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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. One never realizes how often shrimps molt until one has to remove all the shrimp molts daily. Lots of molts = healthy shrimps! Also @nabokovfan87 said I needed to hire help to clean the substrate of the shrimp tank since I am always so nervous of removing shrimplets . My helpers have arrived 😆 Since the tank is pretty bare right now, I’m taking the opportunity to turkey baster out some stuff twice a day. The plants are in a bucket with a sponge filter and easy green, and I set the light on the bucket before I leave for work. The next time I order from Crayfish Empire, I’m going to add terrestrial snail calcium blocks to the order because these guys keeps showing up. Every time I find one I can place it on the block; the block has spirulina and calcium.
  2. Here's another cool dive site that I have been to several times. It is called Devil's Den (not my photos). As the water moves, the light reflects all kinds of patterns on the walls of the cavern. What's a cavern, @Chick-In-Of-TheSea? It's the part of the cave that sunlight reaches. Cavern certification (I have) and cave certification (no thank you) are 2 different things with different skillsets. Fun fact: a cavern at night is considered a cave, and requires cave certification to enter. This sign appear where the cavern stops and the cave begins. I usually pair up my Devil's Den dive with Blue Grotto because the sites are so close to each other. Blue Grotto is a fancy name for "sinkhole". 🤣 The site is unique in that it has an air bell 30 feet down. You can surface into the air bell and take out your reg and breathe fresh air. They pump fresh, clean air into the air bell just for that purpose. (Again, not my photos)
  3. I like to use the little brine shrimp net for catching all the floating plant leaves. The aquascaping tongs are great for feeding food that I like to drop under the waterline so it sinks. I don't have to get my hand wet 🙂 I feed the betta with tongs also because he is a slower eater and he doesn't notice when food falls down to the substrate. For the community tank, I grab a frozen brine shrimp cube with the tongs and i swish it around underwater, and all the fish frenzy. I do that until I have half a cube left, because they don't eat a whole cube. I place the other half of the cube into the snail dish with the tongs. The aquascaping hoe is good for pushing plant roots down into the substrate. Irrigation syringes are handy for pulling out water all in one go to fill a water test vial. Turkey baster to pull uneaten food or for just spot cleaning detritus. I also use it to clean waste out of my snail feeding dish each day so they have a clean eating surface. Candy molds to make fun snellos and Repashy! The snails notice when they get cute food, and they like it. Tank refiller 9000 so as not to disrupt the sand. Filter baffle to reduce current and surface agitation, while still maintaining a good, strong filtration.
  4. PVC pipe! If you put it in the back you can lean slabs of slate over it so the tank still looks natural. Or just plant some plants in front of it. You can get the pipe in several diameters as well. I've learned to enjoy the limpets too. At one point when I was raising baby snails they were out of control, and when i went to adopt out the snails, I had to pick 2-3 limpets off of every mystery snail. Now they are just kinda here and there. There are some in my Walstad jar too because I moved some tank plants over to that. They help out.
  5. I don't have a good separation system going on for safe-to-use grocery bags and non-safe grocery bags (ok well, tbh, I don't have ANY grocery bag separation system). LOL Plus I don't trust the ink on them. I practice reusing and recycling, I'm just careful what to put/use in my tank. I usually use a gallon ziplock to bag my PFS or sponge filter because I know it is food safe and it is protected within the box it is sold in. Cory does the same in his video here: I think I will use the mesh now because it traps mulm but allows water to drain out.
  6. Sorry for so many updates but I noticed that overnight the bottom fin reconnected a lot more and the tail split is reconnecting too!
  7. They are known to be peaceful. They thump to say, leave me alone! Sharks on the other hand.. jk. Most sharks are peaceful too. But not all kinds of sharks (ie: great white which we don’t have around here). The sharks I usually see are nurse sharks (giant catfish bottom feeder shark) and black tip reef shark. Never had a problem with any except one time a diver speared a lion fish (invasive, kills lots of pretty fish) and the shark came to get the dead lion fish because he smelled the fish blood. Then within just a few minutes several other sharks were doing a wide circle around us. I ditched that guy and ascended a little. 😂😐 (I didn’t know him and he was being careless with his speargun anyway). “I’m out!” We have a rule in diving. If you see a shark, you don’t have to outswim it. You just have to outswim your dive buddy.👍
  8. Random photo dump from diving, taken over the years (except the manatee, which was from snorkeling. By law you can’t dive with them. The sound of the bubbles disrupts their ability to rest in the springs). Triggerfish Tang? Gray Angelfish Why are the photos so blue? The deeper you go, the more color is lost as sunlight dissipates. The colorful photos you see from National Geographic are taken with expensive cameras. Alligator gar Mullet Crow’s nest. Might be the Duane or the Spiegel Grove? (Wrecks in the FL keys) Descending to a wreck Long time friend (Peter, he owns several dive shops) peeking out of a wreck, and me. I love this photo because it looks like we’re neighbors having a chat. Descent for a drift dive Snorkeling with manatees (they come into the springs in winter.. brrr. Air temp maybe 35 degrees. Water temp 70ish. Stay in the water as long as possible! ❄️) I take a thermos of hot chocolate and a fleece lined dive jacket to put on over my wetsuit. How I carve my Jack-o-lanterns. The fish eat the shavings. (We scoop the pumpkin guts out on land and carry the hollow pumpkin to the water) I believe this is a robinfish. They walk on their little claw-fin-thingies. Goliath grouper. This shot is pretty comical. Everyone survived LOL. They thump underwater .. from their throat - very loud! Taking a rest in rainbow river. Dive charter in the FL keys
  9. I wouldn’t chance those as they could have contaminants. Like residues or fragrances from laundry or dish soaps, etc. as well as have been exposed to bacterias in raw meat, yeasts from breads, etc. Then they get set in dirty trunks, on the kitchen floor perhaps, etc
  10. The dorsal fin continues to fill out and his other fins are lengthening. He hasn’t bitten his tail since the tank upgrade.
  11. Not if you get the fine mesh. It's more closely woven than a standard fish net.
  12. That's good. I hope she is able to get something to eat without too much stress. Snoopy chases other fish away from food that's on the bottom. If it's at the top, she doesn't notice it's there.
  13. If you crop them a tiny bit, that should correct the issue.
  14. Aquarium salt is a very good alternative to some inaccessible medicines. It can be used in conjunction with meds as well.
  15. I would recommend adding an extra airstone since they are hanging at the surface. The belly looks a bit sunken, similar to wasting disease, although sometimes this can happen when fish right from the store/supplier were underfed. Let's get a second opinion, though. Paging Dr. @Colu !
  16. When I was pulling all the stuff out of the shrimp tank, which obviously made a mess, I found 2 pristine, dime-sized areas of sand. I am wondering if that was the Malaysian trumpet snails' doing. 🤨 Looked like brand new sand was added in just those 2 spots.
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