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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Same. I’m thankful I haven’t seen any. I did remove a lot of molts without inspecting them also. Often doing things on a time crunch. Yes, and they retract fully as well, so like an hour later the shrimp will look fine, then the worms will pop out again. Nasty. That’s my thought too because I didn’t quarantine my shrimp. I didn’t know enough I guess, when I made my purchase.
  2. I didn’t see this on any of mine. Then again a lot of my shrimp are very dark blue / navy.
  3. There must be a journal somewhere, I’m just having trouble finding it for some reason. Photos from @Lennie’s new crab paludarium. Click the sad emoji if you are sad @Lennie didn’t make a journal.
  4. This blog post has some information about the causes. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-algae
  5. For the most part, my nerites eat algae and biofilm, but when they go for a veggie, it's usually a zucchini, especially the rind, so I'd recommend leaving that on. If you get an organic one, you don't have to worry about pesticides @Jackson
  6. Cichlids generally come from one of 3 lakes: Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Victoria. You may hear the terms South American cichlids, or African cichlids. I'm not sure if you have a way of knowing what region the cichlids are from, but it could help you in identifying them later. @Cinnebuns had a nerite that did that too! Kinda cool.
  7. I saw that. I just meant in general, observing it. Don't be surprised if fish change color 🙂
  8. How did you acclimate the nerite? Did you float in the bag, and then add tank water in intervals? Or drip acclimate? Snails do not do well with plop & drop; not saying you did that - just throwing it out there because you said the snail is new to the tank. They can remain in their shell for an extended period of time if not acclimated gently, due to stress. @Cinnebuns anything to add? I don't personally have a tiger nerite. I have olive, zebra, and King Koopa. @Guppysnail
  9. I had mbunas that were mouthbrooders. The one that carried the fry looked like this. Mated with this. The golden mbuna changed color to purple during the circular mating dance, and remained purple ever since. Kind of like this, but more purple. You are going to have loads of fun with the cichlid tank. They need lots of caves, rocks, swim throughs!
  10. What type of nerite is it? I have one called a King Koopa nerite that hibernates for long periods of time. Then when he comes out of it, he goes on massive cleaning sprees.
  11. On pg 1 of this journal there is a post w/ photos of red rocks that shows the massive amounts he eats on a binge.
  12. This ONLY happens with my King Koopa nerite. The other nerites don't hibernate or leave giant waste piles like this.
  13. I always know when Kratos comes out of hibernation. He goes on a MASSIVE binge and this is what happens. This is 2 days’ worth of waste, all from him! His waste is dark brown. Everyone else’s is like an offwhite. In general he hibernates for 2-4 weeks and then binge eats. Unable to get photo; he’s behind the driftwood.
  14. Congratulations are in order. The wilds completed their first week of treatment, AND they had shrimplets. I had to get the huge sponge filter out of there, it was just too big for that tank. I cleaned it in a white dish pan. I like to use that when I know there will certainly be a shrimplet hunt. A lot of shrimplets were rescued (8? 10? Lost count..), but some may have hitched a ride on that sponge which.. is now in Geppetto’s 10gal tank. Yeah.. I know.. 💀 And they did get a lolly to enjoy! And some plants and cholla during this rest period. These wilds haven’t really had lollies up to this point. I offered one in the community tank but they didn’t go for it; I think the fish made them feel uncomfortable. But today they are enjoying it!
  15. Other than the broken links comment posted by @nabokovfan87 (I haven’t tested any links), I am having all of the same issues he mentioned above.
  16. @nabokovfan87 please keep on @Lennie’s case about making a journal bc look what he just got. And dairy cow crabs and vampire crabs. And made a paludarium for them.
  17. Oh, the possibilities! Looking forward to following along as it develops. The wood is really nice. You may want to put it into a bucket of water while you do other stuff because initially it will float.
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