high, it should be at 20ppm.
  10. Shoaling is like loose schooling. Fish that enjoy eachothers company. Feeding frozen blood worms every day can be bad for any fish. This is just because they are so fatty, and can be hard to digest. if feeding him blood worms once or twice a week, you should be fine. A cheap option to feeding him is starting a snail colony or shrimp colony in one of your other tanks, and feed him the babys. Others have also succesfully fed Hikari Vibra Bites to their pea puffer.
  11. Me lying awake thinking of all the funny memes I'm gonna make: Also me: Forgets them all in the morning
  12. hahaha, I'll wake up and see little holes in the sand ALL them time. I knew it was the snail doing it, but never knew why. I thought maybe they didnt like the light so they tried to hid underneath the sand 🤷‍♂️ I used to have small little monte carlo that the snail would dig up all the time, that was really annoying.
  13. I wouldnt do endlers like what @Dwayne Brown because if you get male and female, they will over populate and in such a small tank, its not a good idea.
  14. Snails are USUALLY a great option but then there are those bettas that are little devils and will destroy everything living in sight. Heres how to tell if your betta will probably be fine with tankmates: Stick your finger in the tank Observe what he does? Does he flare at it and try to fight it? or does he try to eat it because he things it food? or does he just not care, maybe even a bit scared of the finger? If your betta is flaring at the finger, tank mates for the most part probably wont work If your betta is trying to eat it, checking it out, or leaving it a lone, tankmates are probably fine These are the tankmates I hope to one day keep withy my betta, Hugo Neocardina Shrimp like cherry shrimp are great, all though gets some moss or some more dense plants for the shrimp to hide. Sometimes they will get eaten by the betta. Luckily yours is a long fin betta, so the chances of that happening have decreased Ember Tetras Celestrial Pearl Danios Pygmy Corys ( @CorydorasEthan I'm surprised you didnt metnion this) Neon Tetras Snails
  15. My old my betta named Marlin would swim right into the net aswell. It made it very easy for moving days. My current Betta named Hugo, will sometimes be too busy saying hi and begging for food to even relize that I placed food in. He also loves the laser pointer:
  16. Cryptacorne Wendetii Red or Red Melon Swords would be my choice. They both are very low tech, low light and all they need is root tabs.
  17. Thats a very good idea @H.K.Luterman As @Anita said I have a grumpy pleco who wants all the food in the tank. I'll look into this. I have a peice of driftwood in the middle though so, where my pleco and the upside down catfish all sleep, so it'll be a challenge to work around that. But I'll figure something out Thanks Guys!
  18. Nothing has really been happening to the community tank in the last little while... The Bristlenose Pleco has been VERY food aggressive and is fighting every fish when they get to close to his pellets/ algae wafers. He HATES the upside down catfish. So we'll see what will happend. I want to get some corydoras soon, not sure if its for this tank or for a tank I am currently planing. If it was going to be in this tank the pleco would defentley have to go. I want to make a trip to the LFS soon, trade in the rest of the cardinals before they get eating. Get a MagFloat (my betta tank is coverd in algae, and i lost my old algae scruber) Hopefully some new plants, possible some neon tetras for Hugos Tank. I really liked the splash of red that the caridnals gave, so I'll be looking for some red schooling fish, possibly rummynose. I'm in love with the danios, they are fat pigs! I sware no one tells you how much they love food before you buy them. I also found this water pump in one of my buckets, and so I used it for my water change! It works really well! I do a quick gravel vac and then pump out the other water!
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