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  1. Thank you very much guys! @EricksonAquatics, @Rube_Goldfish, @Whitecloud09, @Julie Monday I will look into all of these you all recommended, really appreciate it 🙂
  2. Lol Yes, I I took it apart, and even cleaned everything including the impeller incase it was clogged up and nothing 😪 It didn't turn back on, I tried multiple times
  3. Hello everyone, My hang on the back filter from my 7 gallon cube rimless tank stopped working after unplugging it to do a water change tonight and now I have to get a new one. Have any recommendations? Please share your recommendations for a HOB filter for a Male Longfin Halfmoon betta that is Self-priming and has low flow for a small tank and a betta. Thank you in advance
  4. I was looking into the Safe T Sorb because I decided I want to use this as my bottom layer for my substrate and cap it off with sand as you did @Pepere since its affordable and your tanks look great too! But I was reading that some people said that it drops your KH drastically and you have PH and KH swings in the beginning and I wanted to know if you dealt with this too and what interventions did you take to avoid this from happening? Also, how long did it take for the water parameters to than stabilize? I'm asking so I kind of have an idea of how long I should wait before adding my fish into the tank once I add this substrate. I want to avoid them from getting any stress from the KH/PH swings.
  5. Your tank looks amazing! I was reading through your trend and I saw that you are dosing this in your tank, what is the full name is this that your dosing?
  6. Thank you for sharing @johnnyxxl! I saw your trend on your Journey to New Tank, and your tank is looking good!
  7. Thank you very much!! 🙂 Where do you add the potassium carbonate? In a mesh bag in the HOB filter or with each water change? Also just to confirm, once its added in the aquarium, will this last two years keeping the KH up before it has to be added in the fish tank again or do you add it into the water before each water change?@Mmiller2001 My tap water has a low KH
  8. Thank you so much! Yes, if you can please assist me on how to use it, I would really appreciate it. First time I hear about Potassium Carbonate. I'm going to purchase it, the one in the picture I have posted here. I have a Java Fern that all the leaves are turning completely brown, It could probably be this that I have low potassium. Where do you add this potassium carbonate? In a mesh bag inside your HOB filter? I was looking at your journal of your build trend, Do you also use Safe T Sorb on the bottom and sand on top as your substrate? Do you use CO2?Your tank looks amazing, the plants are really thriving! Both your tanks and plants look amazing @Pepere and @Mmiller2001, I hope I can achieve this Thank you so much! I'm going to give it a try as well, I really appreciate the help! You guys have saved me from spending so much money on substrate @Mmiller2001 and @Pepere
  9. Oh, is this the potassium Carbonate lab grade? Will this help raise my KH a bit? This is the Cichlid Substrate gravel I was planning to use. I was going to put a little bit in a filter media bag and place it inside my HOB as this product states that it buffers the water because it contains calcium, magnesium, carbonate, & more and its Arragonite based to maintain a higher pH without chemicals.
  10. Thank you, I'm going to check out @Mmiller2001 build trend. Is this the Safe T Sorb that you use from Tractor supply? Does this provide minerals and nutrients to the plants? This is the sand I'm going to add on top of the Safe T Sorb: The Carbisea Sunset Gold Sand Also where did you get your Under Gravel Filter? Is this necessary? What is the purpose of this? Can you show me the one you have in your tank so i can purchase it. You guys are helping me out so much! @Pepere, @Mmiller2001, and @JoeQ. I was about to spend a lot on substrate.
  11. The tank that I currently want to start a planted aquarium, has mollies, a few platys, and 1 betta which is why I want to increase my Kh and PH a bit. What I was planning on doing to raise my KH/PH is, without them being inside the tank, I was going to purchase this Carbisea Cichlid substrate which a Fishkeeper that I saw on Youtube suggested to add some of this in a media bag to buffer the water so it will raise both these parameters. What do you guys think of this? I think based on what you all suggested, I feel like using a inert substrate instead of Aquasoil. @Pepere, @Mmiller2001, and @JoeQ
  12. Wow, your tank is STUNNING! Thank you for sharing, really appreciate it. So for your substrate you just use Safe T Sorb in mesh bags as the bottom layer and the Black Diamond sand as the top later? With using the Safe T Sorb in mesh bags, will the plants still be able to root and get the nutrients they need? Is it necessary to place it in mesh bags? I might be wrong but I believe a video I watched a while ago of Kevin Novack from Youtube stating that he uses this as his substrate. What brand is the Safe T sorb that you use? I want to try this now, your plants look really happy and the aquasoils that are out there are really expensive and have to be replaced every 2 years so I would prefer something inert as well. I just thought that using aquasoils will be the only way to get healthy plant growth Thank you, yeah I was planning on using it on the top because I've heard aqua-oils have to be replaced about every 2 years so it would be easier for me to replace it if its on the top layer but your right. Do you use any aquasoils in your tanks? If you do, which brand do you use?
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