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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. A tiny snail makes a tiny friend. @Cinnebuns trapdoor??
  2. Bladder snail. They can multiply if you overfeed.
  3. I don’t have a pleco to compare. But they say, or used to say, an inch of fish per gallon of water. One mystery snail per 5 gal. That being said, I have 8 adult mysteries in a 29g with 18 fish and my parameters are fine. Sometimes nitrates creep up. I do over filter though. I run a sponge filter and I have a penguin 200 HOB Your lid looks just fine for them. You should offer sinking food and they should be able to compete. They can smell and find the food quickly. I like to offer foods that are too big for fish to carry away, like boiled vegetable or Repashy cube w/calcium powder and bloodworms in it.
  4. Pro- mesmerizing to watch Con- higher bioload than a fish Pro- comedians. They will ride air bubbles up or jump to the substrate from high up in the tank. Con- may lay eggs above waterline which you’d have to remove if you don’t want them to hatch Pro- they’re cute, especially when holding onto a vegetable Con- they eat a lot. Not as efficient with algae cleaning as a nerite, but they do clean it. They cannot exist only on tank algae though. They need calcium, protein, and veg in their diets. Pro - pretty easy to take care of Con - can crawl out if you don’t have a tight fitting lid. Pro- do not spread illnesses to fish Con- have to be removed if medicating a tank. They are sensitive to meds, even ones that say snail safe I tried to provide an unbiased POV here.
  5. Yeah Cory mentioned something on a livestream about notifications being hit & miss.
  6. Oh sorry, I’ll take a look. For some reason it didn’t notify me.
  7. No. I will try to find the chart of the colors. Here you go
  8. I watched a bunch of shrimp videos before going to make my purchase. When I got there I was shocked at how small neos are. I made 2 extra trips back, bought the shrimps on the 3rd visit. I had walked out a few times because I was scared they look so tiny and delicate/fragile.
  9. Recommending good water quality and calcium rich food
  10. My concern is just the change in kH. Not can they survive in a low kH or gH. The question is regarding going from a tank with 80 kH to a tank with 7. I think that will be hard on the little guys, no? @Lenniei can never see the shrimp food in the tank. It’s so small. I’m using Hikari shrimp cuisine. I’m trying to figure out how much of the other foods to feed them. If I put a few crab cuisine in the morning, I take most of it out in the eve. Same with algae wafers. But one thing they always eat all of is Repashy. They love it. I haven’t tried them on vegetables yet. Except a boiled carrot. Which they didn’t like. Just 2 mystery snails. No, this is my tank. This is what the shrimp are at now.
  11. I have had success with the treatment @Colu posted. Both fish made a full recovery. One of the fish needed a back to back treatment. I used an extra airstone during treatment.
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