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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. dont take this as advice, but this reminds me of the old adage, "its easier to ask forgiveness than for permission"!
  2. get yourself some guppies, your water is not that far off. guppies really are adaptable, as long as they are healthy to start with.
  3. once they decide to start growing, they can really put it on quick.
  4. just got an aquahuna order in today. the paperwork states their PH is 6.8-7.0 .
  5. actually just ran a co-op test strip under the tap. im right in the middle of the chart on GH, but then my softener is not set on max
  6. i have soft water, from a water softener to boot, and have never had an issue with guppies, and endlers in my water. the only real trick is getting the first healthy guppies.
  7. fluval bug bites seem to hang in suspension for a while.
  8. if possible, id set it up in a garage or unfinished basement, and see if it settles into its base, or if it leaks.....🙈
  9. im no plant guru, but them tall ones are almost certainly val.
  10. i tend to stick the tip of the pump in the tank and swish it around to help keep it clean longer. i dont think anything you do will keep it from not clogging totally
  11. hit the co-op site. id probably go with 2 medium sponge filters, and a co-op air pump.
  12. id move one of the taller plants over on the right. there is no right or wrong with scaping, if it looks good to you, its perfect.
  13. nice. those are a nice looking guppy variant.
  14. when the tank needs a cleaning, and water change, is when it needs it. i base it on looks, water quality, and condition of the inhabitants. there is no 1 set cleaning schedule.
  15. 5 gallon buckets are the way to go imo. hold a lot, have a nice handle so they are easy to move, and you can use them for a multitude of things in the future.
  16. 3-5 days should get it well colonized with bacteria. of course, if you arent in a rush, longer will ensure it is well seeded.
  17. as much as i like to support ACO when possible, there is nothing wrong with hikari foods. use what you can get easily.
  18. most likely in my mind being small fry are semi transparent anyways, the white container is making them appear to be lighter than they would normally be seen.
  19. carbon is pretty much like a sponge, it will absorb just about anything with the catch being it will only do so for a short time before it is full. i am a carbon user, but it is absolutely not needed for day to day tank use. it is just an aid in fish keeping, not a cure all for poor tank keeping.
  20. it might never cause a problem, but you really want the rim supported the full length.
  21. bristlenose is what you seek. clowns are cool, but they tend to hide like no other.
  22. for now, leave them. they are fairly small. when they get a little bigger you can gently pluck them off and replant them, or eventually they will come off on their own.
  23. yup, thats normal. of all the plants in those tubes, the java ferns are almost always a winner.
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