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Everything posted by starsman20

  1. I bought these same shrimp last fall. Now there are hundreds or more in the tank. Great deal
  2. Tried to get a photo but they are too small. First signs of life. A few small bladder snails and a bunch of white things that I think are copepods.
  3. Worded question poorly. Should be how long can I wait? Will I get 10 plants or more if I leave it longer?
  4. How long should I let the runner go before cutting it off and moving the little plants to a different tank? There are 6 small plants now.
  5. Added 1 bag of flourite black sand on top of the eco complete. Probably need 1 more.
  6. I have neons and harlequin rasboras in other tanks so I don't want to duplicate. I could drop the gourami ok. I wouldn't do another dwarf. Had one die of DGD and it was not fun. If I did the betta it would have been a female. I am more inclined to keep the swordtails (both M and F) and try to breed them than keep some of the other ones. Maybe swordtails, the bristlenose pleco, , and of course the corys. I have Julli (trilineas) and Bronze in other tanks so not those. Maybe panda or albino aS the substrate is black and that might look cool. It's eco complete now but I have a delivery of the black sand to put on top waiting at home right now. I probably could put in another live bearer as well like platys or mollies instead of the cherry barbs.
  7. I've wasted the morning looking for fish. This could be the plan 6-8 black skirt tetra 6-8 cherry barbs 1 pearl gourami 1 bristelnose pleco 1 male swordtail 2 to 3 female swordtail 6 to 8 corys of some sort Maybe a betta. Too many? Thoughts on the mix?
  8. Water test this morning. Cycle is progressing. Added a few more plants.
  9. Seems it would be easier to give a few pumps of ez green than to mess with the filter media.
  10. If you have prime there are quite a few relaxation music pieces in amazon music
  11. Ive been feeding bloodworms to the corys. Ill bet these fish just ate too many. Thanks
  12. Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 nitrate < 20 I have 9 neon tetras. 3 of them have swollen bellies as of the last few days. Is this a disease or could they be pregnant? Other ones look ok. One of the bigger ones is in the back leftof the photo
  13. Painted background with black plasti dip Added a glass top. The wood has given the water a teaish tint. Hopefully it will water change out. Water test has ammonia Nitrite and nitrate so its on the way. Adding 20 drops ammonia per day for fishless cycle. Still haven't decided fish yet. Thinking of putting an anubias in the crook of the wood.
  14. Added eco complete substrate. A piece of wood and some dragon stone. Wood will get some plants on it. Moved 1 sponge filter over, added 2 50w heaters controlled by an inkbird. Dropped in some valisneri and a crypt that came from the batch of 5. Fluval 107 hooked up and tested nut not running yet. Ran out or ro water. Per lfs instructions I did not rinse the eco complete do I hope it doesn't stay cloudy too long. Still have not decided stocking.
  15. A kit that includes a never clog air stone, a flow valve, and a check valve. It always seems I am short 1 part.
  16. I have a tank full that look very similar. Bred from what I bought as tequila sunrise but you can call them anything
  17. I thought nerite wouldn't lay eggs outside of brackish water??
  18. Where would these come from? Tanks a year old. They are all over. I do have 2 nerites in this tank.
  19. Are these possibly cory eggs? Or something else growing on this rock. There are a few on the glass and many of them on the rocks. Moved this one to qt for the photo
  20. One of what I think are cory eggs.
  21. So I am looking closely at my other 7 corys in this tank. 4 of them are fat. But I have also found 3 of what I think are eggs and they are pretty active this morning. I wonder if the one that died was female with eggs and that's related somehow. I did not do an autopsy.
  22. Last month I ordered a Cryptocoryne Wendtii from the coop. Just dropped it in a tank for storage. This morning I decided to plant it and when I removed the rock wool There were 5 plants. Woohoo way to go coop!!
  23. I like planted tanks do I was discounting cyclids but maybe I should reconsider
  24. I unstacked the rocks last week wonder if that had anything to do with it
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