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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. it tends to take a few months for them to settle in. once they get going, have no fear they put on height fairly fast.
  2. i agree, look like snail eggs to me.
  3. this, and if you run a HOB, high enough so it doesnt sound like a water fall.
  4. how big of tank, and just how badly over run is it with pest snails? 2 assassin snails can only work so fast, and eat so many pest snails. i bet you dont have to worry about feeding them for a long long time.
  5. y'all seen the alien from the movie predator... well thats it in its larval form. you dont want it in the tank!
  6. try dionne warwicks pshycic friends network!!!🙈
  7. for bn, if they can somewhat hide and feel protected, when ready they will breed. in my case, i do my best to move or remove anything they can use for a cave, and i keep having tiny plecos show up.🤪
  8. i have them as singles in 2 tanks. they do fine, and dont bother any of the fish, shrimp, or snails.
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