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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Ammonia is one of “the big 3” parameters to test for. It is the most toxic of them all to your aquatic animals. Things can happen in a cycled tank that may still cause ammonia, from food fouling the water, to an organism dying, overstocking, or beneficial bacteria dying (perhaps from a power outage where the media dried out, perhaps from necessary medications or from salt). Various things. Suppose you had a fish that gives birth and you begin feeding powdered food to the fry. You’d want to watch your ammonia level closely with those powdered foods; some hobbyists have had their entire tank die due to an ammonia spike caused by that. Ammonia testing is one of the best preventative measures you can take for the safety of your animals, IMO.
  2. Thanks, it's actually not bad once the meds are in. Molt removal is super quick with the turkey baster. I do pick up the sponge filter to look around it for molts, and the shrimps love to run under it before i put it back down. 🙄 So I push water out at them with the baster to shoo them. LOL
  3. I know, I watched it. It was very calming. I asked Torrey about plants. They said they do ok with Prazi-Pro but they should be taken out because they will drink up some of that medication. I have just a sprig or two in there for the time being.
  4. I did 2" May also be labeled as "o ring silicone" or "o ring lubricant" I'm seeing a foam on top of the water. Might want to do an ammonia test just in case. Foam can also be caused by fish meds, if you've recently used any, or certain dechlorinators (such as Stress Coat).
  5. Thanks. We have different gravel types, mine wasn't the smooth pebbles, it has edges, if that makes sense.
  6. OK. Might take a few days to clear up. If any of the plants are live plants, make sure your cartridges do not have carbon. Carbon removes nutrients the plants need to thrive. If the filter output is decreased, some particulates may have gotten into the pump. You may have to rinse the pump under tap water.
  7. Are you using fine floss or Polyfil? Tagging @nabokovfan87
  8. Pufferfish are awesome. I am too nervous about trimming their teeth though, so I will just live vicariously through you!
  9. It should go to like a dark gold color, which is what it looks like now in your photo, then over time the clutch will have various colors. Some say clutches can get a moldy color, that's because dark shells will start to be visible through the eggs, but I never experienced that because all my snails were gold.
  10. Despite everything we have new shrimplets. Definitely more than when treatment was started. I removed the carbon and cleaned the sponge filter from the wild tank. Going through the water changes today, and treatment will begin tomorrow. This got a little goofed up when I had the contaminant situation and had to add carbon, but now we are back on track. The free calendars that show up in the junk mail have a use after all. Ignore the unhighlighted line. Just revised it to add shrimp lolly the day before water changes for each tank. Best to do it then because they tend to be messy.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Chart description: There are 3 traits that determine their color. A is foot color with dark being dominant. Y is the base color. S is stripes or not with having stripes being dominant.
  12. I’ve seen you post that before @Cinnebuns, I just always lose it. 😂 I just uploaded it to files so I know where it’s at.
  13. Ahh…! I love it! The apisto swims backwards intermittently like my Bolivian ram, Snoopy.
  14. I have hydra in the other thank. Think of a stalk with a claw. On the bottom of the stalk is like a suction cup. None of this description is scientifically accurate, LOL. Here is a video of my hydra. Often hydra are white, but mine are green because they eat algae and the green Repashy powder that I put in the water for my shrimps. They just catch particles that are floating around, and they don’t bother my critters. There are various worms you can get in fish tanks. One is what I call a squiggle-swimmer because it swims like a snake. That’s only if I stir up the substrate too much. For the most part it stays in the substrate and actually eats the waste, so it’s great for the tank. It’s called a detritus worm. Here’s a video I made awhile ago for @nabokovfan87 because he likes worms.
  15. Happy to report a baby MTS surfaced and is alive despite the Prazi-Pro. So I added it to the bucket with Nibbles and the other MTS friends. I don’t really have a way to check on Nibbles. All the decor, driftwood, and plants are in that bucket as well while the treatment is in the tank, and Nibbles is so small. Maybe during the 3 day rest period between courses I can move the stuff back to the tank and check more thoroughly. I did see an adult MTS at the bottom in the little bit of sand that is there. I swirled in some Repashy powder for everybody. I have a feeling my detritus worm friends (only had a few, which I stirred up when siphoning) are likely not going to make it in the tank. Or the limpets. I don’t know about the Hydra, ostracods, copepods. The main thing is we are removing the parasite and getting the shrimps healthy. Also they keep molting in their food dish and then trying to eat it. I remove it asap when I see it, but guys, please - stop eating the molts! I did another water change on the wild tank. As well as rinsed the lid under the tap. I really love those clear shrimp. I think I only have 2.
  16. I tagged you because you have tubs, yes? I imagined mosquito larvae might get into the tubs. But anyways, tasty snack : confirmed! ✅ Also when I checked back on the tank a few hours later, no sign of the larvae. Hmm, I wonder what happened? 🧐
  17. 30-40’ at the bottom. Second dive lost viz and dive buddy on the ascent, it was all stirred up near the surface. Deployed my SMB and got my pickup. Great pic!
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