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  1. Well I know what I'm getting this weekend ☺️
  2. Do shrimp eat it as well? I was planning on neocaridina shrimp as it was.
  3. Nothing too crazy for updates; the tank has been running for about four days. I will say, the tank was noticeably more clear when I came home from work and their was a bit of white algae on the wood and one of the plants. Otherwise, so far so good.
  4. As I was filling the tank with a water, I suddenly realized "I should have soaked my piece of wood", which I then decided "Oh well" and carried on. I filled slowly, as I didn't want to disturb the substrate or newly homed plants. About halfway through as I was feeling more and more confident about the wood, it started to float 😐 Fortunately I had picked up some lava rock, which I wasn't intending to use, but was the perfect solution to keep the wood in place. After filling the tank I hooked the filter up to the air pump, added 4 oz of Fritz Zyme 7 and now I get to play the waiting game 😁 Im biased, but I'm happy with the setup so far. It's basic as hell, but I find it charming. I look forward to being able to add creatures to it.
  5. Bare with me folks as I only slightly know what I'm doing. But nature willing I got the plants mostly positioned in spots I like, though not totally sure about the anubias nana. While breaking apart the plants and preparing to plant, I noticed these orange balls. Eggs? Fertilizer? I squeezed one out of curiosity, it was hard, but has goo inside when it popped.
  6. Alright folks. I took my time, but I started with adding the Activ-Flora to the tank. This was pretty straightforward. I did try to remember my training and have the substrate slope towards the front left corner, but I think I mostly did an "okay" job. I didn't have any fancy aquascaping tools, but I discovered a bamboo spatula works in a pinch 😉 I set the wood pieces into place but discovered some trimming was needed if the sponge filter was going to fit properly. Out to the garage for pruning shears, a couple calculated snips and things were looking good, at least by my standards.
  7. Alright, update coming sooner than I expected. My friend was needing some stuff for his aquarium anyway, so off to Aquarium co-op we went. Nothing too fancy on my end; I decided I was okay with the space being taken up and am using a sponge filter along with the house brand aquarium pump. I also picked up a 16" easy plant led light and it seems to fit perfectly with the tank. Now on to the exciting part, the plants! Between my online research and talking to staff at the shop, I picked out the following. Anubias nana "petite" Moneywort Watersprite Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus With my new supplies in hand and my buddy with some new tank additions, we made our way home for me to begin the setup.
  8. Good catch! I meant c. hastatus or pygmaeus ☺️
  9. Lol it's challenging to decide sometimes. With cories, I feel c. habrosus or hastatus would be best for my tank.
  10. That's the plan, I've never kept chili rasboras and they seem like a good fish, but I'm really torn by them or the ember tetras.
  11. Thanks! Nothing too wild, but I'm considering 6 chili rasboras and 6 pygmy corys. If it's not too crowded, I'd love a couple rocket killifish or blue eyed rainbowfish as my centerpiece fish.
  12. I thought I would try to document my progress and adventures with a small planted tank. I've had aquariums in the past, but I never put a lot of effort into aquarium plants. That changes today. I picked up an in expensive Aqueon ten gallon, nice black stand to put it on and with the wife's approval we are off. 😎 (I'm gonna do my best to post and update as often as I can.)
  13. Ya know, I've ran hob filters and I've used sponge filters in bigger tanks in the past. Maybe I try something new and use an under gravel filter. Lol Do they work well with planted tanks?
  14. Hey everyone, I know this an age old topic, but I seeking some opinions. I'm in the midst of setting up up a ten gallon planted tank. I was planning to go with an easy sponge filter setup, but I've never really used one in a smaller tank. With the limited space should I look into a hang on filter, or am I not giving up that much space? Thanks in advance everyone.
  15. Nothing too wild, as my tank is still in the figuring out stage. I did get a sweet piece of spider wood for the tank though.
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