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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I don’t know who’s not mating. Seems they are all pretty “busy”. Then again I think only one of the 8 is actually male. He’s the only one I’ve ever seen doing adult snail things w/ the ladies. The other snails are younger than he is so maybe they are not “romantic” yet. I don’t really try to sex my snails, I just go with it. I was looking at the tank yesterday and all of a sudden something was flying from left to right, it went halfway across the tank, near the top. It was Romeo! He has his foot all the way spread out and he had air in his shell and was riding the surface agitation. 🤣 At the halfway point he released some bubbles and parasnailed down. What a clown! He’s the biggest snail so the whole caper was NOT very subtle!
  2. It’s a mystery. (But not a mystery) if you know what I’m sayin.
  3. I have hair algae too but I just look somewhere else. I’m hoping the shrimp will eat it. I put the lights at 12 hr, maybe I need to go down to the 8 hr.
  4. What?!! 🤣 ARE YOU OKAY??? ❓ It looks really good. It must be hard catching corydoras. They’re always so energetic and up and down and all around. Are you going to vinyl the side of the tank that’s next to the doorway so they don’t get stressed every time you come and go?
  5. I had hydra but I left them alone and they don’t bother anything. They are green, I think they are eating algae. I’ve only ever seen them on the walls. Here is what mine looks like. It is easy to tell. At first the ladies were fanning with no eggs. I guess they were practicing. But when they have eggs you can tell.
  6. How are you luring them into the trap? & I feel the same about hornworms. They were all over my tomato plants one year, and they drink all the liquid out of the main stalk. I had to put on gloves and pick them off, but they have hooks and they latch to the plant. So I had to pry them off. Then they rear up at me, like a cobra OMG… and lastly they squirt green stuff. Hence the gloves. And they are bigger than a caterpillar and muscular. I had mega hot water with Dawn in a mason jar and I dropped them into it. It was awful!
  7. Tagging @TeeJay and @Katherine. I believe they both use crushed coral.
  8. My little dude hasn’t reproduced. I suppose he’s a male. He came out to eat a crab cuisine today. He made friends.
  9. This is what his setup looks like. He’s right there in the front and his line is showing better now that he’s in the tank again.
  10. It’s a trade off between price & safety of the tank inhabitants. I’m just leaning away from CaribSea Aragonite at this point, if I had to make a purchase.
  11. This is a black neon. He’s been in salt treatment and they also hide their line when they are not in a school, plus the stress from just being caught - that’s why he’s washed out.
  12. Our patient had his one week checkup and things look good. Ammonia has been 0 every day but he has a black spot near dorsal. That area was reddish (inflamed?) before. However the other black neons naturally have a little red there also. I just thought this guy’s looked “different”. So I followed the treatment above. I worry about salt dehydration of this fish and stress when going past one week, so I’m just doing a conservative water change of 20%. The almond leaves have added very nice tannins to the qt tank and I will add a little more “tea” with the water change. Options I’m considering: 1. Add a friend since tetras feel unsafe when alone. A risk for the friend, I realize, but the patient looks pretty good. 2. Stay the course, 1 more week. At this time I am not considering placing him back in the display tank. Twice in the past I had been too eager to move fish at the first sign of no symptoms, and they regressed. Thoughts? @Colu @nabokovfan87 @Guppysnail BEFORE:
  13. Yes it sure does. The snail will not harm plants. A bunch of people on Reddit are thinking Nibbles is a trapdoor snail but idk. Nibbles came in on a plant and has stayed peppercorn sized. The only thing is you have to make sure you don’t gravel vac your little friend. 🙂 Your snail is not a ramshorn because of its rounder shape. Your snail is not a bladder snail because of its whorl position.
  14. Here is that thread. Friend used same product (caribsea aragonite) you posted a photo of but we don’t know if the parameters swung too fast or If there was a contaminant or what. Could have been a number of things. Personal opinion, you should buy your crushed coral from aquarium co op @Nelo because they have a thorough quality testing procedure with their products. P.S. the axolotl you see pictured here is fine.
  15. Isn’t that a spathiphyllum flower? Are spathiphyllum sold as anubias? Are they one and the same? I know that spathiphyllum can really thrive emergent, but I didn’t know it could grow submerged.
  16. I’m pretty sure that glass chunk is safe. My LFS has similar in their tanks.
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