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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. guppies are like a box of chocolates, ya never know whats going to show up. looks to me like they will be fairly plain, with a little color in the tails.
  2. they give birth about once a month. plus or minus a few days.
  3. ill only put 2 snails in a tank intentionally, nerites, and assassins. nerites would be my defacto recommendation for a beginner.
  4. if you see it out swimming, try and net it out.
  5. some bubbles in the silicone is fairly normal. non issue.
  6. since there is a male in that tank with her, it is a 99.8% chance she is pregnant. in 3 or 4 weeks, you'll know for sure.
  7. you could tie them on to something, superglue them to something, or plant them. they are a rhizome plant, so if planting in substrate, only plant the roots, not the rhizome.
  8. those are the roots of new plantlets growing under the leaves. let them get a bit bigger, then you can pluck them off and plant the new ones where you want.
  9. about what i did with my 120. the original hood had 2 48" flourescent tubes in it. i gutted that out, and made a few small notches for the legs, and a small notch for the cord, and stuffed an LED light bar under it. so much nicer, and runs cooler to boot.
  10. looks like a small chip. it is probably a non issue, but if you are uncomfortable with it, and the store will swap it out, do so.
  11. some pleco's, when they dont want to be seen, they wont be found. ive had clown plecos vanish for more than 6 months.
  12. it looks like a ramshorn, and if you over feed, you will have tons of em.
  13. people dont like to hear lights play a large role in algae, but they do.
  14. amen! once you get to 55 and larger some sort of water change system is really needed. i like the python, but a big bucket and pump would also suffice.
  15. my take is a 37 for a single, need a bigger tank for more. adult angels take up a lot of space per fish.
  16. doesnt look bad. the most important thing with aquascaping is that it looks good to you.
  17. bingo. its an instant way to have an established bacteria colony. can swap everything over and have fish in tank in a matter of hours.
  18. shim under the stand, do not shim the tank itself.
  19. you very likely have an established bacteria colony. i would start stocking.
  20. a magnet will stick to the bad stuff.
  21. depends on the series of stainless. 300 series wont rust, 400 will.
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