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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. You had asked why you have nitrites. It could be new tank. Then again it could have been caused by the meds. Some meds will kill the beneficial bacteria “crashing the cycle” as @Lennie mentioned. Either way just water test for those 3 things each day and if you see ammonia or nitrites just use use Fritz complete with a water change, and you can add your bacteria also, following the dosage on the package. Nitrates are ok unless they get high (40-50ish is high).
  2. I see you don’t have access to Prime. Neither of these products dechlorinate the water. What brand is your dechlorinator? Update: I see it’s Fritz complete! Sorry, had to go back a page. I’m getting caught up again. Hehe Fritz complete is great. It works like Prime.
  3. Very good. You are on the right track. Something else helpful is to use Prime. Not sure if that is the one you have or not. If ammonia or nitrites exist in your water, Prime will make them nontoxic for a day, protecting your fish. The next day, if you still get a reading on them, you can water change again with Prime. Please don’t give up. Once the tank is not new anymore, the cycle is done, it stabilizes. The challenge is in the beginning when first setting up. That’s great! ☺️
  4. Ok. Again, I’m so sorry you and your grandkids are going through this. The issue may have been the meds or it may have been the water parameters, or a combination. New tanks go through a lot of changes in water chemistry. I posted a helpful video above which should explain what is happening with the water.
  5. I saw that, I’m so sorry. I was trying to determine the cause of death and whether they were exposed to fish medication. Here is a video I really like that explains the nitrogen cycle. It is how every newly set up tank starts off. If you don’t have these already, the test kits you need to start out with are ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. I know it’s a longer video, but it is super helpful.
  6. Just want to confirm your snails were not in the tank you were medicating? @Sherry
  7. I gave the shrimps some DIY Snello but they weren’t too keen on it. A few nibbled just a bit. So I put in their ultimate favorite, Repashy. That will be gone quickly. meanwhile here are some snails romancing their carrots. @Lennie I find it easier to cut the carrots into small cubes. So they don’t have to compete over a large piece. Someone got creative and climbed the heater cord and laid eggs on it.
  8. I was able to remove a lot of the mulm (see under the spiderwood in previous pic) out to the DEAN’s dip container. One tiny blue shrimplet took a ride and was returned. Will let the container sit a little while and check again. I figured out what all that mulm is. Decayed catappa leaf. Which is fine for them. But going forward I will just put a little piece of catappa, in the front where I can easily remove when/before it starts to turn to dust. I hid the ball of hair algae behind some stuff. There are shrimplets in it and it’s too hard to get through this type of algae to free them, so I guess they need to chew out. As the population grows, I hope the hair algae will be consumed by everyone.
  9. Dang I just slap an airstone into a mason jar and call that a hatchery. Y’all have buji hatchery LOL I saw a YouTuber remove the shells with the neo-something magnet. Apparently the shells stick to that. Ever try it?
  10. I added the tiniest bit and they all come out and get excited. Seriously, they get super active when it goes in. For that amount I can’t even see it or where it goes. I put tank water in a shotglass and mix the bacter ae there. Then dump it in. So I did it again after a water change. They are just getting a tip of a toothpick worth (10g tank). I read you can OD the stuff and have loads of detritus worms and poor water quality, so it’s only going to go in after wc.
  11. Snoopy does this. Geppetto as well. Seems the more intelligent fish do the greeting. Yeahh.. that’s why I don’t do CO2 at all. I don’t trust myself. What if I adjust something, go do something else and forget I adjusted it, then later in the day adjust it again? And then ☠️ Low tech it is for me!
  12. Not sure what you mean by FD. Have a food on hand containing calcium (ie: Hikari crab cuisine). You can give them sinking fish food for protein. And you can give algae wafer or boiled veggie for the vegetable. The thing that will last the longest in your tank is the boiled veggie. They eat the prepared foods pretty quickly. The protein is for their operculum. The calcium for their shell. And the veggie for vitamins and nutrition
  13. Wow @knee! Amazing! Tagging Bolivian ram fans: @Guppysnail @nabokovfan87 @flyingcow @redfish @xXInkedPhoenixX
  14. The sponge filter above is getting pretty clogged but I have seen shrimplets in it so I am not comfortable cleaning it. Two weeks ago I added this sponge. It was floaty when I first added it, hence the rock. I used the co op base and was able to buy just the fine sponge for 5 bucks at LFS. I’m more comfortable with this one, for shrimp. See the little guy below? I plan to remove the coarse one entirely in another 2 weeks and do a thorough inspection for shrimplets in the bucket when I clean it. I will probably relocate it to the 29 and run it there just in case any would be still inside. Better option than letting it dry out. I always run a coarse one in the 29 anyway for quick quarantine setups or to run in case of a power outage. (Think one month is good enough for the new one to seed?) Did a 20% water change on this tank today as well (drip). The tank has more noticeable microfauna since I added just the small dose of bacter ae. One copepod was sacrificed when I removed some leftover food with a turkey baster earlier this week. I know because I was using the magnifying glass to look for shrimplets. Sorry, copepod, but I don’t know how to catch you. I also have the rare sighting of a detritus worm; never more than one seen at a time. And I have ostracods. Always had these creatures and limpets even before bacter ae. But now I see them more and there is something else in there that is a little bigger that jumps or hops; best way to describe it. Seems bigger than an ostracod though. Not sure what it is, unless it is just a wee little shrimplet that got startled by a tankmate.
  15. The assorted colors pic is from lifewithpetsgci.com I believe. That’s where I got my snail food kit (contains ingredients to make a recipe) and tank lids. This pic has a gold one that was born with stripes. It’s the only striped gold one I have.
  16. Thank you @Odd Duck! I learned something! My LFS sells “pond snails” in their koi lowboy tank that look like giant mystery snails, about the size of a fist, which makes things more confusing for me! In your photo above, seems like it’s easier to look at the feelers than the shell. (Of course we can’t see the feelers in the pic provided though.)
  17. The gentleman is still in his spot. Looks like he dug a little more.
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