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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. find one of the co-op videos on hot rodding your hang on back filter. buying filter cartridges isnt really needed, unless you just like giving the manufacturer money.
  2. you probably need a valve in each line, and will have to slightly restrict the flow on the one that is getting all the air.
  3. hoooboy! best bet is to run your tank day 1 like it will be with fish in it. and yes, pretty much all heaters thermostats suck, better yet many heaters will stick on, and youll exceed your 85, and boil your fish. approach things a bit slower please.
  4. i would start with the ember tetras first. let them get all cozy for a few weeks, then add the nerites. give it another week, and add the gourami. give it another week or 3 then add the amano. shrimp really need to be put in a fairly well established aquarium. even though amano's are as tough a shrimp as they come, id still do them last. as for amano food, besides them nibbling on stuff growing in the tank, they will nab the fish food that hits the bottom or gets in the cracks/crevices. id not feed them directly.
  5. feed lightly, and watch them for a few days, then decide.
  6. whatever guppy that catches your eye can be a good breeding project. especially if you mix and match color strains, they can produce endless variations.
  7. some people do get worked up about that kind of thing, but thats nature. she's a cruel one!
  8. they are becoming semi common. im in mn, and remember when i was a kid in the 70's it was extremely rare to see one. as a kid i never saw turkey vultures, and now they are all over. many people have no idea eagles are just as much a scavenger as they are hunters.
  9. find the balance that works for you. if you despise the work, and it feels like a job, change it up.
  10. fact is, you just never know how long a piece of wood will take to sink. sometimes its a few days, sometimes a few months. when impatient, ive always used the screw a piece of slate to it to make it sink.
  11. all bristlenose will get in and shove a bit when its feeding time, but feeding just once a week really isnt enough. im sure the bn and your cory gets what the other fish miss, but they likely could use a bit more food.
  12. this is correct. ive always had a water softener, i also have tons of plants in my tanks. dont listen to old wives tales. the salt is only trace amounts, and it doesnt build up if you do water changes. now if you just add water to a tank, everything builds up, but if you do water changes the trace amount of salts in the water get removed with the change, but of course you put in more trace amounts of salt with the new water. ill double down on the salt nonsense, and tell you i add salt to my planted aquariums. not a ton, but more than any water softener is putting in the water.
  13. have you actually tried shrimp in your water?
  14. you sure can, guppies dont care about color. put a male, and female in the same tank, and they will get busy!
  15. as someone who spent their youth bass fishing, 44 pounds just boggles the mind!😲
  16. agree, id do up to 40gallon tanks with a bucket, but after that you really need a python or something similar.
  17. thats further south than i head for fish, but good to see there's another decent store around.
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