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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Aw, the poor lady. My boy, even when he’s not mating, moves differently than all the other snails. Jerky, like he’s aggravated. He twists around when he mates with the girls and then he falls asleep on them and they have to haul his butt around for 2 hrs if they want to go anywhere. Here he is plowing right over poor Kratos on Kratos’ adoption day.
  2. Oh yes, brilliant! To remove contaminants. I think about carbon when removing meds but I hadn’t considered it for other situations for some reason! 👏 @Katherine if you are using a sponge filter you can just put carbon into a kneehigh and tie it, that’s what I do. And I put it on top of the sponge.
  3. I never do. Irene’s situation was probably a one-off. Sounds to me like it’s the lobster’s fault but we will see what other people think I’m so sorry you and your kids lost your fish. ☹️
  4. I just recalled Irene made a video about a similar situation with catfish. Turned out the pH the catfish were in at the LFS was drastically different than the pH in Irene’s tank and they couldn’t adjust. But I don’t know if that applies here.
  5. I don’t have advice here but I had a similar situation w/ a floating log- it smelled like chemicals, like those old permanent markers (before Sharpies became popular) that used to smell awful. I took it out and did a wc, no ill effects. Paging Dr. @Colu
  6. The medications likely caused the nitrite. Certain meds can kill the bacteria on the filter.
  7. Maybe. I don’t know his age. I’ve only had him a few months.
  8. Yes. He has done this before. This hibernating stuff. Just not for this long.
  9. Thanks @Lennie. I put a catappa leaf next to him. He likes those. We will see what happens. Also just edited post to say what day I moved him. 2/14.
  10. On Feb 14, I moved Kratos the nerite from the betta tank (80 degrees) to the 29g (78 degrees) because he was being attacked. I bag acclimated for 30 minutes, removing water and adding water at the 15 minutes mark. He crawled from the front to the back of the tank and dug half a hole, went in it, and hasn’t come out since. I tried to check on him but I cannot move him, he has the most powerful suction in the world. Last water change I noticed his poops around him, so I know he’s alive. Seems like an awfully long time to stay in the same spot. What can I do for the fellow? 80kh 180gh 7.5ph nitrate 25 nitrite 0 amm 0 chlorine 0 temp 78
  11. Glad to hear it. After the snail moved, did the white stuff fall off of it?
  12. Ouch.. I’m sorry you and your snail are dealing with this. There are no snail medications - even medications that say snail safe, hobbyists on the forum here have had trouble with and found the snails to be sensitive to. The best you can do is good water quality. Try to avoid powdery foods if you can. Offering a boiled vegetable such as a piece of zucchini or a green bean will help keep water quality better than store bought foods. At least until the snail’s health/injury improves. Something else you can do is add catappa leaves a.k.a. Indian Almond Leaves) to the water, they have antibacterial and antifungal properties, and they are even a supplemental food source for snails. They may turn the water a little brown. That’s ok; those are beneficial tannins. Good for fish too! Smell the snail daily if you haven’t seen movement in 24 hr. (They do sleep on and off throughout the day/night.) Newly adopted snails may stay in their shell longer as they adapt to their new surroundings. @Guppysnail @Colu
  13. This is a 5.5g so the shallower depth allows the crypt to get plenty of light. This is my first (and only) crypt. So far so good
  14. Took a mental break by doing a little aquascaping. As we know I like to change things up for Geppetto. Before: S. Repens. (Tissue culture) Came in several clusters. He wants to know what is going on. Also did a water change, cleaned the glass and the sponge filter. And added another rock tunnel. I like that they are tunnels but don’t look like tunnels. After.
  15. I realize I haven’t posted an update. I discovered the rhizome was dying so I’m going to remove the plant.
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