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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Went through one last year. We lost power for, I'd say about 3 days. Some folks were out for 2 weeks. I usually get the trees trimmed before the storms hit so stuff doesn't hit the house. Hmm.. I haven't done that yet this year.. on the to do list! I didn't have any damages last time, just a lot of yard debris (sticks) to pick up.
  2. I love it. The Activ-Flora may leech ammonia for a bit or mess with pH. That's fine. The plants will consume the ammonia as they start to grow, and the pH will stabilize as the tank matures. That's biofilm. Common with a new piece of driftwood. A lot of creatures like to eat it - especially snails and plecos, but some other fish will eat it too. It has protein and fiber. Given you don't have any organisms yet, you can always remove it with a toothbrush and suck it out with a siphon. You should start to see brown diatoms in the near future. Good thinking! That will give you a nice jump start to your cycle.
  3. The weather is getting really awful lately, and hurricanes are back-to-back in the forecast. I finally decided to make the purchase of a few Aquarium Co-Op Air Pumps with Battery Backup. This will supplement my power outage plan w/ nano pumps & battery banks. I really like that a pump can just take over, even when I'm not home. Might as well get everything hooked up properly now for easy transition to the contingency, if that happens.
  4. I shook mine a full minute. Torrey told me to shake it until my arm was about to fall off. LOL Yeah.. poor girl. Think about the girl I first noticed that had it. She had a lot. Can you imagine? Now I realize we are diagnosing things, but also can I just say that watching shrimps doing their little shrimp stuff is so cute?
  5. I doubt it. If hosts are present they should be on a host. Did you shake the hell out of the Prazi? Diluted it in a bottle also? It doesn’t distribute well if just added in straight.
  6. Sheesh. You can catch a break with that, can you? Where are they? In the tank or in the HOB media? Happy to report I have plenty of healthy hydra! I was worried that they’d be wiped out! The micro MTS in the shrimp tank seem to be fine also! Can’t say the same for the limpets. Haven’t seen a single limpet in a while. Confirmed that copepods and ostracods are also doing quite well. I discovered this when inspecting removed molts.
  7. Yes. This looks consistent with scutariella japonica. I can make out the forklike appearance.
  8. That tail is looking so lovely lately. The bottom fin is doing well too; you can see the clear/white regrowth. That leaf hammock there- he loves that. Spends a lot of time on that.
  9. Aw! It’s nice to see the wild types getting some love! I am a big fan of the wilds - they are all different and unique in their own ways! Looks like he’s about to molt too. Shell looking a little loose. Yeah, this guy is hyper! And when he sits, it’s on light sand and then i can’t tell what, if anything, is going on with his little shrimp feets. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Will try to remember this.
  10. Molt jackpot! I inspected the shrimps and I keep getting tricked by the gap between their rostrum and antenna, seeing the light sand through it and thinking that’s a worm. And light reflecting off the shells trick me too! I did inspections from the top down and everyone seems heathy. Except maybe this guy, it looks like he has white stuff on his feet? No clue what that’s about or if I should worry. Someone asked me if any of my blue shrimp have a green spot? I found this guy. I wonder if that’s what they meant? And here are just a few glamour shots. This is the gap that I always think is a worm! I should mention I had a loss today. Inconclusive as to cause. It is only the second loss I’ve had since starting treatment. It may not have even been related to the treatment because everyone else is doing so well, even the newest shrimplets, but I’m told if a shrimp is old/weak already, the treatment is moot for them.
  11. This is wonderful news! Sometimes it's hard to pinpoint the cause. Good to know about the Bettafix. I guess it lived up to its name eh? It fixed the betta! lol
  12. A few times when I had been adding catappa leaf to his tank, he'd keep it floating by putting hundreds of bubbles under the leaf. These are small nests for him, but the first I've seen since he's been added to this 10gal tank. This is how he tells me he's happy with his environment. 🙂 And I may or may not have killed 2 fruit flies in the kitchen this week, and may or may not have fed them to Geppetto. 😉 I'm raising my own live food, folks! I don't give him catappa leaves anymore because they make a mess in the tank without shrimp and snails to eat them. I do make the catappa tea for his water though.
  13. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-algae
  14. They need to eat calcium too. I mix calcium carbonate in my Repashy. Snello 1 recipe 👇 Calcium carbonate is free from Crayfish Empire (just pay shipping). You can snag some of their free snail pellet and snail cookie samples there too.
  15. I noticed a cute kuhli loach eating Repashy in this video. Have you tried offering Repashy to your kuhli kids?
  16. Yet again… I forgot to put the Repashy back in the fridge and it sat out for a good 10 or 11 hours. 😫 So, let’s add making Repashy to this morning’s to do list. I didn't even make cute Repashy in the molds. Just spoon it out of a container, Irene style. Simple! I made Soilent Green w/ calcium carbonate (the fish room staple), and Community Plus. No one likes Community Plus! The tetras repeatedly spat it out, and Snoopy had a taste, looked up at me, looked at the “food”, looked up at me, at the food…extended stare at me….then turned tail and left. Even the snails were eating mega slowly, begrudgingly. One fish, the only fish, that likes it is.. Geppetto! He enjoys foraging on the bottom also, which is a nice change of pace for him because most betta foods float. I will probably give the rest to my friend with 1,000,000 guppies. Guppies will eat anything!
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