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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Lennie you always have the best GIFs. I figured if I catch it early, we good. I didn’t see any more. Dang skrimps and snails aren’t doing their jobs!
  2. I’m sorry for your losses. 😭 My family and I had fish tanks years ago and we never quarantined anything. We didn’t know about quarantining because there weren’t forums like this one. Most times we lucked out, but not always. I hope that your other puffers gain health and strength.
  3. Your snail is now getting better nutrients than they had previously. Great job!
  4. Hey @nabokovfan87 my tank gave me a gift. A new organism. But it was no match for my secret weapon! ha-HAAAAAAAAA!!!!
  5. Algae? ha-HAAAAAAA!
  6. This is the snail that almost got tossed out with the dirty water! I only have 2 that I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why, but I’m enchanted by these snails. For one, they’re pretty, and for two, they are invisible and pretty much forgotten during the day. They also perform a novel service. Since I shortened my light cycle to cut back on hair algae, I now see them in the evening. I captured a video of the snail flipping over and digging. Prior to the flip, shrimps kept bulldozing over it and reaching into the opening and poking at it, poor fella (or gal). I do not have the same curiosity about my bladder snails.
  7. I had to let the mulm settle in the bucket. I rescued 5 shrimplets throughout the day. I found them by stirring the mulm with a skewer. A 6th almost got dumped in the garden, but was rescued. Then I saw some sand in the bucket and one of my two (that I’ve ever seen) MTS. It took some time but it was also rescued. I spent wayyyyy too long watching it and making sure it was ok after adding it back to the tank. Shrimps kept reaching into its shell and scaring it. Eventually it was able to flip over and dig. Siphoning the shrimp tank is so stressful for me. It’s not the siphoning itself, but the hours after trying to rescue.
  8. A brief moment of silence for my friend’s guppy, Studly. Today, he became lunch for 1 bumblebee cat. Studly leaves behind a wife and a mistress and about 75 children. 😢 Both his wife and his mistress are expecting and thus, his other 50 kids shall never meet or know their father.
  9. Fiddler crabs are a possibility for you! But they also need a “beach” or ramp to climb out onto. Don’t be fooled by the pet store setup (no land for the crabs). That’s a temporary setup until they get sold. They are not fully aquatic.
  10. When I cleaned out Geppetto’s old tank I found a surprising amount of decayed plant matter in the sand from unsuccessful grass runners. While I wasn’t getting any undesired parameter readings, I wonder if that could have played a factor in his health.
  11. I just put a tank up but I took a smaller tank down. Keeping my maintenance and my time reasonable.
  12. Apparently he found a little cave at the base of that mopani decoration and he was hiding out in there earlier. It looked like a fishless tank. Then he popped his head out like, haha! Surprise!
  13. When I lived in Pittsburgh, I heard most people say soda, but occasionally I’d be in a crowd with someone from Ohio and they’d say pop. @TeeJay is from Ohio. @TeeJay, pop? Or soda? And then @Guppysnail I think says “soda pop”.
  14. I saw that it dropped seeds and they were floating around. I didn’t know what to do with them though so I didn’t do anything 🤷🏻‍♀️
  15. I did not. It was pretty big. It’s a breeder box shelf. And admittedly, poorly put together by yours truly. But I gave him 2 leaf hammocks and he’s also been resting on all the plants and the tall thing as well. On leaf hammock @Guppysnail
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