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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. i have never kept the lights off when introducing new fish. never seen a problem with it.
  2. better than the cup they come in, but no company should be selling bad ideas like that. just shows that when it comes to dollars or integrity, too many opt for dollars.
  3. my favorite method is assassin snails. chemical options can work really well also, but can be detrimental to other tank inhabitants.
  4. fish gasping at the surface will typically be the first real obvious sign you have an oxygen problem.
  5. growing algae on the leaves, that results in the plants leaves dying under the algae, and results in the holes. get the algae under control.
  6. there's only one way to find out, but id not put money on him not eating it.
  7. i would say, after they come out of the stores qt, id have a very good look at them. just to make sure they arent extremely weak/sickly looking still.
  8. got an old mouse pad? set it on something like that.
  9. kind of a green hair algae, kissing cousin of black beard algae.
  10. im not a subject matter expert, but it seems counter productive to me to be doing largish weekly water changes.
  11. any particular reason you are doing 50% water changes weekly?
  12. lots of videos out there, but imo the trick to scaping a tank is make it look good to you. you will be the one who looks at it all the time.
  13. i would let how the plants look guide me as to whether they need more fertilizer or not, rather than relying on a number.
  14. large... i used to have sturgeon, and even with the tank in the other room, they liked to breach the surface in the middle of the night blowing the lids open on the tank. quite loud and startling the first few times you hear it.
  15. a little bit of fertilizer, and time. the bad leaves wont ever recover, but it will grow new ones.
  16. crushed up flake food etc. just multiple light feedings a day until they put on some size.
  17. ive never had java ferns melt. that looks like die off.
  18. crushed up dry food, flake/pellet etc, hikari fancy guppy. mine havent seemed too picky.
  19. you most certainly dont want that thing in your tank.
  20. i have no issues with plants and a water softener. plants can tolerate way way more salt than a water softener will ever introduce into the water. and if one really doesnt want water from their softener, ive never seen a water softener that didnt have a bypass on its head. push the bypass valve over, run a few gallons to flush the pipe out, and you have non softened water. folks make way too big of a deal over water softeners.
  21. buy from a reputable source, and still consider its like rolling the dice. just like buying from a local shop, you could get sick fish.
  22. you have to work hard line breeding to really worry about inbreeding. get a couple generations going in a tank, and there will be lots of cross matching genetics.
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