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Everything posted by Tanked

  1. Stalled Vallisneria seems to be a common issue. I have the exact same problem but no suggestions. I hoping someone will comment here as to whether some of the Vals may actually have different temperature requirements.
  2. Yea, I've been told that "freshwater isn't a real aquarium", and "freshwater fish aren't colorful". Both comments came from someone who no longer has a salt tank.
  3. If you have a "golden" 2.5 and a well established 5 yr. tank, (size?), would it make sense to include part of that water in your water changes? I'm probably missing something here.
  4. I have two: The people who believe that saltwater is superior to freshwater because... The people who can't understand why you don't want their Little Mermaid figures and pink gravel in your adopted tank.
  5. Two years ago I bought some "bulletproof" "low light" Jungle Val. One plant bloomed, put out a few runners and died with the others.. Two years later, along with root tabs and Easy Green liquid the runners are still barely visible above the substrate. Last month I added one 65 watt daylight 5000k led bulb to my DIY setup and a single Italian Val. The Italian Val melted off three or four leaves, and put out two runners The Italian Val parent and runners look good, and are growing. The long dormant JV runners are looking healthier and two of them have grown enough to be noticeable. It is too soon to tell if the whiter light or switching root tabs helped.
  6. No set time. Usually early morning morning, because I never stop at just changing the water.
  7. Hi Henrico, I share your pain. I may be making a very similar post soon. The Jungle Val I planted 2 years ago put out a few runners and died. The plantlets are still alive, but they are still 4mm, (3/8th") tall. My best suggestion is also: add more fish. I use DIY lights by choice. I have been using 2ea. 1000 lumen 13 watt 4000K shop lights similar to yours. My lights measure 4x5x1" and sit on top of the aquarium. Three weeks ago I added one 840 lumen, 8 watt 5000K Daylight standard LED light bulb. (65 watt) The JV have begun showing improvement, with the plant closest to the new light growing a little taller. The 5000k Daylight bulb might be part of the answer. You might also try lowering your lights closer to the aquarium. Good luck
  8. As @Ken Dyer said, I assume they will be fine. I have Anubia Nana Petite in what I consider to be a medium light tank. The stunted parent plant has begun putting out new shoots again. The only light related problem I 've had was giving one a sunburn when I planted it too close to the source. I don't know if this normal, but I did end up with larger leaves in the brighter tank.
  9. Great idea. You may have solved the problem I have with the HOB filter eventually upsetting the corral
  10. No injuries to my person yet, but the hardwood floors aren't so lucky. I installed a temporary fishcam on the narrow side of the tank. A draped hand towel from the tank rim, over the camera blocks reflections of things behind the camera. After the last water change I accidentally left a few stray threads from the towel touch the water in the topped off tank. A couple of hours later I had a small stream of water running across the room and dripping into the basement. I've learned a lot about capillary action this year.
  11. Lava rock is also easy to drill, grind, file, or glue if you find yourself with a plant that won't stay where you put it.
  12. Medowlark is a show stopper! Before I bought four Nerites, the most interesting thing about snails was watching the gravel seemingly move by itself. I’ve seen the Nerites bridge the gap between two plants pulling the opposing leaf closer until they could climb aboard. The first time one disappeared, I spent twenty minutes lying on the floor with a flashlight searching. Two days later I had four snails again. This disappearing act continued until I finally caught the traveler climbing out of the UGF. A thin film of petroleum jelly on the underside of the rim might keep Meadowlark at home. What kind of snail
  13. Hello all, I’m Tanked. I guess it is about time I introduce myself. 3 things brought me here: Candi from Aquarium Coop, My inability to successfully grow easy aquatic plants, my friend’s eyes glazing over as soon as I say aquarium. I bought my first 29 gallon adult aquarium about 30 years ago. I am still using the same setup. 7 years ago, Santa apparently thought a slightly larger tank meant 75 gallons. 2 years ago, I began adopting abandoned setups. I have since pared my functional collection down to a nano, 29, 60, and 75 gallons. I’m 2 years into my current project which is simply a low tech, low light 29 gallon planted tank. Watching countless hours of aquatic plant videos have left me with more questions than answers. When I stop killing the aquatic plants the aquascapeing will begin. Its not the destination, it’s the journey.
  14. Found the dining room table under some fish supplies and wrote an introduction that is almost coherent.
  15. I have the same question about Hornwort as well. I put a clump of Hornwort in my Barb tank and it seemed to be doing well Two days after a peroxide treatment, the plant was naked except for a single tuft at the top. The Hornwort in my planted tank (also treated) is also suffering, but the newly planted Italian Val has only lost three of it's original leaves, and is putting out runners.
  16. Hi @akconklin Thank you so much. The few sites I visit all have "reply to " buttons. I knew there had to be a way, but did not see that covered anywhere. CARE is as close to "social" media as I get, so all of the common functions on these sites such as @------- are new to me. Again Thank you.
  17. How do I publicly reply to a specific post/person within a thread?
  18. Most heaters still come with a warning to submerse them for a few minutes before plugging them in to avoid shattering. Just like an aquarium, pick a wattage that is adequate for the container you are using. A higher wattage will get you there faster, but you will still have to wait until the water comes to temp. I like the convenience of filling a bucket or buckets with water dropping in the heater and knowing that when I return from work or get up the next morning the water is ready for top offs or changes.
  19. I also made the houseplant to aquarium plant jump 2 tears ago. You are doing a much better job. I was asked to fill out a feel good questionnaire for a business associate. When he got to pet names: Leviathon (16”pleco) 3,4,7,8,9 of 9, (Tinfoil Barbs), etc… he thought I was being a jerk before I told him they were fish. Then came the inevitable: “you name your fish”?
  20. I really like the glo tank, especially the air feature. It gives me some ideas for another project.
  21. I've been there and done that, but without the fatalities. Last winter I realized that my Tinfoil Barbs had stopped coming to meet me when I entered the room. I had unplugged the heater instead of a malfunctioning powerhead. The water temp. had dropped to the room temperature of 60 degrees for several days. My solution is to keep water preheated with a spare heater for top ups or changes. I don't know if is efficient, but it is a time saver.
  22. Hi Kat, I think the short answer is: unless you are doing something that is temperature critical, it won’t matter. Your questions gave me a reason to play scientist for a few minutes. Within a few degrees, everything in the tank should be the same temperature as the water by default. I used a Ryobi laser, a Taylor digital, and a Taylor analog dial thermometer. Using the laser through the aquarium glass and directly over the water produced nearly identical results. +- 2 degrees. Distance did not seem to make a difference unless I was more than 3 feet away. I use the Taylor digital for everything.
  23. If you are using a hob filter, dropping the pellets into the water stream might quickly power them down to the bottom. I actually use this method with the flaked food. You could also try a piece of pvc pipe or other rigid tubing to hide the sinking pellets. If this is done in the same location day after day, your ram may learn where it's food vending machine is found
  24. Hi Austen, Your specimen does not look very flight worthy. I would think the wood came from the tree closest to where you found it. If you or your neighbors don't have "firs" or "evergreen" trees or trees with "needles" or cones nearby, it not likely to be pine.
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