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Everything posted by starsman20

  1. 10 mystery snails. 3 siamese algae eater. 8 corys. Could be the snails.
  2. Ok ill leave it. I thought i read to bury it after it starts to sprout
  3. These are some of my favorite plants. I just slightly buried them. One is in a coop planter.
  4. I had this problem for a while. Took them out and put a few drops of peroxide on. Worked good for me.
  5. Yesterday this was buried almost completely. Any ideas why it floated out of rhe substrate? It's been there for months.
  6. I am trying to keep my guppy population from exploding so a while back I started a second guppy tank and seperated out the males. As the babies in the original tank get big enough to identify I move them. My other half asked me how I tell the difference this morning. I explained the fin difference and the gravid spot. I also said the males color up faster. Where I blew it is I followed that with besides the girls are fatter. I would not recommend saying that.
  7. Couldn't you go to a hobby shop and get some thin CA? It will flow into the crack and make it solid again
  8. She's going in the community bow front once she's out of quarentine.
  9. Here is the phenolic on top. I am going tp plant out of water planters on the wings. Ordered a 36" fluval light and a couple of sponge filters today from the coop.
  10. I think I will cut the phenolic at least 12 - 18 inches wide. I am thinking I will put some potted plants on it. I can get the phenolic free, it is 1" thick, and at least 100X stiffer/stronger than plywood. Same stuff they make bowling alleys out of. We use it for cnc router table tops. Has anyone over sized their lighting to light plants outside of the aquarium? say put a 48" light over a 36" tank?
  11. Since one of these showed up in my car somehow during the dollar gallon sale i figured I'd document the build. 1st step assembled stand 1st question: my other tanks are mostly on stands i picked up at wallys and put a piece of phenolic over. Since this one is supposed to be exactly the right size should I do that again? And if so should/can I make it a few inches wider on either side to have a little shelf? 2nd pic shows tbe phenolic under a 20 long.
  12. At what level is it considered liquid rock? I have tap water that's coming out at like 8.6 and the hardness is almost entirely calcium carbonate. I'll have to get the test kit out again but I'm pretty sure this is going to take a lot of work to reduce. For me kh is 12, dh is 15. Ph 8.3ish hard with lots of buffer
  13. I've been doing this for a while. About 8:1 RO per tap. Water here is liquid rock with a PH of 8.3. It took a while to get the ratio right. PH is still high 7's as the tap has a lot of buffer. Before that I was using all RO with equilibrium and both buffers. Mixing is way easier and so far the fish don't seem to care.
  14. I hadn't thought of doing a canopy but that is a fantastic idea.
  15. I'd love to do one but it will get 100f in the shade here and my guess is I'd need cooling. North Texas.
  16. Now that Blue the dwarf powdered gourami is gone I need a replacement fish for my 36 bow front. As much as i love gouramis if dgd is as prevalent as I am reading I will not be getting another one. Current stocking 7 trilineas cories + 1 cory that looks like one but im sure is not 3 siamese algae eaters 10 neon tetras 8 to 10 mystery snails (home grown 😁) 3 nerite snail I was thinking maybe a female betta or another schooling top fish like pencils or hatchets. Other ideas?
  17. Since I can cnc cut it I wonder if I groove it a bit and glued in another piece to act as a rib for stiffening. Any thoughts on thickness? I have up to 1" and down to 1/8" available for nothing.
  18. I've watched a bunch of videos on making lids out of corrugated polycarb they use for greenhouses. Has anyone used cast acrylic or lexan? I have extra of both for free. Since some tanks are now acrylic it seems that could be used and have better light transmission. Thoughts??
  19. That is exactly how mine started. Ive treated it with everything. Barely swimming now. Today is his last day. 😪
  20. Stopped by petco just to browse. Half price 40 breeder ended up in my car. Now what to do with it??
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