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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Hahaha! That's awesome. Yeah they are bugs of sorts so I totally understand it. They are cool though. The propagation looks really awesome. Well done.
  2. All I would do is to siphon it well and remove them as you see fit. As long as they aren't harmful to humans, a lot of people leave them. A few good cleans and it'll sort itself out. I used salt to treat mine and it did ok, the main thing is just manual removal.
  3. Whats the term... It's a cooking thing. A reduction! My tank is basically a "reduction" of things I really, really enjoy. When you're limited to just one it's basically going to be a min/max equation. If it had some white clouds I'd be happy too! I do enjoy everything in my tanks, but amanos, those are just fun little creatures. I think I'm one of the few that would be happy with just a tank of em. Even a massive one with a lot of em to see social interactions and stuff.
  4. Yes. Ich. On the fins, not on the eye. Salt + Ich-X + Temp. Then follow up with bacterial and fungal meds if you need to. Velvet looks like this:
  5. ORD Do you just have the two types of corydoras? Very cool. I miss my False Julii's. I really learned to appreciate them. Very underrated.
  6. I have personally witnessed weeks old fry do it as well. In my pandas they spawn, have been spawning for weeks straight. This past week I've watched them spawn every other day for almost 8 days straight. I've gotten 3 fry out of it. I know there's more than one fry in each batch and I know there's multiple males / females spawning each time. They definitely can and will eat fry and will eat eggs. Even if they are fat and happy, it's human nature because they want their eggs. Males will definitely eat eggs, it's nature doing it's thing to spread their own genes. That cholla wood and smaller shrimp tunnels are awesome for them. It's a good thing to use for fry to hide in. Good choice.
  7. A. Go to the big box store and get a tetra air pump. B. Which pump are you talking about? The green one or the newer black one with battery backup? I am guessing the green one because of the term "nano", but I just wanted to clarify. In my experience, that pump has issues running much of anything beyond an airstone. While it might work, it doesn't push enough flow for me. It's difficult to describe it, maybe it's just the one that I purchased and others are stronger, but when I do try to run medium, large sponges on it, I don't think it has enough flow to pull in debris. On a smaller one, maybe. If you're talking 2 items, I'd recommend a tetra pump rated for a 20-30g and a gang valve, metal version preferred. You can, in a pinch, place the media in the tank, run an airstone to move water. no big deal. That works just fine to keep the bacteria going.
  8. This is the part that seemed interesting to break down. I'm sure there is some math and a very technical word for it, but I just can't remember the terminology for it. If we're talking bonds, then I think about how strong are those bonds? Some elements are happy to shed an electron while others take a lot more energy to do that. One ion might happily spil (like hydrogen peroxide) compared to water that is very happy to not split. I remember studying some of that stuff from school and having to do some pretty intense formulas, but for the life of me it's just one of those things where I'd have to dive in to really understand the mechanics and interactions. With that in mind.... Ammonia seemed to build, potentially because that's our "water molecules" in the above example and other things would reduce into that by shedding electrons. Interesting stuff for sure. Maybe there's an experiment in there somewhere, but like you mentioned the testing changes with temperature could account for a lot of the results you saw in this trial.
  9. I understand completely. It's very hard for CO2 to get dosed in a tank that big and not have it be inline or in a reactor. There's just a lot of distance to cover. Ultimately, even on my 29G.... bad example because my regulator is probably wonky..... I am doing 4-5 bubbles a second without much fuss. I could probably do more. I probably need to do more. This is also a taller tank, more opportunity for things to diffuse while your tank would be shallower and longer, needing more flow across the tank to spread the bubbles out. It'll get there, but that's the obvious one to me.... spraybar / pumphead or something to push that across and keep it in the water longer. Once you get CO2 working, drop checker doing it's thing, then you can run PH tests and dial it in. Prior to that, you're basically trying to get the flow right and the diffusion dialed in.
  10. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea Naptime because it's finally quiet. Buddy just released the world's stinkiest little pup fart. Finally was able to unbox some stuff after being in the house for over a year. They have my old comforter for a blanket now which is cool. It's a twin one from when I was a kid, had it forever. They seem to like it! That's the one Zoey is in now. (Green on one side, green+red check on the other) We still don't know who the apple bandit is, but one of them has gas. So.....
  11. Double the CO2 you're dosing in. You don't have nearly enough for that volume of water. Are you pre-dosing in the CO2 prior to lights on and stopping it an hour before lights out?
  12. Yeah... depending how easy it is to remove would determine it. Staghorn is no fun. It could be a leeching of iron or a different metal that causes it. (excess metal of some kind) One technique is to use tweezers or to use a fork and jam it into the tines then spin it like spaghetti. If it is easy to remove you're looking at Green string algae. If it's difficult, it's staghorn.
  13. Right there with you and I struggled with this as well. I used a "holding container" and a turkey baster. You can move fry with the baster no issue. Even an airline tube or piece of vinyl tube works. Remove the stuff into that container, then check for fry. Once you can spread it out, you'll easily see the fry. I clean it every 1-2 days. When they get bigger, then you can opt for 2ish days. @Guppysnail what do you do for this?
  14. Anubias looks good to me. Some veining, but not too bad and you are dosing enough. I would add root tabs on the crypts, they will feed there and free up some food for the anubias to get it's food. Dosing in iron, everything looks fine and it's just a matter of patience and time. Don't change the light just quite yet. Give the plants a good month with tabbing and continued methods. If you see the leaves yellow in 1-2 weeks, then we need to review that. Ultimately, this could be as simple as a substrate swap with something that has a bit higher CEC value for those crypts. Not plants I've kept before, but an interesting dilemma. Same here. I totally understand this.
  15. Change water? Scoop off the scum on the top? Should I be covering the opening with something or is this fine? Aquariums are so much easier than jars, but I really want to get this going.
  16. Oh, 🙂 , I'd love to have a few thousand of them if I could. One day I will breed them a few times to feel like I have "enough". They are one of my favorite things I've kept!
  17. Pandas are still going after it. Today my day.... I woke up to this moment. We are up to coffee so far, THANK GOODNESS, and laundry. I fed the fish repashy. Froze out the rest of the batch into cubes and will have that to accent the other stuff. Little Riddick waiting for breakfast. It still makes me think and wonder if I don't have enough food given so many different growth rates on the fry in the black cory tank. They are all doing well, some of them have definitely eaten their veggies. Pecktec did a tour of Flip aquatics. They have some special version of endlers... it's about halfway through. Don't know if they are listed yet.
  18. If you have a breeder box, keep her as high to the surface you can. The hang on ones are preferable because they have less of a tendency to jump when scared and smash into the lid causing further injury. It also gives them pretty calm waters if the tank has high flow at the top. I hope the baths go well. Best of luck. For the sake of thoroughness, is it possible the ram hit the lid or was spooked and injured itself on decor? Does any of the decor need to be removed or sanded?
  19. Sorry my amano-larm went off. Everything ok!? 😂 Needless to say you know what I'd say. Very interesting. I dig them both, but I understand the discrepancy and choice there. I like it. Enjoy them! I just use a toothbrush.
  20. Mine came with a thing like this. Might work well for you. Just double check which bits you can use. I like the ball style cutters or the cone shaped ones.
  21. I left an apple core on a napkin last night. Realized hours late the frickin dog probably took it! Tried to find it everywhere. There's no way that little dog ate it. Uuuuuuuuugh. I really, really, really hate it when people feed dogs things they shouldn't have and then they start eating everything. I'll try to get some photos of them being their crazy selves today.
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