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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. That's tough. Very sorry for your loss. I am in the same boat. Maybe one of the employees will start their own? Maybe you have a local club to join and fill that void? @Tactical Error
  2. I'd recommend waiting at least 30-45 days. You don't necessarily have to, but that's my recommendation. You want to give the ich time to die off without a host, clean the tank a few times, give the fish time to recover from wounds and treat those wounds if necessary. Let the plants, everything stabilize and then move forward. When I had ich in my tank, yeah, it's tough. I hope you're through the worst of it.
  3. I'll try on mine too. I think it's angle more that anything. For reference.... This is that you see in live-bearers.
  4. For live-bearers that's known as an indication that they are pregnant and holding fry. I would verify everything before dosing in any meds. You likely just have an egg bound oto. @xXInkedPhoenixXawas just posting a pic of theirs and it's massive. Maybe they can help us out with ID.
  5. Community blend, something with krill usually. I use soilent green, community blend, bottom scratcher. I honestly think for corydoras you can probably use 9 out of 10 of the flavors and they'd do well. If they have spawn and grow, go for that.
  6. Completed round 2? Went to give Riddick some meds this morning. I can't even explain how, the lid flopped out of my hand and the little spoon had the meds flying up in the air. Thankfully a mostly empty container but I have learned to dislike that little spoon lid. 2-3 more days and then I gotta decide what to do with em if he doesn't clear up. I'm thinking he (or she) will end up being in the plant tank and enjoy helping me fert the tank. 😞
  7. Are you talking about the black spot on the belly? Is that just showing a gravid female?
  8. Take a half hour and a sandwich bag and pick out the green flakes. The community crave is a blend of their krill and spirulina flakes. If you're going for pure spirulina it's a good source. I just got some myself 🙂 .
  9. That's awesome. Pandas in the 75 used to have 4-5 caves. They claimed one as their panda hangout. They had one at the entrance like that forever and would always protect her fry inside. It's a cool behavior. Pandas are just too much fun.
  10. Kind of a giggle, but not a joke. Do you have some repashy? Try feeding it at night a few hours after lights out. Do that for 2-3 nights in a week and they should perk up and be ready to lay. I can't really see anything in the photo, but I have experienced this as well. Generally it's likely due to some getting food and others being a bit more timid. Having cover helps the more reclusive ones. Ultimately it's a sign of stress of sorts and could indicate some bacterial issues (potentially).
  11. Very cool. Thanks. I was wondering if maybe that plant just needed some root tab love. The algae and stuff on it isn't helping, but maybe that will perk it up as a last ditched effort?
  12. Oh.... I like that one better than erectus. It'll be nice when it's all reddened. The one in front of that looks like / reminds me of Octopus. Hopefully that makes sense, if not I can find my arrow drawing devices. 😂 The ludwigia is really nice too. Stems are just fun, interesting, and so much variation. I really dig all the different leaf shapes and textures.
  13. Looks awesome. I always enjoy anubias, hopefully the one you have does really well for you. Moss looks great too and the placement is perfect. Feel better. I hope everything is ok with you and those around you.
  14. One thing to be aware of with big box stores is that employees work in different areas. One employee might be working on a few areas and not really have great advice for fish in general. The might be a reptile person or more adept at birds or something and be helping out in the aquarium area. It's just how it is sometimes. Take advice there with a grain of salt, but when you run into the "fish person" you'll know and you'll get a feeling for how helpful and useful, how caring their advice is. Let's take a step back. First, don't change water until you have dechlorinator (or water conditioner, same thing). ---> Ask your brother if he has some and can show you how to use it. Second, when you go to the store, ask questions, have them test your water for you, and make water changes based on those results. One thing hobbyists can do is to do too much when things just need time. Right now the tank is new, and you need to give it time to grow bacteria. Walmart might have stuff there too, cool. I want to share this video with you. It's one of my favorites and shows setting up a tank. There's a million of these, but this one is the most fun one for sure. Here is a video of Cory using Crushed coral and explaining how to use it. This will give you an idea of it, if you think you'll enjoy the look of it. You can scoop out the black gravel into a bowl or something, then add the coral, then add the black coral on top to keep the black look.
  15. It depends what they have. Essentially yes you can break it down into small pieces and only add a small amount at once. They do make different sizes so you don't have to. I can look into the product website and see what they recommend as far as how much for whatever size you find for your tank. I recommended changing water to reduce that ammonia, as the snail is ill, and I believe ammonia to be the cause. I understand. I didn't realize there was a Betta in the tank, so my advice was based on just a single snail in there. Low bioload, keep the water clean, don't feed too much. Changing water is perfectly fine and recommended, but just need to make sure we can dechlorinate it. The water in the tank essentially off gassed itself. So it's fine for now. Very cool. It's helpful to have someone to ask questions in person and help research. If you don't mind the white mixed in the black substrate (gravel) then your best choice is crushed coral. 1 lb per 10gallons.
  16. If you add a lot of them, far too much, yes it can. Crushed coral is safer / easier because it's just letting the water add the particles over time. Maybe your sister can help you figure out some of the stuff and help with research to make sure you get the right stuff? Show her this. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/ph-gh-kh Explain to her you don't have any KH in your water and this is very common.
  17. It might not be available. 😞 Some pet stores have really cut down on what they offer because of things like Amazon cutting profits. Anyways, I think the store you have local is a PetSmart. You can ask the employee there if they have crushed coral. It might be in the saltwater section, but it's very likely they don't have any. I have the same thing as you, as that's the store available to me. When you go. Bring a little bag of water and ask them to test it for you. Explain that you have a snail and are looking to increase KH and maybe they can help show what is available. If they don't have anything, don't buy anything you're not sure of. I know it might get confusing depending on what they say. Please feel free to ask questions and send photos and stuff while you're at the store. No big deal.
  18. The bottle you have is quick start. That has bacteria to help the tank mature and grow bacteria to help cycle. That video earlier on was explaining "cycling". Whenever you change water in the tank you need to add something called dechlorinator. This detoxifies ammonia, it also does things like breaks down heavy metals if you're using Seachem Prime. If you don't add dechlorinator and you have an issue with your water like chlorine or chloramines in the water then you could lose all of the fish very quickly. Minutes. So right now the important thing is to get some dechlorinator (also called water conditioner). Doesn't matter which one you get, I use prime. I've also used the one by aqueon and many others. I think the API one is just called "water conditioner". Second thing that you may need is the crushed coral. Don't buy it if you don't want white in the black substrate that you've chosen. You can also look for what is called a wondershell mentioned before. It's a small package like this: If they don't have certain things at the store are you able to place an order from aquarium coop? Maybe you even have a partner store local that sells their products or has someone who can help out. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/retail-partner-store-finder
  19. I understand. Let's take a step back... You have API quick start. Do you have any other chemicals you're using as well? Any water conditioner or anything?
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