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  1. Dawn has been working well, thanks!
  2. Catching them out of a 55 gallon was one of the harder things I've had to do for sure. I've used craft mesh to limit them to one area, but netting them is still tough.
  3. I'm Team Retail Store, but I know the online operation is critical for the business. This is great!
  4. Ha, but yeah this is for my kids and not me, so the gloves are also a good idea. We already have a bunch from Costco for cooking. Thanks for the tips!
  5. My kids go to an outdoor pre-k, and we use mineral sunscreen almost every day. It's a pain in the butt to get it off my hands afterwards, and I'm wondering if anyone has any tricks? The bottle says it's "reef friendly" (whatever that means, I assume just less harmful than chemical sunscreen), but I don't trust it near any of the tanks still. It's 3% titanium dioxide and 15% zinc oxide, along with a ton of inactive ingredients. I've taken to using a makeup applicator to put it on them, but it still gets all over my hands.
  6. Well, picked up some yoyo loaches and that did the trick basically overnight... They probably got 90% of them.
  7. My Sterbai cory tank has a bit of a baby Ramshorn snail issue. When I say baby, I mean very young with flat bodies and barely any shell, with a white coloration. I've been trying to crush them against the glass, but I just don't have the time right now to keep up. I've been interested in getting Hillstream loaches, and wondering if they will snack on these snails.
  8. Maybe, depending on how long the airline tubing needs to be and whether or not you're using check valves. Even so it'd be weak and probably not ideal for a whole 40 breeder if you're only running one sponge in each. Might as well fork over the extra $10 for the dual to save yourself some potential future headache. Plus, that gives you a potential extra (if you're splitting both outputs), in case you want to hatch some live brine shrimp or anything extra.
  9. I use dried leaves but not necessarily for health reasons. Cory fry like hiding under them once they've sunk, shrimp will use them as a food source, the tannins will tint the water and help lower pH a bit for soft-water fish, etc.
  10. Do you mind sharing those video links @Gingerbro98?
  11. This is really cool, would you build it yourself?
  12. If I was in your situation, I'd wait until I caught and sold the ones destined for your LFS before adding more to the grow out tank, purely because it'll make it easier to catch them without having a bunch of extra fish in there to navigate around.
  13. I've noticed that the blue stain just eventually goes away, but I also use mine to catch the BBS saltwater so maybe that's helping speed it along.
  14. Looks great @Guppysnail, how do you manage all of those roots for the larger houseplants?
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