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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. So for my outdoor tubs this year I am trying to get everything finalized. The Plan is to breed Yellow Fin White Cloud Minnows along with keeping some panda corys as a clean up crew. The goal is to breed the white clouds, and it would be cool if the corys breed, but i dont care if they do or dont. Anyways, I have never bred a fish that needs a spawning mop. I read that mosses can do the job of a spawning mop. So I was thinking I would use java moss. Do I have to remove the eggs from the moss for them to hatch, or can I leave them in there and they will hatch by themselves? Or will the aduldts eat them? I plan on using a 40 gallon stock tank.
  2. For the amazon swords I find that all they need to grow monsterious are root tabs. Amazon Swords are heavy root feeders and don't need a fertilizer and will do far much better with JUST root tabs. I would suggest root tabs like the Easy Root Tabs. For the anubius, there isn't a whole lot you can do. Anubius nana petite are fairly small plants and on top of that are very slow growers. Just continue dosing your fertilizer, the root tabs wont do much for them as they are rhizome plants meaning that they grab the majority of their nutrients from the water colum.
  3. @Hobbit Yeah, I replaced the airstone for a sponge filter (figured it does the same thing it just adds some filtration) and then turned off the internal filter because I thought that the flow may be to much for him because he still kind of weak. I did a waterchange today to remove the salt, I want to plant the plants soon. The Salvania I got has started growing like CRAZY! I moved one leaf over to my community tank, and now theres two leaves! I moved the leaf over a day ago! This will be PERFECT for outdoor tubbing. I am also leaving the towel on for the next few days, he seemed a bit stressed (the waterchange probably didn't help with his stress, but I was also starting to test for amonia, so I had to do it regardless)
  4. Nerm is a specfic term from the Aquarium Co-Op Youtube Channel. A nerm is someone who is a completely normal person in the public but then when they come home, they are completyley nerding out on their fish tanks, aquarium related 2hr live streams, etc. There are pleanty of threads explaining the NERM term (hey it rhymes!) legend has It that it orginated from a youtube live stream where cory accidently said "nerm" instead of "nerd" Nerm in real life (Outside of the aquarium hobby means something totally different, don't search it up)
  5. Honestly as much as I would encourage to quarintine all the time, the probablilty in my experiance of actually bringing hom a sick fish is very slim. Yes, it does depend on where you get your fish, but if you get your fish from a store that you haven't had many problems with and all there fish look healthy your probably fine. Especially if you only have one tank, setting up another tank just to put fish in every few months can seem impossible. I went YEARS without having a QT tank and for the most part didn't have a single problem. If you have the space, money to get a QT tank, I would say go for it! Its always better to be safe then sorry. Here is a video of a QT tank our very own @Irene did, its cost effective and space effective too:
  6. I had a simmilar looking rainbow fish, I beleived it was calld a Parkinson Rainbow
  7. The one thing with bettas is that they are so hardy and forgiving. Overfeeding a fish a few times won't hurt them. The general rule of thumb is only feed what a fish can consume in 2 minutes. I too feed my betta the hikari pellets and will feed him around 4-6 pellets a feeding, 1 feeding a day. I feel like thats what works best for me. If your fish is super bloat and fat, its evident that your over feeding.
  8. @Brian is right there are MANY types of clownfish. Clownfish like maroons, would probably need 50ish gallons (maybe 30) where as others like the occelaris (the classic nemo one) would probably do fine in a 10 gallon, but bigger is always better.
  9. My reactions came back, so I was able to give a laughing face for that one
  10. It all depends on the following: -What Plants do you have? JavaFern? Swords? Crypts? -Whats your algae like? -What are your water parameters? in particular your nitrates (ideally you want it at 20ppm for planted tanks) Plants like Swords and Crypts will thrive with just root tabs. Where as other plants like Javafern, Anubius, Buce, etc wont need root tabs and will thrive off of easy green.
  11. I was going to react with a: But ORD for me! What perfect timing!
  12. I would say personally you could do 2 in a 10 gallon, maybeee (pushing it though) one in a 5 gallon. All though the 2 in a 10 gallon is more ideal.
  13. I am stealing this from @Anita signicture: ORD: Out of Reactions for the Day. We've all be there.
  14. Wow, lucky! I cant find water lettuce ANYWHERE! I want it for my outdoor tubbing this year, but its like nobody sells it. Thats a lot of anubius! I have never tried buce, but I totally want to. The benefit of having rhizome plants is that in my experiance they don't melt back! I hate when plants melt back! When hugo gets better I want to try some neon tetras with him, I think that would look really nice. Neons/ Cardinal Tetras are my favorite tetras. Chilli Rasboras are really cool too, along with Celestrial Pearl Danios. Pretty much any kind of peacful smaller fish that aren't too flashy or fast (like danios) would do well. I also want to try some Pygmy Corys sometime soon, so those could also work with a betta and shrimp (unlike other corydoras). Looking forward to seeing your stocking choices (especially your betta)
  15. Last night I draped a towel over the tank, and added a airstone. I have peeped in a few times to see how he was doing, he is doing a bit better in terms of not looking dead. He hasn't been swimming around (well at least not that I've seen) but he hasn't been at the surface on his side. I want to remove ALL of the salt, and so I will be doing a waterchange tomorrow. His fins aren't any better though. I think I may buy some API Stress Coat to help him, I'm not to sure how well it will do with his fins.
  16. Its been a little over 24 hours. I have figured out that one pump = 1.25ml. So I will be dosing roughly one pump for every 10 gallons. I will be testing this dry fertilizer on my 5 gallon betta tank so, 1/2 pump = 1 dose. I also created a label for the fertilizer as I am using a old hand sanitizer bottle: (ThePlantGuy was the company I got it from)
  17. I think this will apply for lots of people on this forum because of obviuos reasons... But a MBU Puffer. If I were to get one it would probably be in 20-30 years when I have space for a 500-1000 gallon aquarium, and when I feel like I'm ready to dedicate an aquarium (especially that size of aquarium) to a fish for the 15ish years that they live. Oh and not to mention when I can afford such a costly food bill.
  18. Jungle Fan just writting a response was helpful! THANKS SO MUCH
  19. Thanks anita for the long and very helpful response. I will definitely leave him alone and take a break. Once again THANKS SO MUCH!!!
  20. I leave the lights out, the only reason why I did daily water changes was so that I could lower the amount of salt in the water before adding salt. Thanks for the suggestions!!!
  21. As much as I respect Dean, I would have to respectfully disagree. I have had three angels in a 30, and one of the angel was bullied to death by the other two angels. I think Dean may be talking about a little more short term then long term, as he might be talking a little more about getting the angels to pair off. In my experiance if you put 4 angels in a 29, there WILL be some fighting, there probably WILL be some death because of the fighting.
  22. Yeah you could totally have one angelfish in a 29 gallon. But I wouldn't do 2.
  23. I put my angelfish sticker on my aquarium with my angels: And my Aquarium Co-Op and Murphy Sticker on my Laptop:
  24. I have a betta named hugo who develped some finrot a little under a month ago, I treated it fully (at least I thought I did) and it was all good for a few weeks. 2ish weeks ago he develped some finrot, I have not been able to treat this finrot and it has been getting really bad. He is now at the point where all he does is rest on the bottom of the substrate. He will spass a few times a day (I really don't know how to explain it, but its like he is having a seizure, and has no control over his body) I hate it when he does it. He does not eat either. Here is what I have been trying to do to treat it: I have done multiple salt treatments, all at different ratios. The only one I saw improvement on was 1T a gallon Ratio, I saw improvement on his fins for a day, and several days later, its only worse. Salt Baths I live in Canada and so many of the meds that are availble in the USA, I simply don't have access to. I really, really need tips or advice! I really want this guy to live a longer happy life (I have only had for a little over a month) and it seems that he may die. He is now semi floating at the top of the tank, constantly gulping at the water surface: I don't want to continue with salt treatment as he hasn't been responding positivley with it and I haven't seen much improvement. PLEASE, LITTERLEY ANYTHING HELPS! WATER PARAMTERS: Nitrate: 20 Nitrite and Amonia: 0 I do daily waterchanges
  25. Nice to see what you guys got @Betsy and @Maggie . The spongefilter will go great in a tank that I am planing, and i love the quitness it brings. We got different stuff, but we both got reletivley the same stickers!
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