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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Yes!! 🙌 Nice. I’ve seen some folks do that when trying to see if their betta could be a community fish.
  2. I’ve been thinking the shrimps don’t have enough to pick at because they really go after those molts. So I gave the wilds the feeding dish from the 29. Snoopy was too involved in that feeding dish and yesterday I saw a snail feeler get nipped when she was trying to go after Repashy. Plus the tetras weren’t allowed near that dish. The dish was slimy with biofilm, and the wilds noticed and are enjoying it. But I also gave them some more used ceramics and some green beans. They’ve been getting Repashy cubes daily, but they go through them in 45 minutes and then look for more food throughout the day. The green beans should resolve the issue. And same with the blue tank. I had to give them an extra Repashy. They go nuts over it. The feeding dish is like Beatlemania right now. The babies love the green beans. Look for clear baby 👇 There are so many blue babies!!!
  3. Tidying up. This is ONE of the places where I store fish room stuff. But the inside of the drawers looked like this. So I got some plastic shoeboxes and categorized things. Air stuff and suction cups. Plant stuff. I was surprised at home many plant weights I found. All new! I love plant weights for multiple things. Weighing down green beans for snails or weighing down new cholla, for example. Also tacking down grass runners from microsword or dwarf sag. Medicine Testing Fish bags and plant bags, bubble wrap. I reuse these when my friend and I give each other snails, fish, shrimp, or plants. The bubble wrap makes a good water diversion aid, and the ziplocks are good for bagging sponge filters before removal from tank. The mesh/cloth plant bags can be reused as filter media. It’s important to keep bags and bubble wrap separate so they don’t get used for other purposes and become unsafe for fish. I have more to accomplish with this cabinet and a few others, but it’s a start. Here’s what it looks like now. Need to buy more shoeboxes. Especially for all the little bits of media leftover from when I cut it. Those can be placed into a media bag and reused, or placed into DIY jar filters or flower pot filters. Happy Father’s Day @Fish Folk, @JettsPapa, @TeeJay, and to all the other human daddies and fish daddies. 💙
  4. @xXInkedPhoenixX keep an eye to make sure one ram doesn’t pick on the other, or prevent the other from getting something to eat. Just something that was mentioned over on my Bolivian ram journal from a couple of followers. It seemed to only occur with 2 Bolivian rams in a tank. (I don’t believe the genders of those rams were known.)
  5. No, that’s some sand from the tank it came out of. What is laying on the glass are the eggs/eggshells.
  6. I am sorry! I looked at the WRONG shrimp. I believe shrimp in question is no longer berried. There are several females in there that are the same color as her, so hard to say exactly which one she is. I found eggs or eggshells strewn about. I don’t know what to make of it. I guess this is what happened. Never encountered this before.
  7. I just checked in on her. She looks like everyone else except she is berried. All her eggs are tucked where they should be now under the swimmerettes. I believe she utilized the airstone to assist, as she was sitting on it and “situating” last time I checked. Gotta admire her resourcefulness. I don’t see shrimplets but I do see a piece of eggshell here & there. If there are shrimplets, I am sure they are in the sponge filter. Also 3 molts were in there that I took out. To bring new readers up to date, my tanks are going through a treatment for scutariella japonica, and I must remove molts as soon as I see them.
  8. I know. They are clear eggshells that have hatched but remained attached to her. Some still contain shrimplets and have the little eyes inside.
  9. Update- all the things under her have little eyeballs! It seems she is giving birth but the eggs are in the wrong position. They are not within her swimmerettes where she can manipulate them around. I released her from the breeder box. She told a male to BACK OFF! And then she went and sat on the airstone. She seems to be using the air to reposition her eggs and/or to help her release shrimplets. She’s upset with the light so I had to turn it off.
  10. Can someone help me understand what I’m seeing? I’m clueless.
  11. This video is old but I still think it’s really cool. Sera sells something like this called a prefilter reactor. They can be daisy chained as well.
  12. Clyde and Clarence are tired of being mistaken for molts. They almost got beamed up two or three times. I saw this shrimp laying down and getting picked on by another shrimp. When she started swimming around, looked at first like fungus, but closer look seems to indicate start of a molt because I see some of this looks just like her legs. (She is taking off her pantyhose, folks.) At least I “think” so. I usually don’t see molting in progress. She’s in a breeder box (in case it could be illness) and has remained perfectly still in there. I will check on her in a bit. Anyone familiar with this? It looks like this woodsy mama is berried. The dust you see is calcium carbonate. It’s from their Repashy.
  13. Thank you for sharing the whole story. Some people wouldn’t share the troublesome parts. We learned more about these creatures based on what you and the other followers have posted here.
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