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  1. Did they have an updated estimate for the store expansion?
  2. Currently have a 40 gallon and want to upgrade it to a 75. Have everything that would go in it already but spouse doesn't want to upgrade since they didn't want the 40 gallon in the house to begin with. Any suggestions to get them on board? Lol
  3. Did a fairly large water change and checked in the decor. I was the only one cleaning so easily could've snuck out and into another hiding spot. I frequently see my Bristlenose and Galaxy Otocinclus but think this one might be gone unfortunately.
  4. Hello, I purchased a L257 Tigris Pleco on 7/11. Saw it later that day and haven't seen it since. I tried looking under all of my decor today because I haven't had any luck seeing it. I've turned off the lights during the day, and checked at night like 30 minutes after shutting them off. Have put in algae wafers, and there is driftwood and some live plants in the tank. Any chance you think it could still be alive and I just missed it when trying to flip my decor to look under everything? Or think it's dead? Couldn't find a carcass but it's been several days so it could have been cleaned up by now. Thank you! Update: Added pictures of tank. Have removed the castles and 3 co-op planters with java fern and used a flashlight.
  5. Good morning, Would I have to get a Green Dragon Guppy pair or could I get 1-2 Green Dragon males? I don't want any guppy babies haha. Thank you! Jake
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