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  1. So I know in general to treat the root cause....and I think adding c02 should help with that. However I do want something to help curb the algae thats already built onto leaves. Is there anything thats actually safe out there? I've heard horror stories with algaefix and the like. Outside of that, I know SAE's eat hair algae but is there anything else that will actually eat green hair algae?
  2. Any advice on the best place to put a diffuser then? Maybe after the outlet on my FX4?
  3. So im running 1 BPS on my 75 gallon with my c02 art setup. The drop checker is blue (not surprising). How would you go about raising it as not to gas your fish? I know it takes like...what 3-4 hours for the c02 dropper to be "accurate". Should I just increase 1 BPS per day or something, or maybe 5? Also is there an oil or something I can put in the bubble counter? Something that won't evaporate
  4. That was kind of my worry. I feel like 2 lights is overkill for what I am growing (plus $$$$) but I guess maybe risers would help? So for most "not super high requirements/demanding" plants 1 is maybe enough? Do you use risers? (Also curious what photoperiod you are using). What sort of PAR is considered "good"? Right now I am just using the default "planted" option for the Fluval 3.0 light settings.
  5. So I just set up my C02Art system (The pro I think? whatever the cheaper one is). Everything seems to be running ok but I did have a few questions: Right now for my 75g tank im doing 1 BPS to start. Does that seem ok? The "PSI" is on 30 right now (The left gauge)....it didn't really say what it should be on The C02 tank nozzle I have opened all the way. Is that correct? The right gauge is like 750 or something, which is slightly above a red highlighted area. Is this right? The c02 drop checker should be on the opposite side of my c02 diffuser right? Should the c02 diffuser be near or away from my intake/outtake filter Thanks!
  6. I'm curious, I just upgraded my 55gallon to a 75g. I'm curious if a Fluval 3.0 Plant is enough? It's pretty thin in comparison to the depth of the tank but it seems like it puts out a lot of light regardless. I just dove into c02 recently so it had me wondering.
  7. I'm wanting to upgrade my tank from 55g to 75g and i've been wanting to switch to a black sand (I'm currently using an eco-complete tan sand). I thought about doing Seachem Flourite sand however i've heard mixed things on whether it's too "sharp" for bottom dwellers like corys. Has anyone used this successfully with bottom dwellers? (IE: loaches/corys/pleco's/etc...) Thanks!
  8. So i'm starting with C02 here soon. I'm tired of algae and I want to be able to properly do carpeting plants. I ordered from the C02Art and got their kit with the inline diffuser. I also got a 10lb tank. I'm excited but had a few questions: 1. I've heard to start with 1bps (Bubble per second) however I am terrified of gassing out my fish. I have a FX4 with a lot of ripples and a sponge filter. I should be ok with lots of plants right? 2. Where should I put the c02 drop checker? I know on the other side away from the diffuser but how far down? Also how long does the drop checker liquid last? 3. Do I put the diffuser near the filter intake/outtake or away from it? Also now some more plant based questions: 1. What's a good starter carpeting plant that will work in sand (I don't like aquasoils as they need refreshing every so often). 2. What are some good easy to trim plants. Stuff that sort of is stemmy or grows close together rather than a bush? (IE: like anacharis but NOT hortwort since it goes everywhere. 3. I've been using nicolg thrive. DO you think I need root tabs if my sand has a good buildup of stuff underneath (I can see black stuff underneath the sand mid-level. Not sure how people do root tabs with like carpeting plants.
  9. Sorry for the long title, couldn't thing of a better one. Anyways I am about at wits end with the algae in my tank. I've reduced feeding and upgraded the filter so i'm sure my light (Fluval 3.0) is the culprit. I've set it to 6 hours a day but maybe the intensity is just too much? Would it be better to do like a long photoperiod but dimmer?
  10. Wow that's without c02? That's crazy nice.
  11. My problem is for sure my lightning system is just too strong, i've turned it down to 6 hours but I still get insane hair algae. I feel like C02 just makes sense since I want to grow plants faster + I already have a good light.
  12. So you also have a FX4 in a 55gallon? What have you done to reduce the flow or has it been ok so far for your fish/plants? Honestly it's really the left directional outlet that causes issues, I have my intake on the left side of the tank and my output on the left side of the tank as well (but to the right of the intake) and the valve pointing right doesn't seem to cause issues, it's the left one thats shooting up against the glass that causes all the turbulence. Also I am curious....do plants care about flow? I guess there are delicate ones that dont' like it but i'd assume most do like it?
  13. Any advice on this? I have an FX4 on a 55gallon and while it is nice, the directed turbulence is kicking up a bunch of sand/etc... I've heard people say you can reduce the flow by removing the "duckbill" things out the outlet but i'm not sure if that'll work/help? I guess a spray bar is the other alternative? I did reduce the nozzle to about 75% output which helped some
  14. So I am completely new to C02 but I am tired of algae in my tank and I want to grow more plants. I'm currently running a Fluval 3.0 on a 55g sand substrate. I am more so getting this to make the algae a little less of a problem, but also because I can tell my plants are just not thriving. Regardless there are just SO many options, I think i've decided between C02Art or GLA, leaning towards GLA but regardless both sites have SO many options (Like a bunch of manifolds/etc...? not sure what benefit those give). I don't need something super duper high tech. I want to do a low and slow thing since I don't really plan on growing SUPER demanding plants. However I am just a bit overwhelmed at the different options. So I guess C02Art vs GLA? and If so what "full system" should I go with a for a 55gallon tank.
  15. Yeah I figure since it was actually on sale cheaper than the fx-2 i might as well just get it and can throttle it down some if needed.
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