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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. i get that fish can contract TB, i have no idea how transferable that is to people as TB in people is an airborne infection. as someone who has had TB (thanks uncle sams canoe club, and south east asia), it is something youd rather not catch, but its not a death sentence like it once was. like beardedbillygoat mentions, avoid open cuts, and wash after your hands have been in the tank. all kinds of dangers in life, and you can either live in a bubble, or enjoy life using some fairly basic safety precautions.
  2. your fish are fine, dont over think it.
  3. like on the wizard of oz, curtains or doors hide the magic. a cheap curtain in front of the mess, makes the mess go away.
  4. one thing you can absolutely guarantee is that electricity will always take the path of least resistance.
  5. too much flow to me is when the fish can never relax, and are constantly fighting being blown around the tank. in most cases, some light current is fine, but they do need to be able to find places of little to no flow that they can rest in.
  6. ive kept guppies most of my life, 72-74 is ideal for guppies.
  7. no need to be that warm. 72-74 is plenty.
  8. im curious myself now seeing this. baby plants usually start as little brown dots, but who knows?
  9. look into earthquake straps etc that they use to secure stuff in homes in cali.
  10. nothing wrong with doing fish in. fact is, anybody could have lost those 2 fish no matter their approach to getting a tank going. sometimes fish you buy just dont make it.
  11. put the new one on, and if really worried about losing your BB, drop the old one into the bottom of the tank for a few days.
  12. i think you have multiple issues. i would start with eliminating the moonlight , and maybe reduce the regular lighting a tad, but i would also say you need to really up the water changes until you get it under control. manual removal of what you can would be my very first thing though.
  13. they are harmless, other than looking ugly. you can pick em out if they bother you enough, or leave them.
  14. does anyone shoot their eye out, or stick their tongue on a frozen flag pole?
  15. should work, though tops may be difficult.
  16. i know a few people liked them the last couple of years, so here they are again.
  17. im no engineer, but if it were me, and i wanted a stand more than a few inches wider than the tank, i would double up the front and back top 2x4's, just to be sure they didnt sag over time.
  18. ive always had pretty good luck with java ferns from those tubes.
  19. 10hrs is a good chunk of light. id probably knock an hour off both the morning, and night, and see how that goes for a while.
  20. everything, everywhere is up 30-40% in the last couple of years.
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