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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. 🤣 I’m just making conversation. It has nothing to do with your tank. I’m looking for a better foam myself. I have roll of white/green pond floss that I cut to size for my HOB, but I don’t think it polishes as well as I’d like, so I was thinking about polyfil, unless you can recommend a foam. Polyfil is pretty cheap though.
  2. It’s probably resin as well. I don’t see it as something that would affect parameters.
  3. Well, how could you have known? Because they had all been eating well up until just recently. I’m sorry for your loss.
  4. He’s using it a lot actually. I made it out of that slotted shelf that goes in a breeder box and a suction cup. That, and his pvc tube I have at the surface. That is so awesome!!! Maybe you can make care sheets or helpful tips sheets for the critters. And for the plants kind of like how you’d buy a garden plant, a little tag that says high light, or medium light, or low light. And plant it or leave it out in water column. Etc oooooh and you could make cute little guppysnail business cards You’d be offishial.
  5. Fake rock is something like this, usually made out of resin.
  6. @Shadow last time I bred fish, it was mbunas, and they take care of the eggs themselves. (And then carry the fry around in their mouth.) So I'm afraid I'm of no help in this department!
  7. He's got some combo fin-rot/tail-biting thing going on. He's got a thread here. He is in the hospital tank now but he seems to be actually having a good time in there. He got a shelf to rest on now, and I see him using that a lot. Hopefully if he thinks his fins are heavy he will just chill on the shelf instead of biting them. I am going to turn that hospital tank into his permanent home because it is bigger, and maybe that will make him happier. I am also going to get it onto a proper stand and then he will be able to watch shrimps next door and be entertained by them. I put together the stand yesterday. Just waiting for him to have some more regrowth first.
  8. Imagine if you were buying all the critters - how expensive that would be $$$$$
  9. I've been to Seattle once. I really enjoyed the aquarium! Especially the otters. They are such characters.
  10. The hole in his shell - is that the norm for these guys? Asking bc there is some activity in the hole. Barnacle? Part of the crab? Hydra? Also - do aquatic hermit crabs need to change shells like their landlubber counterparts?
  11. I lived in da Burgh for quite a few years. Go Stillers! 🖤💛
  12. I had York (future mama snail)! She laid the clutches without a mate in the tank. Apparently she was purchased pregnant and started laying several months after I got her. Also you may not know that she is a qualified sand inspector. So helpful inspecting the sand application during the process to ensure proper distribution. It probably felt nice on her foot. One of these is my profile pic. 🥰 The photo from last year shows the battleship she used to sleep in. She had her army helmet on and was ready for anything!
  13. Here is an example of how live plants changed my fish’s behavior. I never saw this prior. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_uTjqOa7VHpcqpSL7ChH786IcFPIxgn2/view?usp=drivesdk
  14. I joined the forum about a year ago, and this is what my tank looked like. (The sand was literally just added before the photo was taken. So clean! Heh.) It’s a cap to the old gravel. This is what it looks like now. My fish behave so much differently with live plants and driftwood. They are mating frequently, and weaving in and out of the plants. They love it.
  15. The photo was taken this morning, and this afternoon I checked on him again and noticed new, clear growth in that split area of his tail. You might be able to see a little in the photo above if you zoom in. Progress! Got the new stand put together today as well.
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