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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. you can assure your father, 2x4's and good quality construction screws can handle any weight if the stand is made properly. im sure he is thinking drywall screws, and yeah those wont hold much before they snap.
  2. the plants are different, the composition of the water is different. an entirely different animals.
  3. bingo, the numbers are just a guideline, how do the plants look is what ultimately should tell you if you need more or less ferts.
  4. in freshwater, blue light plays a large part in algae. FW-REEF= not the same.
  5. id run both for a few days to a week.
  6. id find a thin chunk of slate slightly bigger than the base of the wood. drill a hole in the slate, and screw it to the wood. it wont float any more.
  7. if the fish are big enough to eat them, sure.
  8. if they are not going to be submerged, just paint them. i am assuming the 2x4's will just be supports or holders, and not in the tank (dont put them in the tank).
  9. because it stops the movement of air. same principle as putting your finger over a straw in your drink and pulling it up out of the cup. it'll hold water until you take your finger off the straw. when the valve see's reverse flow, yes the little flapper in it closes.
  10. the trace amounts of copper in your fish food wont kill snails, or shrimp. high doses will harm them, but the trace amounts in food are actually needed for fish, snails, ivertebrates.
  11. wow, that sucks big time. i would bet that air line is where it drained. if in doubt if the line will stay hooked on things, small zip ties can be cinched down over each connection ( think of it as a poor mans hose clamp).
  12. sometimes with fish poop, and food that can give plants many of the nutrients they need, but even with that plants need to be fed.
  13. it should still draw water up through it the way you have it.
  14. if you havent added any fertilizer, id probably start. they are probably lacking a few nutrients.
  15. maybe, but many people might hesitate if time runs out, and risk themselves. just my opinion, but it should be something people are prepared for mentally.
  16. not to be mean, but people should always be ready to leave them if absolutely necessary. it would for sure be a last resort, but if things get tight, people come first.
  17. Tijauna street taco's, after consuming ample amounts of beer! 😜of course from what i hear of the last 30yrs, dont go to TJ. no one's life is worth a taco.
  18. i would say, they are just trying to eat the shrimp food. endlers/guppy's dont nest, and if food is available, they will keep stuffing their face.
  19. in a 29, id probably go for 3 of them, possibly up to 5. if you can keep any other shrimp alive, amano's are stupid easy.
  20. i dont think it matters much, unless its some really skittish fish.
  21. they might melt, they might not. what i would probably do is plant them, and see what happens. if they dont melt back, once established you can always trim them. id probably trim 30% of them at a time.
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